SK2 Rosa談寫作-十大最常見的例子問題 - 英檢

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2017-11-22T14:06

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The government wants to improve the education of high schools, and
there are two following plans:
a. Choose a group of teachers and train them first, and then let
them go back to their schools and train other teachers

b. Train teachers online, with online materials and let them study


Problem 1:

First, when improving the education of high schools, the government
needs to control the budget, and an online training system can save more
money. For example, the government only needs to hire few professors
to record the online teaching materials. Moreover, the online materials
can be used unlimited times and the government does not have to spend
extra time to examine the materials. Therefore, training teachers online
does not only save money but also save time. On the other hand, training
teachers face by face need to more budgets for hiring the training
professors and renting the teaching space. In addition, the government
should pay for transportation of teachers. As a result, training teachers
face by face costs more money.

Problem 2:

Second, the government puts emphasis on efficiency but choosing a
group of teachers and letting them to train other takes longer time. For
instance, it takes a lot of time to train the selected teachers and more
time to prepare for teaching the other teachers. After their preparation,
the selected teachers have to spend more time training others. Consequently,
it needs a tremendous amount of time to finish the whole training process.
However, if the government chooses to do online training, all teachers can
study by themselves. That is to say, teachers don’t need to wait for
others to train them. Consequently, online training saves much more time.

Problem 3:

Third, some people say that learning through online system to
improve the quality of education is not effective. For instance,
when using the online learning system, the teachers might
encounter a lot of questions and have no one to ask. Moreover,
they might not be able to come up with the most correct
information when they teach. Therefore, they might teach students
out-dated information or even information which is down right
wrong. Yet, they can actually stop and replay the program anytime
they want so this method of learning online is actually quite

Problem 4:

Secondly, the government places emphasis on budget, but training a
group of teachers can not save more money. To illustrate, the
amount of the teachers are hundreds, the government has to find
the different or big places to accommodate them, and the rent of
space is a cost. Furthermore, to achieve the better outcome, the
government has to hold many courses or forums, and the lecture fee
is a cost too. On the other hand, if the government trains the
teacher with online materials, the government just need to set up
a website and pay the salaries for the group of the training
scholars and the network engineers. Obviously, training online can
save more money.

Problem 5:

Secondly, the government puts emphasis on their reputation but
training teachers online might decrease the government’s
reputation. To elaborate, parents admire teachers who were trained
in a face-to- face way on a regular basis in Taiwan. If the
government holds several training programs, the teachers can
absorb many practical knowledge from each other immediately on a
regular basis. Thus, the government will leave a great impression
on the participants and parents. However, if the government only
provides an online training, it might be difficult for the
teachers to figure out a better teaching technique. Hence, the
teachers might be annoyed and criticize the government severely.

Problem 6:

To begin with, the government cares about efficiency, and training
a set of seed teachers can allow the government to improve its
efficiency. Take my science teacher in elementary school as an
example. He was chosen in a six-month training program in which
his obligation was to learn the cutting-edge technology knowledge
in the United State and to teach what he learned to other
teachers in Taiwan. To be more specific, in the future, after the
program is finished, there will be over 35 well-trained teachers
in Taiwan with the up-to- date information. Hence, it is an
appropriate way to improve government’s efficiency.

Problem 7:

Furthermore, the government wants to save budget and to let the
trained teachers to go back to their schools and train other
teachers can help them do so. For example, every year, the
government in Taiwan sends 20 seed high school teachers to Germany
to learn how to facilitate students to learn by doing actual
tasks. Moreover, these teachers are required to train another 40
teachers in Taiwan when they are back. By doing so, the Taiwan
government saves 30 million New Taiwan dollars one a yearly basis.
On the other hand, if the government does not train this small
group of teachers, then it might have to spend billions of dollars
to hire more professional teachers or renovate the equipment and
facilities to improve the quality of education. Therefore, it is
not a smart method to save money.

Problem 8:

First of all, the government places emphasis on budget control,
and training teachers to improve the education of high schools by
using online materials can save a lot of money. When the
government uses Internet program to train high school teachers.
The government only needs to hire the experts once and records the
class then puts it online. And then the government does not need
to spend a lot of money printing the paper materials. So, training
teachers online can save more than one million. But If the
government chooses a group of teachers and trains them first. It
needs to pay the traveling fee and preparing lunch for the
teachers. The government needs to rent a place for the training
courses. Thus, it may cost 20 times more than training online.

