reading - 英檢

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2010-05-20T18:10

Table of Contents

Paragraph 4: Nomadism also subjects pastoralist communities to strict rules of portability. If you are constantly on the move, you cannot afford to accumulate large material surpluses. Such rules limit variations in accumulated material goods between pastoralist households (though they may also encourage a taste for portable goods of high value such as silks or jewelry). So, by and large, nomadism implies a high degree of self-sufficiency and inhibits the appearance of an extensive division of labor.
Inequalities of wealth and rank certainly exist, and have probably existed in most pastoralist societies, but except in periods of military conquest, they are normally too slight to generate the stable, hereditary hierarchies that are usually implied by the use of the term class. lnequalities of gender have also existed in pastoralist societies, but they seem to have been softened by the absence of steep hierarchies of wealth in most communities, and also by the requirement that women acquire most of
the skills of men, including, often, their military skills.

9 According to paragraph 4, the fact that pastoralist communities are subject to “strict rules of portability” encourages such communities to
○ relocate less frequently than they would otherwise
○ have households that are more or less equal in wealth
○ become self-sufficient in the manufacture of silk and jewelry
○ share large material surpluses with neighboring communities

10 According to paragraph 4, all of the following are true of social inequality in pastoralist societies EXCEPT:
○ It exists and has existed to some degree in most pastoral societies.
○ It is most marked during periods of military conquest.
○ It is expressed in the form of a rigid hierarchy based largely on heredity.
○ It is usually too insignificant to be discussed in terms of class differences.

答案9是B 10是C
感恩 :)


Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2010-05-22T01:30
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2010-05-23T12:44
9. such rule limit variation(差異) in accumulated mat
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2010-05-25T06:23
George avatar
By George
at 2010-05-29T06:28
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2010-05-30T20:56


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2010-05-20T11:20
想請問大大~~~ 我五月八號有考托福,不知道什麼時候托福成機會出來呢 還有就是ETS不是有給我們五所免費的成績寄發 那個是mail去各個學校的嗎?? 還是說寄電子擋之類的?? 如果說學校叫我要and#34;寄and#34;去他們的學校 意思是不是說我要另外申請紙本的成績然後在寄去他們學校阿??? 麻煩大家 ...


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2010-05-20T00:16
我目前是大三的學生 有計畫打算用這個暑假補習gre 不過因為住在南部 (住台南在高雄念書) 有稍微爬了一下文發現gre好像只有高雄寰宇? 不知道有沒有最近補過的人有心得 還是直接殺到台北補來欣的gre (不過真的有點麻煩) 一個暑假能上完所有課程嗎? 還是乾脆自修阿~~~atatand#34; ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2010-05-19T22:54
hi guys 想請問大家考試有哪些大家覺得不錯的考場呢~ 另外想問~ 中山大學考場還在嗎 -- - ...


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2010-05-19T18:09
我是去年9月底考的托福 當初報考的時候就有把想申請的學校填上免費加發 但是因為申請的是加拿大的學校截止時間較晚(約在三月中) 審核完再等結果寄到台灣就已經五月初了 後來才發現托福成績沒寄到 學校叫我補寄 (雖然之前有與學校聯繫確認文件 但他們只有說有缺會再跟我說) 結果寄信問ET$卻說我太晚講了 ...


Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2010-05-19T14:39
※ 引述《leslielion ()》之銘言: : 2009/12/12 R17 L9 S17 W18 Total 61 : 2010/1/23 R22 L17 S19 W21 Total 79 : 2010/4/24 R25 L19 S19 W18 Total 81 全文恕刪 看了你的成績後 ...