TPO 4 deer populations of the puget sound - 英檢

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2010-09-27T21:53

Table of Contents

Reduction in numbers of game should have boded ill for their survival in
later times. A worsening of the plight of deer was to be expected as settlers
encroached on the land, logging, burning, and clearing, eventually replacing
a wilderness landscape with roads, cities, towns, and factories.

No doubt the numbers of deer declined still further. Recall the fate of the Columbian white-tailed deer, now in a protected status. But for the black-tailed deer,
human pressure has had just the opposite effect. Wild life zoologist Hulmut
Buechner(1953), in reviewing the nature of biotic changes in Washington
through recorded time, Says that "since the early 1940s, the state has had
more deer than at any other time in its history, the winter population
fluctuating around approximately 320,000 deer (mule and black-tailed deer),
which will yield about 65,000 of either sex and any age annually for an
indefinite period."

8.Which og the following statements about deer population is supported

by the information in paragraph 4?

A: Deer populatios reached their hightest point during the 1940s
and then began to decline

(這個選項應該是錯 and 後面這段話?是嗎)

B: The activities of settlers contributed in unexpected ways to the
growth of some deer populations in later times.




Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2010-10-02T17:51
for the black-tailed, human pressure opposite effect
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2010-10-07T11:02


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2010-09-27T18:51
大家好 小妹預計於十月上旬考托福 由於並未參加補習課程 僅照這版上的各位複習方式進行準備 但是 想說在考前還是要考個幾次感受一下模考的感覺 所以想問各位 是否由推薦的模考方式 是去補習班 (我知道美加有) 抑或有 更適合的補習班也請推薦 還是買書 進行模考 請問一下那一種比較仿真呢 哪個比較有效率呢 還請 ...


William avatar
By William
at 2010-09-27T16:13
登峰的王建民老師上課有上PP破解板 還有很多聽立的東西 要去哪下載哩!! 因為我今天要去下載可是只有單字的錄音檔!! 這些資源老師已經放上去過了嗎 還是要另外去櫃檯要?? - ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2010-09-27T15:22
最近想報哈佛口試小班 爬文看到有人說顧老師不教了 哈佛網站上的師資是還有 線上體驗也有顧老師 有寄信問哈佛了可是沒有回 想問一下有在補的同學 感謝 - ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2010-09-27T13:15
我在圖書館裡有找到這本書 可是光碟卻去向不明 想說既然學校有了就借來看就好 想請問聲音檔網路上有嗎 這裡有這本書的光碟聲音檔的資源嗎 有的話希望能有好心人能船個聲音檔給我 感激不盡!! - ...

911 二戰破百

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2010-09-27T13:07
請問要怎麼克服閱讀 因為弱勢都看皮木會無法理解整篇 若是看完整篇時間作答又不夠 - ...