TOP閱讀 Biological clocks插句題 - 英檢
By Andy
at 2011-06-03T12:02
at 2011-06-03T12:02
Table of Contents
前面的but also-because…再加上插入句的第二個because都是在說明external cue和
internal clock的關係,然後接Yet despite轉折再加上第三段的without the external
(以上內容由美加 蔡睿老師提供)
※ 引述《FenderST54 (Fender)》之銘言:
: 答案為B 但我覺得B選起來有點突兀
: 我的想法是
: A不能選 因為後面有such an
: D不能選 drift明顯是連句
: C看起來可以 因為後面接著提到external相關 至於為什麼答案要B我就不知道了
: 懇請解答 謝謝!
: Paragraph 3:Animals need natural periodic signals like sunrise to maintain a
: cycle whose period is precisely 24 hours. ■Such an external cue not only
: coordinates an animal's daily rhythms with particular features of the local
: solar day but also—because it normally does so day after day-seems to keep
: the internal clock's period close to that of Earth's rotation. ■Yet despite
: this synchronization of the period of the internal cycle, the animal's timer
: itself continues to have its own genetically built-in period close to, but
: different from, 24 hours. ■Without the external cue, the difference
: accumulates and so the internally regulated activities of the biological day
: drift continuously, like the tides, in relation to the solar day. ■This
: drift has been studied extensively in many animals and in biological
: activities ranging from the hatching of fruit fly eggs to wheel running by
: squirrels. Light has a predominating influence in setting the clock. Even a
: fifteen-minute burst of light in otherwise sustained darkness can reset an
: animal's circadian rhythm. Normally, internal rhythms are kept in step by
: regular environmental cycles. For instance, if a homing pigeon is to navigate
: with its Sun compass, its clock must be properly set by cues provided by the
: daylight/darkness cycle.
: 13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence
: could be added to the passage.
: Because the internal signals that regulate waking and going to sleep tend to
: align themselves with these external cues, the external clock appears to
: dominate the internal clock.
: Where would the sentence best fit?
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莫清崴博士/江璞教授 主講 歡迎蒞臨
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