Toeic 文法討論 day.1 (解答對照) - 自學

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2006-12-11T20:54

Table of Contents

※ 引述《drefly (一個人的習慣)》之銘言:
: 1. The ode was original a ceremonial poem written to celebrate public
: A B C
: occasions or exalted subjects.
: D
: Ans: A, i think that original should be "originate", i am not sure.
→我覺得應該是originally,S是 the ode,動詞是was,後面接了一個主詞補語
a ceremomial poem,用副詞來修飾後面的SC,而"written...exalted subjects"是
用來形容前面的poem,written 可以用which was written代替,因為這首詩是被寫的,

: 2. Knowledge of the rate at which a ship is traveling through the water
: A B C
: is important if the navigator need to estimate the time of arrival.
: D
: Ans: D, but i don't know why.
→ needs,the navigator是第三人稱

: 3. The earth is the only planet with a large number of oxygen in its atmosphere.
: A B C D
: Ans: B, because oxygen is uncountable, number should be amount

4. Robert Frost was not well known as a poet until he reached the forties.
: A B C D
: Ans: D, i think that "the" should be "to", i am not sure.
→我覺得不用the,可以直接寫reach forties嗎?

5. Multicolored woodcuts must be printed with as many blocks
: as _______ colors in the composition.
: (A) there are (B) many (C) some of (D) it is
: Ans: A

: 6. A painter who lived most of his life in the Middle West, Grant wood
: A B C
: has called America's "Painter of the Soil."
: D
: Ans: D, i don't know how to correct it.
→has been called被稱做

: 7. While ancient times people simply painted inanimate objects,
: A
: during the Renaissance the painting of "still life"
: B C
: developed as an accepted art form.
: D
: Ans: A, i don't know why.
→我覺得答案應該是D,developed應該改成was developed,因為它是被發展的。

: 8. The American frontiersman, politician, and soldier Davy crockett
: A
: is one of the most popular of American hero.
: B C D
: Ans: D, hero should be "heros"

: 9. Three months after they have been laid, crocodile eggs are ready hatched.
: A B C D
: Ans: D, i guess that hatched should be hatching.
→ready to be hatched,這些蛋是被孵化,所以要用被動。

10. Peas require rich soil, constant moistures, and a cool growing season
: A B C
: to develop well.
: D
: Ans: B, moisture is uncountable, not moistures

Tags: 自學

All Comments

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2006-12-13T16:51
7.的D並沒錯因為省略"which was"
James avatar
By James
at 2006-12-14T10:55
7的D沒錯,是整句話的動詞,A改為while in ancient times??
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2006-12-18T19:40
9.ready to hatch??(英文的蛋孵化好像是主動)
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2006-12-19T13:15
補充說明7,while當連接詞,ancient times前需介係詞..^^a

Toeic 文法討論 day.1 (解答對照)

David avatar
By David
at 2006-12-11T16:42
1. The ode was original a ceremonial poem written to celebrate public A B C occasions or exalted subjects. ...

Toeic 文法討論 day.1

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2006-12-11T16:28
1. The ode was original a ceremonial poem written to celebrate public A B C occasions or exalted subjects. ...

Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC Test購書問題

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2006-12-11T16:06
因為在博客來網站看到兩本 Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC Test: Advanced Course的書 一本是Longman Preparation Series for the Toeic Test: Advanced Course http://ww ...


David avatar
By David
at 2006-12-11T16:04
me too THX^^ ※ 引述《wenlin93 (helen)》之銘言: : Dear all, : I also want to join this club. : : Thanks!! ...


Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2006-12-11T15:42
Dear all, I also want to join this club. Thanks!! : : sabrine0463 : : bookstore ...