SK2 4.27 獨立寫作機經擬答分享 - 英檢

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2014-04-26T02:23

Table of Contents


1. Agree or disagree? The best way to truly relax and reduce stress is to
spend time alone. 20071005CN
Keyword: you=> best way to relax:spend time alone?


a. When I am stressed, I am used to thinking problems over by myself and
spending time alone can help me do so. For example, when I get into a fight
with my friend, I spend time alone and ponder about the situation by asking
myself questions and answering them. On the contrary, when I am with a group of
people, I cannot hear myself think not to mention relax.

b. I can only truly relax when I do not need to worry about my image. Therefore
, spending time alone is the best way to reduce stress for me. For instance,
when I am with others, I often have to pay attention to the style of my clothes
, the manner I talk, even the way I sit. Once I wore a T-shirt to see a friend,
and I was anxious all the time about how she would view me. On the other hand,
when I spend time alone, I can dress in pyjamas all day if I want. I can also
cross my legs and sit comfortably without worrying about whether I act like
a lady.

c. I enjoy spending quality time with myself, so spending time alone is the
best way to fully relax. Take my own experience as an example. When I am alone,
I can draw, play the piano and read novels. After spending time alone, I feel
fully rested. Yet, if I spend time with people all day long, I cannot have any
time with myself. Therefore, spending time alone is the best way to fully

2. Agree or disagree? There is no reason to be impolite (rude) to other people.
Keyword: you=> impolite or not

先想你的特質是什麼?假如想到的是1.害怕被討厭 2.很注重形象
3. 覺得順從別人對你來說很重要,那就會選擇同意應該隨時對別人很禮貌。

a. I place emphasis on privacy, and when others violate that principle, I find
that there is a reason to be impolite to them. For instance, when a girl keeps
on asking questions about my boyfriend, I wouldn't be very polite and answer
each question obediently. Instead, I would act impolite and talk about some
other subject.

b. I also think that revenge is important. In other words, if someone acts
impolite to me, I would also treat them the same way. For example, if a girl
acts like a total bitch, saying, "My dress is much prettier than yours." I
would answer, "Yeah, I totally agree. It's such a pity that I am much prettier
than you though." Apparently, it is important to be impolite to those who are

c. I stand up for those I love and care about, so if someone treats them badly,
I would be impolite to them in order to stop them walking all over my beloved.
Take my personal experience for example. When I was small, once my sister and
I were playing pretend games with a bunch of girls from school. One of them
ordered my sister to be her servant. I grabbed hold of my sister's hand and
left immediately, telling them right there that they can be their own

3. Parents should help children do their work rather than encouraging them
to do the work on their own. 20120617CN
Keyword: parents=> let children do their work by themselves or not

a. Parents are generally occupied with work. Therefore, they should encourage
their children to do the work by themselves. For example, my parents work from
day to night. After work, they do the housework. Apparently, they have little
time for me. Apparently, it is better for parents to encourage their children
to do the work on their own.

b. Parents are also generally lazy. Even if they have time after work, they do
not have the heart to help their children with their homework. For instance,
when I was small, I used to ask my father to solve the math problems for me
because he likes to be a couch potato and relax in front of the TV, he always
told me to ask my mother, who would be reading a book in bed. Then my mother
would tell me to ask my little sister to help me. In the end, I discovered
that parents are too lazy to help their children, so they should definitely
encourage their children to do the homework on their own.

c. Parents also want the best for their children, and it is my belief that the
ability of solving problems is crucial for children. Hence, parents should let
their children do their work by themselves. Take my own experience as an
example. I am used to doing my homework on my own. Thus, when I encounter
problems in life, I would first try to solve them by myself, asking myself
what solutions I have, what is the worst outcome, etc. On the contrary, my
sister always relied on my mom to do her homework. As a result, whenever she
has a problem or was about to make an important decision, she asked my mother
to solve it for her, refusing to think by herself. Apparently, it is better
if parents make their children do the work on their own.

