Southampton的申請疑問 - 留學

By Agatha
at 2010-04-13T00:09
at 2010-04-13T00:09
Table of Contents
※ 引述《Chioushiyan (留不住的她)》之銘言:
: You replied to them on 10th February saying that you
: would like a place on the waiting list.
: 你的代辦有回信說願意放在waiting list上,怎麼會說沒有回呢?
: 他的信得意思是名額已經滿了,所以如果沒有空出來的名額,你基本上就不會有offer
: ※ 引述《bookx2 (Book)》之銘言:
: : 前幾天我有po文說有幾間學校從一月初申請到現在都沒結果
: : Southampton就是其中一間
: : 經過版友建議後 我跟代辦要了reference number自己寫信去問學校了
: : 今天學校回覆了
: : 可是有幾個疑點我覺得很奇怪
: : 在這邊把信件內容貼上來 請大家幫我看看
: : Thank you for your email. I have spoken to the School of Management, and I
: : believe they emailed you on 4th February and offer you a place on the waiting
: : list for this course. You replied to them on 10th February saying that you
: : would like a place on the waiting list.
: : MSc Marketing Management has been a very popular course this year and we have
: : had to operate a waiting list system in order to offer places to students who
: : meet the criteria when the course is oversubscribed. If a place does become
: : available, your application will be reconsidered for a place.
: : Please let me know if I can help you any further with this.
: : 他的意思是說
: : 他們有在二月四號告知我學校目前的狀況
: : 我也曾在二月十號說我可以接受我會在等待名單中
: : 可是 問題是 我完全沒收到他的信
: : 代辦那邊也完全沒消息 也沒通知我
: : 會是學校搞錯了
: : 還是代辦那邊出了差錯
: : 現在我完全不知道下一步該怎麼辦
: : 該繼續問學校 還是問代辦呢
: : 我一定要提的一點是
: : 自從我送出資料後
: : 我完全沒收到Southampton的任何信件
: : 我現在終於知道免費代辦的服務了@@
: : 以上 我真是一個頭兩個大阿
※ 引述《Chioushiyan (留不住的她)》之銘言:
: You replied to them on 10th February saying that you
: would like a place on the waiting list.
: 你的代辦有回信說願意放在waiting list上,怎麼會說沒有回呢?
: 他的信得意思是名額已經滿了,所以如果沒有空出來的名額,你基本上就不會有offer
: ※ 引述《bookx2 (Book)》之銘言:
: : 前幾天我有po文說有幾間學校從一月初申請到現在都沒結果
: : Southampton就是其中一間
: : 經過版友建議後 我跟代辦要了reference number自己寫信去問學校了
: : 今天學校回覆了
: : 可是有幾個疑點我覺得很奇怪
: : 在這邊把信件內容貼上來 請大家幫我看看
: : Thank you for your email. I have spoken to the School of Management, and I
: : believe they emailed you on 4th February and offer you a place on the waiting
: : list for this course. You replied to them on 10th February saying that you
: : would like a place on the waiting list.
: : MSc Marketing Management has been a very popular course this year and we have
: : had to operate a waiting list system in order to offer places to students who
: : meet the criteria when the course is oversubscribed. If a place does become
: : available, your application will be reconsidered for a place.
: : Please let me know if I can help you any further with this.
: : 他的意思是說
: : 他們有在二月四號告知我學校目前的狀況
: : 我也曾在二月十號說我可以接受我會在等待名單中
: : 可是 問題是 我完全沒收到他的信
: : 代辦那邊也完全沒消息 也沒通知我
: : 會是學校搞錯了
: : 還是代辦那邊出了差錯
: : 現在我完全不知道下一步該怎麼辦
: : 該繼續問學校 還是問代辦呢
: : 我一定要提的一點是
: : 自從我送出資料後
: : 我完全沒收到Southampton的任何信件
: : 我現在終於知道免費代辦的服務了@@
: : 以上 我真是一個頭兩個大阿
All Comments

By Regina
at 2010-04-15T18:15
at 2010-04-15T18:15

By Regina
at 2010-04-16T17:12
at 2010-04-16T17:12

By Kristin
at 2010-04-17T17:51
at 2010-04-17T17:51

By Edith
at 2010-04-19T07:58
at 2010-04-19T07:58

By Daph Bay
at 2010-04-23T13:47
at 2010-04-23T13:47

By Vanessa
at 2010-04-25T14:38
at 2010-04-25T14:38

By Xanthe
at 2010-04-29T12:35
at 2010-04-29T12:35

By Rae
at 2010-05-04T10:02
at 2010-05-04T10:02

By Yuri
at 2010-05-08T23:42
at 2010-05-08T23:42

By Hedda
at 2010-05-11T19:39
at 2010-05-11T19:39

By Candice
at 2010-05-13T22:36
at 2010-05-13T22:36

By Hardy
at 2010-05-16T07:16
at 2010-05-16T07:16
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