TPO-31閱讀 #6 - 英檢

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2014-11-27T14:34

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Geographic isolation also can proceedslowly, over great spans of time. We find
evidence of such extended events in the fossil record, which affords glimpses
into the breakup of formerly continuousenvironments. For example, during past
ice ages, glaciers advanced down through North America and Europe and gradually
cut off parts of populations from one another. When the glaciers retreated, the
separated populations of plants and animals came into contact again. Some
groups that had descended from the same parent population were no longer
reproductively compatible— they had evolved into separate species. In other
groups, however, genetic divergences had not proceeded so far, and the
descendants could still interbreed— for them, reproductive isolation was not
completed, and so speciation had not.

Q6 According to paragraph 3, separation of subpopulations by glaciers resulted in
speciation in those groups of plants and animals that

A. were reproductively isolated even after the glaciers disappeared
B. had adjusted to the old conditions caused by the glaciers
C. were able to survive being separated from their parent population
D. had experienced some genetic divergences from their parent population


一種:genetic divergence所以分離後的物種無法和另一物種reproductvely compatible
另一種:因reproductive isolation不完全所以一樣可interbreed



Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2014-12-02T07:07
因為可以interbreed 不是speciation
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2014-12-04T01:46
感謝樓上解惑 瞬間豁然開朗!
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2014-12-05T08:23
Genetic divergence是基因變多樣
reproductive isolation 是指無法交配生出子代吧?
兩者差別是 前者可生出子代 後者不可
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2014-12-08T21:10
應該是這樣 有錯請指證:)
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2014-12-11T02:17
更正一下 Genetic divergence分兩種
reproductively compatible/reproductive isolation
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2014-12-14T03:13

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Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2014-11-26T07:12
同學們好, J2TOEFL 11/29機經出爐! 11/23大陸考試完全重複4/27, 不過11/29應該會回復正常出題情況, 請同學先看小範圍內的紅色題。 歡迎加入J2TOEFL FB社團免費下載: 11/8 聽力命中T32 lecture 2 – Archeolo ...


Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2014-11-26T07:02
今天一早就看到成績了 雖然知道自己非常不上心, 大看到成績還是百感交集。 R14 L23 S23 W22 Total 82 Reading也太爛了吧...... 繼續加油 - ...

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Una avatar
By Una
at 2014-11-26T01:32
成功 不在於你擁有多少資源 而在於你願意分享多少出來 - The Egg 加油 考完記得去投票 :) 11月29號的預測 EGG JJ 和考前答案 已經準備好在這裡給各位考生了 請點選: ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2014-11-25T22:32
andlt;andlt;TOEFL-IBT應考日期及成績andgt;andgt; 11/15,102分 andlt;andlt;英文能力敘述andgt;andgt; GMAT650 andlt;andlt;考試身份andgt;andgt; 全職學生 andlt;andlt;考試地點an ...


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2014-11-25T16:51
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