David avatar
By David
at 2013-10-09T20:54

Table of Contents

14.Answer Choices:
○1. Asteroid impacts, evolutionary developments, and changes in Earth' s
climate and in the positions of the continents have all been proposed as
possible causes of mass extinctions.
○2. Researchers have observed 26-million-year cycles in extinction rates of
a number of fossil groups that could all be attributed to the same cause.
○3. According to the Alvarez hypothesis, much of the iridium originally
present on Earth was thrown into the atmosphere as a result of an asteroid
impact that also caused a mass extinction.
○4. The unusual distribution of iridium on Earth and the presence of craters
and heat-shocked quartz are central to the theory that an asteroid impact caused
the late Cretaceous event.
○5. The collision between Earth and a large asteroid resulted in massive
damage and generated enough heat to cause irreversible changes in Earth's
○6. There was a particularly large mass extinction that occurred around 250
million years ago at the end of the Permian period, whose cause could not be
Researchers have observed 26-million-year cycles in extinction rates of
a number of fossil groups that could all be attributed to the same cause.

這邊講到the same cause 該段也沒說倒是發生於同一原因
這個同一個原因是第四段後面討論的a companion star?

Tags: 英檢

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Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2013-10-13T19:22
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2013-10-14T19:41
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2013-10-15T19:40


Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2013-10-09T11:34
鑒於各位托福考生先進 都推說TPO多寫可以增進分數 於是我幾乎花所有力氣與時間在TPO上 寫了快三四個月 也做完23篇TPO 雖說分數是有進步 可能是由於我資質魯鈍吧 分數還是沒達到理想成績 由於手邊的TPO題目都做完 也都檢討完了 突然不知道該拿什麼東西準備 在想是不是要再一次把23篇TPO在 ...

台北銘傳STN12198A 北車地球村STN13195A

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2013-10-09T10:19
[評議] 1. 考場代碼: STN12198A STN13195A 2. 考場名稱: 台北銘傳基河校區 台北站前地球村 3. 考場交通:方便 劍潭站出來約10分鐘 方便 台北車站出來約5分鐘 ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2013-10-09T08:06
我考了兩次 第一次Writing拿了FF分數是21 這次考試終於拿了GG,但分數卻只有24 只進步3分.... 看了板友的心得文大部分GG幾乎都有25~30阿... 有的甚至GF就有26了 剛好破百一點有必要複查嗎 感覺冒這個險有點不值得,但又有點不甘心! - ...

一戰106 美加+J2 非正規念書法

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2013-10-09T02:00
[個人背景] [學校] NTU BICD [英文程度] 學測14級、指考87.5、GMAT 690 [分數] R 28 L 28 S23(FFF) W 27(GG) 總分106 [考場] 9/29 公館地球村 [內文] 認真覺得托福沒有甚麼考試技巧 是實際上的英語程度 說要能迅速大幅度進步的話比 ...

9/28一戰110 自修一個月+送佛三周衝刺班

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2013-10-09T01:44
《考試日期》2013/09/28 《考場》漢口地球村 《成績》R29 / L28 / S26(GGF) / W27(GG) / total 110 《求學背景》政大外交所 碩二 《英文能力簡述》四年前大三考多益875 《準備時間》今年7月初~考試前: 每天最少2小時 最多5小時 --------- ...