4. Agree or disagree: The food we ate in the past is healthier than the food
20100108CN = 20091211NA

Keyword: food we ate=>healthier in the past or today

a. The food we ate in the past contained more nutrition so it was much
healthier. For instance, according to academic researches, food nowadays
contain much less nutrition than food 50 years ago due to the repeat usage
of the land. In the past, vegetables contain a lot of nutrition and it is
enough for people to absorb the nutrition through eating them. However,
nowadays, eating vegetables alone does not satisfy peoples' need for nutrition
. That is, people have to acquire additional nutrition from all kinds of
vitamins. Apparently, food we ate before is much more nutritious.

b. The food we ate before was also less polluted. Therefore, it was healthier
than food we eat nowadays. For example, farmers do not use that much chemical
substances during production. In other words, they prefer to keep vegetables
as natural as possible. On the contrary, when modern farmers are in the field,
they utilize a variety of herbicides and pesticides which remain in the crops.
Furthermore, the entire environment also severely pollutes the food we eat
today. To be more specific, the water the farmers use for irrigation contains
a lot of undetected chemicals which stays in the crops.

c. Food we eat nowadays contain a lot of additives during the process of
cooking to make it taste better. Therefore, it is less healthier than the food
before. Take my experience as an example. When I was small, the bread my
grandmother gave me does not contain much additional substance and thus is not
sweet at all. On the contrary, nowadays the bread we usually buy contains tons
of sugar. The pretty macarons we see in window displays look delicious because
they are coated with a heavy layer of color additive. The lunch boxes and
dumplings we get at convenience store are full of chemical preservatives to
make them last longer. All these factors mentioned above proves that food we
eat nowadays contain much more additional unhealthy substances than the food
we ate in the past.

5. It is easier for parents to raise children now than 50 years ago. 20110925CN

Keyword: parents=>easier to raise children now

now多了什麼?可能想到了internet, social networking, technology, 等。再去試著想
三個現在的改變會造成對於who:parents做what:raise children的影響。三個理由基本上

a. Since medical advancement has excelled to a new height nowadays, parents do
not need to worry about children suffering from fatal diseases. For example,
50 years ago, a lot of children died prematurely not only because of incurable
illnesses but also because of common sicknesses such as diarrhea, cholera and
polio. On the other hand, modern parents make sure that their children be
given vaccine immediately after birth, thus immeasurably decreasing the risk
of lethal infections. Furthermore, new development in medical science nowadays
also helps develop medicine that can heal children in shorter time and with
lower cost.

b. Due to the development of food technology, it is easier for parents in
modern times to provide enough nutrition for their children. For instance, in
the past, undernourishment was a common problem. Children simply did not get
enough to eat. On the contrary, nowadays there are an abundance of food to
choose from. Agricultural advancements also produces rich food which contains
a variety of necessary nutrition. Therefore, children who are diagnosed with
lack of nutrition are considered rare cases at medical institutions. In
addition, if any newborn seems a bit undernourished, he will be fed additional
specially-designed milk and other formulations to improve his or her health.
Apparently, thanks to more nutritious food, it is easier for parents nowadays
to raise their children.

c. When it comes to raising children, internet also plays a significant role
in the lives of modern parents. On one hand, internet provides modern parents
with infinite information and timely help. Take my personal experience as an
example. In the past, my grandparents have to rely on themselves when a
child breaks into a serious fever at midnight. Yet, my parents can quickly
turn to the internet and search for the possible solutions before seeking
professional medical help. On the other hand, internet helps parents keep an
eye on their children. To be more specific, in the past, parents cannot be
sure of their child's whereabouts or doings unless they confront him or her.
However, in modern society, parents can log in to the social networking
accounts of their children, such as Facebook, LINE, Whatsapp, etc. and have
some idea of their children's recent interest or thoughts.

6. Which has a larger influence on the society: Automobiles or airplanes?
Keyword: society=>influence automobiles, airplanes


a. Unlike airplanes, the automobile created mobility on a scale never known
before. Take Taiwan as an instance, in the days of horse-drawn transportation,
the practical limit of wagon travel was 10 to 15 miles, so that meant any
community or individual farm more than 15 miles from a city, a railroad, or a
navigable waterway was isolated from the mainstream of economic and social
life. On the contrary, motor vehicles and paved roads have narrowed the gap
between rural and urban life. Farmers can ship easily and economically by
truck and can drive to town when it is convenient. In addition, such
institutions as regional schools and hospitals are now accessible by bus and
car. The mobility of airplanes, on the other hand, are greatly limited to the
scope of airports.

b. Automobiles significantly change the infrastructure of modern cities. For
instance, prior to the appearance of the automobile, horses, walking and
streetcars were the major modes of transportation. Horse-driven carriages and
people carrying bags of good were often seen on the streets. On the other hand,
after the automobile was introduced, people can easily see a newly developing
physical system of roads, streets, highways, and service and storage
facilities. Apparently, airplanes do not possess as large an influence on
cities as automobiles.

c. People utilize automobiles much more often than airplanes. Therefore, they
possess a more prominent role in modern society than airplanes. For example,
nowadays, almost every family own at least a vehicle. During the week, people
go to and from work by car. On weekends, people go on family trips by car. On
the other hand, people only take the plane for faraway trips or business once
in a while.

