tpo 11 begging by nestlings - 英檢

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2011-01-10T12:35

Table of Contents

Answer choices
○1. Songbird species that are especially vulnerable to predators have evolved ways of
reducing the dangers associated with begging calls.
○2. Songbird parents focus their feeding effort on the nestlings that beg loudest for food.
○3. It is genetically disadvantageous for nestlings to behave as if they are really hungry when
they are not really hungry.
○4. The begging calls of songbird nestlings provide a good example of overly damaging cost to
signalers of signaling.
○5. The success with which songbird nestlings communicate their hunger to their parents is
dependent on the frequencies of the nestlings' begging calls.
○6. Songbird nestlings have evolved several different ways to communicate the intensity of
their hunger to their parents.




Tags: 英檢

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TPO11 begging by nestlings

George avatar
By George
at 2011-01-10T12:33
Paragraph 4:Given that predators can make it costly to beg for food, what benefit do begging nestlings derive from their communications? One possibility is ...


Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2011-01-10T11:58
想要找一位膽大心細托福高手 來教導我和幫助我 但是也不一定要會教 haha 如果人有意願請站內信 也算做做好事摟 - ...


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2011-01-10T04:01
各位好 有關於機經 我下載機經後 把口說及寫作部份 稍微重新排版了一下 雙面列印的話是各三頁(不過字體有點小) 提供給有需要的人 謝謝 若無法下載的話 就請留個e-mail吧 ...


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2011-01-09T15:00
[評議] 1. 考場代碼:忘了 我是在B考場 2. 考場名稱:板文地球村 3. 考場交通:新埔站四號出口出來 回頭走路約五分鐘 蠻好找的 4. 隔音效果:普普通通但不算糟糕 三面都有隔板不會被別人走來走去影響我覺得不錯 5 ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2011-01-09T00:38
各位好 有關於考場的麥克風試音測試 我的方法是用手指連續輕敲擊麥克風收音的位置 直到出現 and#34;試音成功and#34; 而非講出describe the city you live in.來測試麥克風 這樣子就比較不會影響到別人答題 因為需要專注力來作答閱讀 再者戴上耳機後 也可確認麥克風有在嘴巴旁邊 ...