TPO-20-L-lecture2-Q15 - 英檢

By Charlie
at 2012-02-24T12:39
at 2012-02-24T12:39
Table of Contents
※ 引述《snark (影燕)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《GOKU123 (GOKU)》之銘言:
: : Q:according to the professor, what activities associated with the beginning
: : of agriculture may have slowed or prevented the onset of predicted ice age?2ANS
: : A. the clearing of trees
: : B. the burning of fossil fuels
: : C. the domestication of certain animals
: : D. the cultivation of certain grains
: : 答案是AC
: : 但不知道D為什麼錯
: : 內文有說到certain grains 是導致methane 變多的原因 應該也屬於溫室氣體吧?
: 聽力與閱讀的關鍵之一
: 一開始是練習聽到訊息
: 不過在練習之後 會聽到太多的訊息 所以要練習提煉重點
: 我們來看看ETS如何騙人呢?
: 因為聽力不能先看選項
: 所以要由聽力文章找關鍵
: : 原文相關段落:
: : Well, one of the big differences is human activity. People began to raise
: : crops and animals for
: : food instead of hunting for them. This is the agricultural revolution. And it
: : began to happen in the earliest stages about 11 thousand years ago.
: : Now, scientists have tended to regard ... the ... uh ... agricultural
: : revolution as a beneficiary of the ... uh ... fortuitous2 shift in climate.
: : However, some new theories of climate, new theorists of
: : climate have proposed that perhaps humanity was having an effect on the
: : climate as far back as the beginnings of the agricultural revolution.
: : When you grow crops and uh, pasture your animals, one of the things you do is
: : you cut down the forests.
: 就是這一句有陷阱When這一句提到 grow crops, pasture your animals
: 必須 cut down the forests 砍樹
: 但是這一句並沒有說者兩者會造成氣候變化
: 聽力的關鍵就是掌握考點前的關鍵
: 不論是閱讀或聽力
: if 條件句一定是重點
: 種植與放牧如果會造成氣候影響 是因為 沒有把砍掉的樹種回去
: 換言之 答案中 光是 放牧或種植並非造成氣候影響的原因
: 原因是樹變少了=> CO2 增加 A
agriculture(pasture&growing crops)直接理解為gas增加原因沒問題,
P&G必然伴隨的是allowing no trees to grow=>gas增加
我覺得這是比較specific的闡述,因為如果聽力中是說gorwing animals,
from my perspective, open to discussion.
: If you cut down the forests, when you burn the trees for fuel and don’t replace them with other trees, or when you just
: : leave them to rotand don’t allow other trees to grow,
: : you end up with a lot more carbon in the form of carbon
: : dioxide getting into the atmosphere.
: 另一個陷阱是 the burning of fossil fuels
: 出現聽力中的 burn 和 fuel
: 但是很遺憾的是聽力原文並非 fossil fuels石化燃料
: 所以不能選B
: : Um ... another gas associated with the spread of agriculture is methane.
: Another 出現時 就是另一個原因了 methane 增加
: 由於平行結構 你之前應該要知道某種氣體的增加與氣候的關係
: (CO2 造成其增加的原因是 砍樹.燒柴.不種回)
: : Methane forms in large concentration above wetlands, and as it turns out,
: : the cultivation of certain grains creates vast
: methane 增加 的原因
: cultivation of certain grains 時wetland 增大
: as it turns out 結果發現
: 正是因果句型
: 只是沒有because
: 換言之本文的兩個選項A.D其實是考你有沒有聽到這兩種溫室氣體的產生關鍵
: another 是我解題的題眼
: : areas of artificial wetlands, and probably drastically increases the amount
: : of methane getting into the atmosphere, over and above what would be there.
: : 不好意思不會用顏色把主要句子標出來><"
: : 還請大家幫忙^^
: ※ 引述《GOKU123 (GOKU)》之銘言:
: : Q:according to the professor, what activities associated with the beginning
: : of agriculture may have slowed or prevented the onset of predicted ice age?2ANS
: : A. the clearing of trees
: : B. the burning of fossil fuels
: : C. the domestication of certain animals
: : D. the cultivation of certain grains
: : 答案是AC
: : 但不知道D為什麼錯
: : 內文有說到certain grains 是導致methane 變多的原因 應該也屬於溫室氣體吧?
: 聽力與閱讀的關鍵之一
: 一開始是練習聽到訊息
: 不過在練習之後 會聽到太多的訊息 所以要練習提煉重點
: 我們來看看ETS如何騙人呢?
: 因為聽力不能先看選項
: 所以要由聽力文章找關鍵
: : 原文相關段落:
: : Well, one of the big differences is human activity. People began to raise
: : crops and animals for
: : food instead of hunting for them. This is the agricultural revolution. And it
: : began to happen in the earliest stages about 11 thousand years ago.
: : Now, scientists have tended to regard ... the ... uh ... agricultural
: : revolution as a beneficiary of the ... uh ... fortuitous2 shift in climate.
: : However, some new theories of climate, new theorists of
: : climate have proposed that perhaps humanity was having an effect on the
: : climate as far back as the beginnings of the agricultural revolution.
: : When you grow crops and uh, pasture your animals, one of the things you do is
: : you cut down the forests.
: 就是這一句有陷阱When這一句提到 grow crops, pasture your animals
: 必須 cut down the forests 砍樹
: 但是這一句並沒有說者兩者會造成氣候變化
: 聽力的關鍵就是掌握考點前的關鍵
: 不論是閱讀或聽力
: if 條件句一定是重點
: 種植與放牧如果會造成氣候影響 是因為 沒有把砍掉的樹種回去
: 換言之 答案中 光是 放牧或種植並非造成氣候影響的原因
: 原因是樹變少了=> CO2 增加 A
agriculture(pasture&growing crops)直接理解為gas增加原因沒問題,
P&G必然伴隨的是allowing no trees to grow=>gas增加
我覺得這是比較specific的闡述,因為如果聽力中是說gorwing animals,
from my perspective, open to discussion.
: If you cut down the forests, when you burn the trees for fuel and don’t replace them with other trees, or when you just
: : leave them to rotand don’t allow other trees to grow,
: : you end up with a lot more carbon in the form of carbon
: : dioxide getting into the atmosphere.
: 另一個陷阱是 the burning of fossil fuels
: 出現聽力中的 burn 和 fuel
: 但是很遺憾的是聽力原文並非 fossil fuels石化燃料
: 所以不能選B
: : Um ... another gas associated with the spread of agriculture is methane.
: Another 出現時 就是另一個原因了 methane 增加
: 由於平行結構 你之前應該要知道某種氣體的增加與氣候的關係
: (CO2 造成其增加的原因是 砍樹.燒柴.不種回)
: : Methane forms in large concentration above wetlands, and as it turns out,
: : the cultivation of certain grains creates vast
: methane 增加 的原因
: cultivation of certain grains 時wetland 增大
: as it turns out 結果發現
: 正是因果句型
: 只是沒有because
: 換言之本文的兩個選項A.D其實是考你有沒有聽到這兩種溫室氣體的產生關鍵
: another 是我解題的題眼
: : areas of artificial wetlands, and probably drastically increases the amount
: : of methane getting into the atmosphere, over and above what would be there.
: : 不好意思不會用顏色把主要句子標出來><"
: : 還請大家幫忙^^
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