Taiwan internet use at all-time high: … - 澎湖

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2008-12-20T15:08

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※ 引述《smilelong (smilelong)》之銘言:

原文連結 http://www.etaiwannews.com/etn/news_content.php?id=817900

隨便翻譯一些重點,專業的板友趕快來補充一下 XDDD


: The number of internet users in Taiwan reached a record high of nearly 14
: million in the year 2008, a 0.7 million increase over last year, according to
: a new survey on Taiwan's digital divide revealed by the cabinet-level
: Research, Development, and Evaluation Commission yesterday.


: "The reason for the increase of internet users is that the government has
: undertaken tremendous efforts into narrowing down the digital gap by making
: computers and the internet more accessible to the underprivileged," said RDEC
: Chairman Jiang Yi-hua yesterday in a press conference to unveil the annual
: survey.

據RDEC主委Jiang Yi-hua表示,上網人口增加的原因與政府改善偏遠地區的資訊隔閡有

: Even more impressive, the survey shows that more and more middle- to old-age
: Taiwanese have accessed the internet over the past year.


: The percentage of internet users between the ages of 41 to 50 has increased
: to 64.2% from 58.6% last year, and the number for the age between 51 to 60
: has increased by five percent from 35.5% to 40.5%, Jiang noted, adding that
: this figure shows that the government's efforts have had fruitful results.
: However, the survey also shows that physical and mentally challenged persons
: have far less accessibility to computers and the internet, Jiang said.
: Only 30.4% know how to use a computer, while only 26% have learned how to
: search the internet, according to the survey.
: "The government will continue to provide these people in need more chances to
: learn how to use computers, in the hope of changing the current status,"
: Chinag pledged.



: The report also shows that nearly 50% of all Taiwanese internet users have
: shopped online, the total money put into the business is estimated to surpass
: NT$85 billion. Ciang said that the business potential is enormous.

: The three cities with the highest percentage of people who use the internet
: were Hsinchu City (75.9%), Taipei City (75.5), Taichung City (74.9), while
: areas with the highest percentage of non-users in Taiwan were almost all in
: the southern part of Taiwan, Chiayi County, Yunlin County and the offshore
: island Penghu, the report said.




Tags: 澎湖

All Comments

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2008-12-24T21:07
認真翻譯該m XDDD
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2008-12-29T03:05
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2009-01-02T09:04
簽名檔其實沒啥意義 還是拿掉好了 XD

Re: {公告} 2 0 0 9 新澎湖板板友簽到簿

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2008-12-18T18:57
1. ID:dinopalm 2. ♀/♂:未來得變很MAN的MAN 3. 現居地:找人收留中 4. 職業(學生可加上學校):吸血蛭 5. 興趣/專長:看別人的相機/單車/羽球流口水 6. 我的部落格/相簿:你想得到的站後面加上 dinopalm 7. 最愛的澎湖景點:青螺 ...

Re: {公告} 2 0 0 9 新澎湖板板友簽到簿

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2008-12-18T14:57
: 1. ID:wulai : 2. ♀/♂:帶把 : 3. 現居地:菊島 : 4. 職業(學生可加上學校):長工 : 5. 興趣/專長:andgt;andgt;andgt;andgt;andgt;andgt;andgt;andgt;andgt;andgt;andgt;andgt;andgt;and ...

Re: {公告} 2 0 0 9 新澎湖板板友簽到簿

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2008-12-17T23:45
不曉得現在填會不會太晚XD 1. ID:shan7180 2. ♀/♂:♀ 我是女生(羞) 3. 現居地:台北市 放長假在澎湖 4. 職業(學生可加上學校):教大學生 5. 興趣/專長:吃喝玩樂XDDDD 6. 我的部落格/相簿:同id 7. 最愛的澎湖景點:只要是故鄉澎 ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2008-12-17T15:45
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Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2008-12-17T11:07
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