7. For a business to be successful, more money must be put in advertising.
keyword: successful business=> advertising

a. In order to be successful, a business should have a strong brand name,
which is often built up through advertising. For example, McDonalds racked up
$963 million in ad spend last year. As a result, it is one of the strongest
brands in the world. That is, even toddlers are able to recognize that big
yellow 'M,' and the word itself is synonymous with fast food and burgers.

b. Loyal consumers play an indispensable role in successful businesses.
Therefore, businesses should definitely invest more money in advertising.
Take Apple for an instance. Due to good advertising, Apple sends a strong
message to people who lead a busy lifestyle, enjoy a good social status,
and earn good salary. Hence, as a well-know saying goes, "Once an Apple user,
there is simply no going back." In other words, loyal consumers usually adore
Apple products and purchase iPhones, iPads, and Macbooks.

c. When a business wishes to be successful, it should also make its products
well-known. That is, advertising can educate the customers on product usages
through repeat exposure. For instance, FarEastone, a famous local
telecommunication company, spends millions of NT dollars on TV advertising.
Furthermore, the ads place emphasis on being able to reach family members who
live far away for free. Thus, when people want to talk to their families
living abroad, they immediately think of the products FarEastone offer.

8. Technology designed to make people's lives simpler actually often turns out
to make people's lives more complicated. 20100926CN
Keyword: technology =>simpler, more complicated

a. Technology actually deprives people nowadays of their free time. For example
, in the past, after work, people can enjoy all their free time. On the other
hand, in modern society, after work, people are often harassed continuously by
their bosses through line, whatsapp, Facebook, etc.

b. Technology creates more misunderstandings. For instance, before people used
to meet face to face and talk directly about their problems. As a result, every
emotion and movement is crystal clear. On the contrary, nowadays people mostly
use line or other apps to communicate, usually only sending one or two cute
emotion icons to express their mood. Thus, by using technology, people might
easily misunderstand the real intention of their friends and family.

c. People tend to rely too much on technology, resulting in more complicated
problems. Take my own experience as an example. In the past, I don't use
computers or cell phones much. Therefore, when my laptop breaks down, I do not
sweat. However, nowadays, I literally freak out when my mobile goes dead
because I depend too much on these modern technological devices.


a. Technology makes our lives much more convenient.

b. Technology solves a lot of our daily problems.
迷路時可以直接看google map,很快抵達目的地。

c. Technology makes it easier to stay in touch with others.

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2014-04-28T12:01

送佛計畫團隊4/27口說&獨立寫作 擬答分享!!

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2014-04-26T01:13
各位同學好,我們是送佛計畫的教學團隊!! 針對4/27的的口說,以及獨立寫作 幫大家整理了參考解答,請上送佛計畫社團的檔案區下載 建議大家考試前多開口,多打鍵盤練習 口說和寫作,不會用and#34;看and#3 ...

一戰 111 自修

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2014-04-26T00:19
各科分數 R30 L28 S26(FGG) W27(GG) TOTAL 111 英文能力 學測 15 全民英檢中高複試 (大一) 考試身分 小廢廢替代役 準備時間 零零總總應該是兩個多月 刷卡到考試距離一個半月 (真的是早點刷卡好) 準備教材 閱讀: 眾文分類 聽力: CNN ...

台中托福英語蛋 4/27迷你16題 附答案錄音

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2014-04-25T23:53
4/27的考生您好: 4/19 我們命中了全部口說與獨立寫作 4/27 命中機率依然很高 我們不但幫你濃縮成了16 題 讓你在考前最後衝刺 又貼心的幫你寫成答案 更精采的是 所有口說答案 由媲美ETS專業的錄音師 完整示範 不高分也難 通過考前反覆地聆聽和跟讀,加深記憶,糾正發音 我們很 ...


Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2014-04-25T17:31
預約報名網址: 5/4(日)托福課程教授重點: 1. 使用最新Official Guide,指導應從何下筆切入主題的實務技巧! 2. 擺脫台式英文撰寫模式,學習以西方人思維成就完美篇章! 3. 訓練學員隨即寫下耳聞 ...

補習班選擇 美加or字神

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2014-04-24T18:04
小妹目前準備申請下學期學校(學校在台北市)的交換學生計畫,但是首要條件TOEFL-iBT必須80以上才有申請資格... 於是想尋覓合適的確補習班,上網爬了大量文章,目前考慮美加or字神 上個月才剛考完多益,成績790 (L:395 R:395) 美加的口說小班制很吸引我,因為怕大班會沒什麼機會跟老師現 ...