Problem 9:

Finally, the government is always busy, and choosing a group of
teachers to train first needs a lot of time. Take the Taiwanese
government for example. The government has to take part in several
projects at 1 time. Also, the employees of the government need to
coordinate the time and booking the space for the course. What is
more, the government might not have six free months to finish the
training process, or the time needed to repeat the program year
after year. Therefore, if the government chooses to train a small
group of teachers, it would waste too much time.

Problem 10:

Secondly, when improving the high school education, the government
cares about the quality of the training. Therefore, if the
government designs an online program to train teachers using
online material and letting them be trained separately, it can
maintain higher training quality by using Youtube, GOOGLE, or
other apps. For instance, when government trains teachers online,
it provides standard courses. Moreover, every online course has
the same test to validate and monitor the training results.
Accordingly, all high school teachers are trained under the same
quality. On the contrary, if the government lets a group of
teachers trained first and go back to train others, some training
information may be transmitted incorrectly. In the end, each
teacher may gain different knowledge.


Problem 1: 2 ideas in 1 paragraph

Problem 2: 例子太抽象(沒解釋到)

Problem 3: 錯誤使用讓步段

Problem 4: 主題句沒目的

Problem 5: 例子順序

Problem 6: 例子太鋪陳

Problem 7: 反例logic

Problem 8: 不擅長使用轉折詞 & fragment

Problem 9: 例子焦點錯誤

Problem 10: 主題句太複雜

十個問題裡面,你看出來幾個呢? ____/ 10
誠實寫喔!XD 接著,再看以下的分數分析。

1-4: 你寫作邏輯不清楚,不太熟悉托福作文在考什麼,托福作文成績大約
5-7: 你對於寫作有一定的瞭解,而且時間掌控可以更好,寫作成績大約落




SK2 Rosa ^ ___ ^

PS 想瞭解更多寫作的好觀念嗎?十一月末我們邀請同學免費進班聽寫作
有興趣的同學,請寄信至 [email protected]
主旨[11/25 寫作免費進班聽],內容附上中英文姓名。

11/25(六)9:30-11:00 獨立寫作

# 凡參加即贈送一次免費作文批改

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2017-11-24T11:36
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2017-11-27T04:41
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2017-11-28T14:47
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2017-12-01T11:44
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2017-12-05T02:41


Una avatar
By Una
at 2017-11-21T11:50
如果你是: 托福聽力單科未達「20」分,針對托福聽力、口說無法突破的同學, 給予一定時間的深度訓練,改善發音、理解反應,絕對可以全面提升 你的聽力、口說。 ■公益課程-經典美語《聽說實力養成班》好評口碑場 !!新班掃位中(TOEFL、GRE、GMAT) 歡迎洽詢!! 大家好~我是經 ...

SK2 TOEFL 3週衝刺班

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2017-11-20T17:26
已轉讓,謝謝各位 -- 因為工作因素 欲轉讓 SK2 TOEFL 衝刺班 官網的A方案,定價$11,600 轉讓金額,請站內信詳談細節 謝謝大家 - ...

四戰100 感謝字神

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2017-11-20T15:05
獎學金申請人:Tiffany 曾 考生身份:半職考生 學校及科系:台灣大學地理系畢業 英文背景:學測14級分,TOEIC 810 考試地點:一戰台大語言中心、二戰台北車站美加、三戰敦化地球村、四戰士林地球村 考試成績:一戰R25 L23 S18 W20 總分:86分、 二戰R26 L23 ...

五戰托福102 (代po)

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2017-11-19T20:45
考生身份:學生(全職考生) 英文背景:托福95分 考試地點: 一戰北車APEX(2015年) 二戰北車APEX(2017年) 三戰美國教育基金會 四戰延平南路美安華 五戰忠孝東路地球村 考試成績: 一戰95分(2015年) 二戰93分(2017年) 三戰96分 四戰96分 五戰102分(R28 L27 ...

一戰105 感謝字神

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2017-11-19T14:12
獎學金申請人:Joe 陳 考生身份:半職考生(一半時間要上班) 學校及科系:台大經濟系畢業 英文背景:學測15級分,GRE V157 考試地點:一戰美加 考試成績:一戰R30 L30 S23 W22 總分:105分 考試日期:2017/09/17 備考教材:字神上課講義、考滿分 心得/各科準備方式: 閱讀 ...