TPO-14 children and advertising - 英檢

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2011-02-11T16:13

Table of Contents


Advertisements can be misleading to children when the advertisements use audio
and visual formats that are espcially appealing to children.

answer choices:
1. children may not be able to interpret exaggerated claims made by advertisers
or understand the disclaimers used to offset claims.

2. although the use of celebrities is not necessarily effective in
advertisemens aimded at children, there is evidence that host selling can
positively affect their views of a product.

3. studies show that misleading tactics are used most often in commercials
for breakfast cereals, with toy commercials using such tactics only
slightly less frequently

4. the use of fantasy is especially common in advertisements for children,
but children may not be able to distinguish fantasy from reality

5. very young children are particularly influenced by host selling, while
slightly older children are more readily misled by seemingly rational
claim such as 'the best'.

6. advertisements can be misleading to children when the advertisements
use audio and visual formats that are especially appealing to children.



Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2011-02-15T07:27
不知道是不是因為especially appealing 這句
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2011-02-18T03:55
因為受影響主要不是因為audio和visual formats
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2011-02-19T15:12
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2011-02-20T08:26


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2011-02-11T12:56
已爬文!! 因為計次堂數的問題 想請教大家登峰課程的問題!! 目前寫作確定會上劉增榮老師的12堂托福寫作 閱讀會照板上建議的王靖前六堂課 現在問題是: 口說的任紹維老師andamp;托福聽力的馬翎 請問大家有比較建議上哪堂數就好嗎? 煩請有上過課的大家給點意見~ 謝謝大家!! - ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2011-02-11T10:42
如題 小的是1/30號的 個人閱讀分數是 GLF =23 個人覺得...中間的Limited 有點弔詭 請問這樣去複查會有轉圜的餘地嗎? 畢竟我96.... 有人有碰過相同的狀況嗎? 就是自覺口說或寫作給的答案不差 但成績很差這樣 請前輩們賜教 謝謝.. 另外就是...我的寫作成績是 ...

複查 收到Receipt Confirmation了

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2011-02-11T10:38
第一次複查 2/2傳真寄出 傳真後並未寄信給ETS(因為想說一定會收到罐頭訊息) 今天2/11收到Order Receipt Confirmation 可見真的不用寄信是ok的! ETS真的就在8-10個工作天寄信給我了 前天還在想說要不要主動寄信去問 果然像版上說得一樣 當你想要寄信後隔1- ...


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2011-02-11T09:58
想補托福 但是實力不夠 所以也是從先修課程開始 我約有一年準備時間 全職唸書無工作 (目前程度 多益分數不到400分 現自修大家說英語 練聽力) 關於補習班 已爬文+網路資訊(感覺部分是商業手法) 目前已排除and#34;美加and#34; (因為想參加小班制 希望人數能在15人以下) 剩4家在考 ...


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2011-02-10T23:58
這禮拜六就要上考場了 由於是第一次考試 可以請問一下有考過的人口說的計時方式是 (1)只有一個時間條會跑 還是 (2)時間條+阿拉伯數字的秒數 可以順道問一個我雖然知道答案 但卻還是放不下心的事情嘛 加試題真的可以亂寫或不寫嘛? 我是打算輕鬆寫過 然後重點是留時間刻模版 這樣可以嘛?! ...