TPO 15 - 英檢

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2011-03-13T13:17

Table of Contents

American paleontologists David Raup and John Sepkoski, who have studied
extinction rates in a number of fossil groups, suggest that episodes of
increased extinction have recurred periodically, approximately every 26
million years since the mid-Cretaceous period.The late Cretaceous
extinction of the dinosaurs and ammonoids was just one of the more drastic
in a whole series of such recurrent extinction episodes. The possibility
that mass extinctions may recur periodically has given rise to such
hypotheses as that of a companion star with a long-period orbit deflecting
other bodies from their normal orbits, making some of them fall to Earth as
meteors and causing widespread devastation upon impact.

According to paragraph 4, what aspect of extinction episodes does the companion
-star hypothesis supposedly clarify?
○Their location
○Their frequency
○Their duration
○Their severity

麻煩高手們看一下 謝謝

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2011-03-15T08:23
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2011-03-16T07:50
have recurred periodically


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2011-03-12T19:43
剛剛在太傻板看到的 據說是竹子老師非常確定的版本 閱讀+口說:10.1.22 NA 聽力+獨立寫作:09.9.19 NA 整合寫作會出新題 雖然說是很確定的版本 不過大家還是要好好背單字、背模板 別太依賴機精囉!!! 祝福明天要考試的大家(包括我)都能順利破百!!!!! BTW 我晚點找一下10 ...

IBT91 vs. IELTS6.5

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2011-03-12T15:16
不好意思雖然是月經文了 但是爬文很久後還是沒有頭緒 我想申請的學校要求托福91 或是 雅思6.5 也要求要考GRE 我目前程度大約是中高級初試過 預計五月底會考GRE 七月中考托福or雅思 意思是有四個月可以準備 托福也是ETS辦的 如果要考GRE好像應該直接衝托福會比較順 可是我的聽 ...


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2011-03-12T14:21
閱讀 第一題是鹿角 091204 北美 第二題也是機經 酸雨造成的侵蝕 第三題是 瑞士製錶和美國製錶歷史比較 口說 好像是問想效法的人有關的吧 我是說我爸啦XD 第二題是問你 當你假期時你喜歡去很多地方還是一個地方 機經都很有用但是也沒很幫助因為還是要自己懂 我覺得我的寫作爆了. ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2011-03-11T17:32
檔案下載下來有毀損... 反正就先分級給大家看囉! 第一級:最重要一定要看 090123 NA 090227 NA 090403 NA 090912 CN 091010 CN 第二級:次重要,也要看 091017 NA 091031 NA 091107 NA 091204 NA 091219 NA 第三 ...


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2011-03-11T16:39
請問一下 我想複查成績 複查表格中有要填寫一個叫做registration number的 這個如果紙本成績單還沒下來的話 是要在哪裡看呢 這個registration#應該跟帳號裡的 ETS ID不同吧 請教一下 唉 1/30的紙本真的出的XX慢 -- - ...