TPO-18 Industrialization in the Neth … - 英檢

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2010-10-28T16:42

Table of Contents

會不會是因為文中敘述一開始Demark & Norway人口最少,
Sweden & Netherlands人口較多,
Norway & Sweden變為人口密度最少,



※ 引述《tbrsun (John Lee)》之銘言:
: Paragraph 2
: All has small populations. At the beginning of the nineteenth century,
: Denmark and Norway had fewer than 1 million people, while Sweden and
: the Netherlands had fewer than 2.5 million inhabitants. All exhibited
: moderate growth rates in the course of the century, but all more than
: doubled in population by 1900. Density varied greatly. The Netherlands
: had one of the highest population densities in Europe, whereas Norway and
: Sweden had the lowest Denmark was in between but closer to the Netherlands.
: 2.Paragraph 2 suggest which of the following about the importance of
: population density in the industrialization of the Netherland and
: Scandinavia?
: A.It was more important factor than population siza.
: B.It was more influential than the rate of population.
: C.It was more important in the early stages than it was later.
: D.It was not a significant factor.
: 答案為D
: 請問大家要如何從文章中找出not a significant factor的線索呢?
: 感謝大家了~

Tags: 英檢

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Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2010-10-29T08:04


Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2010-10-28T16:23
請問是正式考托福時 句子的開頭要大寫的地方沒大寫 這樣我會被扣分嗎??? 還是沒關係 因我我打字來不及大小寫 想知道這樣是否會被扣很多分呢?? 感謝回答 - ...

TPO-18 Industrialization in the Netherlands and Scandina

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2010-10-28T15:51
Paragraph 2 All has small populations. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, Denmark and Norway had fewer than 1 million people, while Sweden and the ...

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Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2010-10-28T10:28
您好: 很謝謝你在版上的分享,我可以請問一下考試介面的黃金閱讀檔案你是在哪裡找到的 嗎?因為我只找得到pdf或word檔的,謝謝你:) - ...


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