SK2 口說獨立題難題想點分享-2 - 英檢
By Carol
at 2020-06-27T14:50
at 2020-06-27T14:50
Table of Contents
大家好,我是SK2 TOEFL 衝刺班的口說顧問David 。
81. Some people think that the news about the celebrities is not
useful because it’s irrelevant. Others think it is useful. What
do you think? Why?
I agree.
This is because useful refers things that are beneficial to our
life, and the news about the celebrities are not beneficial to our
life at all.
可以,清楚定義了何謂”useful”,再回到news about celebrities 判斷
94. Agree or disagree: Teenagers nowadays are not as honest as
teenagers in the past.
I agree.
This is because honest means not tell lies to others, and
teenagers nowadays lie to others more often than before.
謂”honest”:說謊,接著告訴我們nowadays 年輕人較常說謊useful,因
For example, nowadays anonymous Internet forums are really
popular, like the really famous BBS in Taiwan called PTT. More
than 1 million young people use it to discuss matters with others
everyday, and they often tell lies about who they are, what they
think, etc. However, in the past, there’s no internet, so people
could only talk to others in person, and it’s more difficult to
tell lies.
105. Agree or disagree: Animals should be treated equally as
1) I agree.
This is because animal are creatures with feelings or emotions,
and creatures with feeling or emotions should be treated equally
with humans.
可以,首先說明animals 是什麼樣的creature,接著定義了什麼樣的情況之
下,creatures “should be treated equally”.
2) I agree.
This is because creatures that have emotions and feel pain should
be treated equally, and both animals and humans have emotions and
can feel pain.
可以,和前者概念相同,但是優先定義了什麼樣的情況之下,creatures “
should be treated equally”,再拉回主題。先定義,再拉回來,聽起來
會更切題,因此1) 優於2)
I agree.
This is because creatures that have emotions and feel pain should
be treated equally, and animals have emotions and can feel pain
just like human.
和2) 幾乎一樣,差別在於後面半句:both 都可以,還是just like
差別在什麼地方?在於稍後example 舉的細節例子的細微差別,同學們可以
I agree.
This is because people should respect all life forms, and by
treating animals equally as human, we can show respect to all life
和前三者都不同,從people 出發而非定義:在什麼樣的情況之下,
creatures “should be treated equally”。
然而也可以,聽完之後覺得很清楚,也知道稍後example 要舉例從人出發,
服力的example 。
更多的分享,歡迎拜訪SK2 TOEFL 網站上方的各「顧問專欄」。
也歡迎同學來聽聽SK2 TOEFL 顧問每週固定舉辦、佛心來著的「托福免費公
~SK2 TOEFL 衝刺班口說顧問David
*年底前結束托福!歡迎報名SK2 TOEFL 「十堂」衝刺班:
*及早備戰,來聽SK2 TOEFL 顧問主講托福公開課:
*歡迎加入托福高分人數最多的SK2 TOEFL 社團!
SK2 David. iBT 118, R29/L29/S30/W30
SK2 TOEFL Consultant Group.
81. Some people think that the news about the celebrities is not
useful because it’s irrelevant. Others think it is useful. What
do you think? Why?
I agree.
This is because useful refers things that are beneficial to our
life, and the news about the celebrities are not beneficial to our
life at all.
可以,清楚定義了何謂”useful”,再回到news about celebrities 判斷
94. Agree or disagree: Teenagers nowadays are not as honest as
teenagers in the past.
I agree.
This is because honest means not tell lies to others, and
teenagers nowadays lie to others more often than before.
謂”honest”:說謊,接著告訴我們nowadays 年輕人較常說謊useful,因
For example, nowadays anonymous Internet forums are really
popular, like the really famous BBS in Taiwan called PTT. More
than 1 million young people use it to discuss matters with others
everyday, and they often tell lies about who they are, what they
think, etc. However, in the past, there’s no internet, so people
could only talk to others in person, and it’s more difficult to
tell lies.
105. Agree or disagree: Animals should be treated equally as
1) I agree.
This is because animal are creatures with feelings or emotions,
and creatures with feeling or emotions should be treated equally
with humans.
可以,首先說明animals 是什麼樣的creature,接著定義了什麼樣的情況之
下,creatures “should be treated equally”.
2) I agree.
This is because creatures that have emotions and feel pain should
be treated equally, and both animals and humans have emotions and
can feel pain.
可以,和前者概念相同,但是優先定義了什麼樣的情況之下,creatures “
should be treated equally”,再拉回主題。先定義,再拉回來,聽起來
會更切題,因此1) 優於2)
I agree.
This is because creatures that have emotions and feel pain should
be treated equally, and animals have emotions and can feel pain
just like human.
和2) 幾乎一樣,差別在於後面半句:both 都可以,還是just like
差別在什麼地方?在於稍後example 舉的細節例子的細微差別,同學們可以
I agree.
This is because people should respect all life forms, and by
treating animals equally as human, we can show respect to all life
和前三者都不同,從people 出發而非定義:在什麼樣的情況之下,
creatures “should be treated equally”。
然而也可以,聽完之後覺得很清楚,也知道稍後example 要舉例從人出發,
服力的example 。
更多的分享,歡迎拜訪SK2 TOEFL 網站上方的各「顧問專欄」。
也歡迎同學來聽聽SK2 TOEFL 顧問每週固定舉辦、佛心來著的「托福免費公
~SK2 TOEFL 衝刺班口說顧問David
*年底前結束托福!歡迎報名SK2 TOEFL 「十堂」衝刺班:
*及早備戰,來聽SK2 TOEFL 顧問主講托福公開課:
*歡迎加入托福高分人數最多的SK2 TOEFL 社團!
SK2 David. iBT 118, R29/L29/S30/W30
SK2 TOEFL Consultant Group.
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