TimothyBloomPossibilities歌詞 - 生活

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2012-01-09T00:00

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Timothy Bloom - Possibilities
我要這首個的中英歌詞 ...
Tags: 生活

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Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2012-01-11T08:25
I had a conversation with myself 我一直對著自己思考著,
Going back and forth, picking the pieces apart過去的從前. 試著挖掘記憶中的片段
Lining them one by one一個個揭開他們
Has made me realize that what's inside me isbreaking me down這使我了解是,甚麼使我墬落
I'm not the man that I used to know如果我不是那個,從前認識的我
I've got so much to give and little to show我會拿出更多的暗示
And if loving you now is my mistake如果現在才愛你,是我的錯誤
Then I'll give it all up before your heartstarts to break那我將會在你心碎以前,讓你知道這一切
It's not you, it's me getting in the way ofpossibilities
What is it about your love這些多是因為你的愛
That makes me wanna go for changes這讓我想去改變
Only you could make it better只有你可以讓它更好
You need to light the sky to ease the moon你要用光去照亮天空中的月亮
Give the light to the pain in my darkness用光照亮我心中的黑暗
Only you could shine through
‘Cause I believe that I'm not the man that Iused to know因為我相信我不是那個,從前我認識的人
I've got so much to give and little to show那麼我會拿出更多的暗示
And if loving you now is my mistake如果我現在才愛你是我的錯誤
Then I'll give it all up before your heartstarts to break那我將會在你心碎以前,讓你知道
It's not you, it's me getting in the way ofpossibilities
Day comes the window to all 有一天所有的窗戶
Reflecting from this lonely heart of mine反射出在我心中的寂寞
I regret the day if I was ever did cause oflosing you我很後悔那一天如果因為我失去了你
Losing you
I'm not the man that I used to know現在我不是那個從前我認識的人
I've got so much to give and little to show那麼我會拿出更多的暗示
And if loving you now is my mistake如果我現在才愛你是我的錯誤
Then I'll give it all up before your heartstarts to break那我將會在你心碎以前讓你知道這一切
It's not you, it's me getting in the way
And if loving you now is my mistake如果我現在才愛你是我的錯誤
Then I'll give it all up before your heartstarts to break那我將會在你心碎以前讓你知道這一切
It's not you要不是因為你
如果文法上有甚麼錯誤,請您提出我會改進 Tanks U a lots


Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2012-01-09T00:00
過年想到高雄玩要坐火車去~~一天的行程要去駁二特區~眷村~新崛江~還有瑞豐夜市如過要做捷運~怎麼搭比較順~~~可 ...


Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2012-01-09T00:00
你好~想請問一下~家裡住在大樓10/14(有加壓馬達)~目前用的是10L熱水器~因有零件損壞,導致關掉熱水後再開水就會很 ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2012-01-09T00:00
我想請問各位今年過年拿紅包後我想要買新的顯卡但是因為前幾天的教訓讓我不敢亂買==前幾天我買了一張GT520((怒 ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2012-01-09T00:00
3.承第二個問題,�� ...


Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2012-01-09T00:00