Re: longman advanced 改錯的部份 - 自學

By Enid
at 2007-04-16T10:43
at 2007-04-16T10:43
Table of Contents
※ 引述《kin106ki (LoVe )》之銘言:
: C 1. Hisefforts, which he cloaims are his best, would be less than satisfactory
: A B
: even to the least demanding person than myself.
: C D
C改為'less demanding'' 這裡只有兩個人的價值觀互相比較,所以不可以用"the least''
: A 2.A cover letter did not have to accompany a resume; however, those who
: A B
: consider themselves experts in job placement would advise sending both.
: C D
: 為什麼是A 如果說是現在式 ~ 那 C 為什麼是過去式呢@@
這裡的"would"跟時態無關,不是過去式,而是建議語氣用法. 本句陳述事實,所以A要改為
'doesn't have to' 指並非必要,但是被建議去做的
: D 3.After receiving a hospital bill, the patietnt questioned an error
: in the charges and received the reimbursement from the hospital.
: B 4.City home buyers may be entitled to the refunds if their agents made
: A B C
: errors on the contracts.
: D
: 3、4題的the 有時分不太清楚 ~ = =""
"特定"或是"限定範圍下的狀態". (第三題沒有ABCD?)
: B 5. The plans announced for the proposing plant were met with enthusiasm by
: the unemployed public hoping for job opportunities.
: B 要怎麼改?? 為什麼不是D
: C 1. Hisefforts, which he cloaims are his best, would be less than satisfactory
: A B
: even to the least demanding person than myself.
: C D
C改為'less demanding'' 這裡只有兩個人的價值觀互相比較,所以不可以用"the least''
: A 2.A cover letter did not have to accompany a resume; however, those who
: A B
: consider themselves experts in job placement would advise sending both.
: C D
: 為什麼是A 如果說是現在式 ~ 那 C 為什麼是過去式呢@@
這裡的"would"跟時態無關,不是過去式,而是建議語氣用法. 本句陳述事實,所以A要改為
'doesn't have to' 指並非必要,但是被建議去做的
: D 3.After receiving a hospital bill, the patietnt questioned an error
: in the charges and received the reimbursement from the hospital.
: B 4.City home buyers may be entitled to the refunds if their agents made
: A B C
: errors on the contracts.
: D
: 3、4題的the 有時分不太清楚 ~ = =""
"特定"或是"限定範圍下的狀態". (第三題沒有ABCD?)
: B 5. The plans announced for the proposing plant were met with enthusiasm by
: the unemployed public hoping for job opportunities.
: B 要怎麼改?? 為什麼不是D
All Comments

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at 2007-04-23T10:57

By Quintina
at 2007-04-23T16:28
at 2007-04-23T16:28
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