TOEFL iBT Performance Feedback for Test Takers From ETS - 英檢

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2008-11-28T21:44

Table of Contents

ETS 有個針對聽說讀寫不同程度所給的個別建議 不確定是否有人PO過 就先PO了

在55頁之後的表格 是許多相當有用而且實在的學習與考試準備方法

下面落落長的英文 是ETS給"中級程度的讀聽能力"的建議

Parts of information really helps me a lot so I would like to share with
you guys. Please see "Performance Feedback for Test Takers P.55"

you can also download from this page,
This file is named "TOEFL iBT Tips (PDF)"

Those strategies are based on well-considered analysis by following
theory and principle of learn psychology. In addition, those tips provide
me a convinence but powerful access to improve English.

Except from figures of intermediates level (only reading and listening)↓


Read as much and as often as possible.
Study the organization of academic texts and overall structure of reading
passages. Read an entire passage from beginning to end.

■ Pay attention to the relationship between the main ideas and the
supporting details.

■ Outline the text to test your understanding of the structure of the
reading passage.

■ Write a summary of the entire passage.
▶ If the text is a comparison, be sure that your summary reflects that.
If the text argues two points of view, be sure both points of view
are reflected in your summary.
Continually expand your vocabulary by developing a system for recording
unfamiliar words.

■ Group words according to topic or meaning and study the words as a
list of related words.

■ Study roots, prefixes and suffixes; study word families.

■ Use available vocabulary resources, such as a good thesaurus or a
dictionary of collocations (words commonly used together).



Practice listening in English daily. Gradually increase the amount of time
that you spend listening, the length of the listening selections and the diffi
culty of the material.

■ Listen to different kinds of materials on a variety of topics:
▶ Start with familiar topics; then move to topics that are new to you.
▶ Listen to audio and video material on tape/DVD or recorded from
TV, radio and the Internet.
▶ Listen to programs with academic content, such as NOVA, BBC and
NPR broadcasts.
▶ Listen to conversations and phone recordings.

■ Listen actively:
▶ Take notes as you listen for main ideas and important details.
▶ Ask yourself about basic information (Who? What? When? Where?
Why? How?).
▶ Make predictions about what you will hear next.
▶ Summarize.
▶ Write down new words and expressions.

■ For more difficult material, listen several times:
1. First listen with English subtitles, if they are available;
2. Then, without subtitles, listen for the main ideas and key details;
3. Then listen again to fill in gaps in your basic understanding and to
understand the connections between ideas, the structure of the talk
and the speakers’ attitude.


Please check remaining suggestion in file.

By the way, the copyright belong to ETS, and please feel free to
point out my errors.

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2008-12-01T21:15
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2008-12-05T03:01
已收至精華區 增強英文能力 其它
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2008-12-06T22:06
correction: provide me convenient and powerful access..


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2008-11-28T18:35
發現康老師的jj包已經不在提供了阿atat 不曉得有沒有人有較詳細的2008jj包呢? 主要是1月份之後的 謝謝~ - ...


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2008-11-28T18:02
不知道會不會很難找 我是這禮拜天要上戰場了 想請教有去過的可以講詳細點嗎? 謝謝 - ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2008-11-28T17:38
我的問題是出在朗文寫作練習這本 薄薄的 分四本的那個系列 整合寫作部分 他出的題目幾乎不像其他我看到的題目 讀跟聽的部分往往是講不同主題 而非正跟反或是 supportive 要整合寫出一篇好文章相對對我有點難度 爬過文後 發現2007有位朋友也有類似的問題.. 惟有一位板友有說 考是一定是會互相對應的很 ...

網路成績出來以後到加發送到學校要多久 …

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2008-11-28T17:15
請問一下 大家都是先申請學校再考托福的嗎? 如果還沒申請可以用免費的加發嗎? 不行的話會怎樣阿? 因為我還沒丟文件給學校 可是我托福已經有加發了 不行的話是不是我之後還要自費加發一次呢? 謝謝 ※ 引述《NanFish (厭倦)》之銘言: : 我想請問 : 網路的成績出來 然後申請加發 到到那 ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2008-11-28T17:15
我之前在板上有看到一篇文章 他說補習的老師跟他說過 托福的閱讀很多字句都是為了要出考題所以才安插進去的 然後他還舉了不少例子 看了之後感覺很有幫助 請問有誰有保留那邊文章嗎? 因為我稍微爬了一下文還是找不到 謝謝 - ...