TPO-20-L-lecture2-Q15 - 英檢

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2012-02-22T18:14

Table of Contents

Q:according to the professor, what activities associated with the beginning
of agriculture may have slowed or prevented the onset of predicted ice age?2ANS

A. the clearing of trees
B. the burning of fossil fuels
C. the domestication of certain animals
D. the cultivation of certain grains


內文有說到certain grains 是導致methane 變多的原因 應該也屬於溫室氣體吧?

Well, one of the big differences is human activity. People began to raise
crops and animals for
food instead of hunting for them. This is the agricultural revolution. And it
began to happen in the earliest stages about 11 thousand years ago.

Now, scientists have tended to regard ... the ... uh ... agricultural
revolution as a beneficiary of the ... uh ... fortuitous2 shift in climate.
However, some new theories of climate, new theorists of
climate have proposed that perhaps humanity was having an effect on the
climate as far back as the beginnings of the agricultural revolution.
When you grow crops and uh, pasture your animals, one of the things you do is
you cut down the forests. If you cut down the forests, when you burn
the trees for fuel and don’t replace them with other trees, or when you just
leave them to rotand don’t allow other trees to grow,
you end up with a lot more carbon in the form of carbon
dioxide getting into the atmosphere.

Um ... another gas associated with the spread of agriculture is methane.
Methane forms in large concentration above wetlands, and as it turns out,
the cultivation of certain grains creates vast
areas of artificial wetlands, and probably drastically increases the amount
of methane getting into the atmosphere, over and above what would be there.



Tags: 英檢

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Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2012-02-27T05:52
我的TPO20 那題的答案是AD
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2012-03-01T10:02


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2012-02-22T00:59
我一開始用家裡的傳真機傳真,Canon MX366 那台, 雖然步驟應該沒有錯誤,但是傳完後,螢幕最後顯示and#34;僅傳送xxxxand#34; 雖然過程有發出嗶嗶聲,中間也有跳出and#34;已傳送and#34;字樣, 但是我實在不太確定到底有沒有真的傳出去, 後來又試了好幾次,結果...我突然 ...


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2012-02-21T23:42
※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1FGxaGxJ ] 作者: sammy7009 (sammy) 看板: Gossiping 標題: [問卦] 有沒有台灣越來越多人托福滿分的八卦 時間: Tue Feb 21 23:32:29 2012 托福考試越改越難 台灣人由於環境口音等等因素 口說 ...


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2012-02-21T23:18
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Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2012-02-21T22:14
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Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2012-02-21T18:48
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