Re: [問題] 請問大家美國統計系的排名? - 留學

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2006-03-16T10:41

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※ [本文轉錄自 studyabroad 看板]

作者: ralph23 (ralph) 看板: studyabroad
標題: Re: [問題] 請問大家美國統計系的排名?
時間: Thu Mar 16 00:53:13 2006

※ 引述《calciumless (給我莫札特的樂觀進取)》之銘言:
: From "The Canadian Journal of Statistics":
: This is a serious academic survey, not a news report.
: The ranking is based on the publication output.
: Provided that you want to apply to a Ph.D. program, I think it is useful.
: ※ 引述《joon (joon)》之銘言:
: : 我手中有一份前三十的排名, 雖然年份久遠但可以參考看看,
: : 說實在, 除了前十名(or 前五名)稍微感覺排名合理外, 其他都還有待商確.
: : 但毋庸置疑的一點, 去這三十所中任一所應該都能讓你統計有所提升.
: → tonycake:非常謝謝您,所以我是該看TABLE 10嗎?另外 03/16 00:19
: → tonycake:我是申請碩士,這樣有差別嗎? 03/16 00:20
: → tonycake:現在有的AD:penn state;pittsburgh;stony broke三間 03/16 00:22
: → tonycake:您覺得我該看排名選擇嗎?困擾?! 03/16 00:23
: → calciumless:嗯,表10是統計文獻的排行 03/16 00:33
: → calciumless:PSU的統計是全美第二大的,學程也很豐富 03/16 00:34
: ※ 編輯: calciumless 來自: (03/16 00:42)
的看法如何呢?有沒有什麼評語呢? 謝謝^^

1.5 Stanford U. 4.76 4.44 +0.08
1.5 UC Berkeley Statistics 4.76 4.33 +0.01
3 UC Berkeley Biostatistics 4.43 4.01 0.00
4 Cornell 4.37 4.06 +0.22
5 Chicago 4.34 4.09 +0.08
6 Washington Biostatistics 4.21 4.08 +0.40
7 Harvard Statistics 4.17 3.80 -0.01
8 Wisconsin 4.06 4.07 -0.20
9 Washington Biostatistics 4.01 3.85 +0.41
10 Purdue 4.00 3.61 +0.02
11 UNC Chapel Hill Statistics 3.98 3.69 -0.08
12 UCLA 3.93 3.80 +0.40
13 Minnesota Statistics 3.91 3.65 +0.26
14 Iowa State 3.89 3.99 -0.05
15 Texas A&M U 3.78 3.44 +0.55
16 Carnegie Mellon 3.77 3.84 +0.21
17 Rutgers 3.76 3.16 +0.16
18 UNC Chapel Hill Biostatistics 3.70 3.58 +0.11
19 Penn State 3.65 3.53 +0.52
20 Yale 3.62 3.39 -0.19
21 Johns Hopkins 3.55 3.58 +0.38
22 NC State 3.54 3.36 +0.31
23 Florida State 3.47 3.44 -0.09
24.5 Columbia 3.44 3.36 -0.14
24.5 Michigan Statistics 3.44 3.36 +0.05
26 Illinois 3.35 3.16 -0.09
27 Florida 3.31 3.11 +0.34
28 Penn 3.22 3.00 +0.52
29 Ohio State 3.21 3.23 +0.34
30 Michigan State 3.14 2.94 -0.14
31 Colorado State 3.13 3.06 +0.09
32 Rochester 3.09 3.18 +0.16
33 Northwestern 3.05 2.92 +0.34
34 Michigan Biostatistics 3.02 3.02 -0.19
35 Iowa Statistics 3.00 3.09 -0.14
36 George Washington 2.91 2.83 0.00
37.5 Pittsburgh Statistics 2.85 2.79 -0.31
37.5 Oregon State 2.85 2.86 -0.02
39.5 SMU 2.75 2.68 -0.13
39.5 UC Riverside 2.75 2.65 0.03
41 VPI 2.74 2.92 -0.28
42 Massachusetts Amherst 2.68 2.78 +0.12
43 Connecticutt 2.62 2.43 +0.22
44 UC Santa Barbara 2.54 2.35 +0.15
45 Minnesota Biostatistics 2.52 2.72 +0.47
46 Temple 2.50 2.25 +0.08
47 Boston University 2.46 2.43 +0.07
48 Iowa Biostatistics 2.39 2.32 0.00
49 Kentucky 2.27 2.34 -0.24
50 Kansas State 2.24 2.46 0.00
51 Emory 2.20 2.46 +0.33
52 Pittsburgh Biostatistics 2.19 2.63 +0.11
53.5 Illinois Chicago 2.16 2.03 -0.15
53.5 South Carolina 2.16 2.24 +0.07
55 Colorado 2.15 2.45 +0.13
56 SUNY/Buffalo 1.97 1.94 -0.50
57 U Texas Dallas 1.94 1.95 -0.10
58 Medical U of South Carolina 1.92 1.95 0.00
59 Wyoming 1.82 1.74 -0.16
60 Alabama 1.70 1.96 +0.15
61 American U 1.69 1.59 0.00
62 Alabama Birmingham 1.63 1.30 +0.07
63 SUNY/Stony Brook 1.33 1.52 -0.30
64 SW Louisiana 0.92 1.37 -0.13
65 Northern Colorado 0.75 0.69 0.00

Tags: 留學

All Comments

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2006-03-18T13:12
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2006-03-22T22:50
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2006-03-25T12:35
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2006-03-27T18:44
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2006-03-27T20:13
stanford, berkeley, chicago這種等級的
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2006-03-30T16:36
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2006-04-04T00:14

Re: [問題] 請問大家美國統計系的排名?

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2006-03-16T10:40
※ [本文轉錄自 studyabroad 看板] 作者: joon (joon) 看板: studyabroad 標題: Re: [問題] 請問大家美國統計系的排名? 時間: Wed Mar 15 23:31:38 2006 ※ 引述《tonycake (tonycake)》之銘言: : 因為爬文精華區都 ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2006-03-16T04:12
: 欲知有關XX大學更多訊息 請洽在台辦事處-XX留學顧問公司 : 電話 0?-???????? 或上網查詢 Email: : : - ...


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2006-03-15T19:26
如題 不知這所風評如何 或是有畢業生傳授經驗 謝謝 - ...


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2006-03-15T16:09
※ 引述《sinaidio (sinaidio)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《hivis (簡簡單單就是福)》之銘言: : : 我對於犯罪學很有興趣... : : 但是因為並非很熱門..所以資料有限 : : 如果有相關的資料是否可以告訴我.. : : 謝謝 : 國內除了中央警察大學犯罪防治研究所之外 : ...

有聽過western washington university嗎

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2006-03-14T20:16
請問大家有聽過western washington university嗎? 他位在華盛頓州的Bellingham 我今年想要去那邊念密集語言班~ 不知道有沒有人有那邊的資訊呢? - ...