Re: 2008/1012T PTT考生報到! - 英檢

By Ophelia
at 2008-10-13T17:02
at 2008-10-13T17:02
Table of Contents
To 2008/1012T的考生,
板僕 max2/big0 預祝大家; 考一個大大big max分~
相信大家考完後, 都想多做一些善事幫助別人...
PTT托福板歡迎大家來積善德, 在等分數的時間請來 po [考場] 經驗文~
ps: 根據ETS的往例, 1012T的考生在10/29中午過後可查到分數!
※ 點亮批踢踢 1012踢 光明燈 , 願以下考生能心想事成 ※
板僕 max2/big0 預祝大家; 考一個大大big max分~
相信大家考完後, 都想多做一些善事幫助別人...
PTT托福板歡迎大家來積善德, 在等分數的時間請來 po [考場] 經驗文~
ps: 根據ETS的往例, 1012T的考生在10/29中午過後可查到分數!
※ 點亮批踢踢 1012踢 光明燈 , 願以下考生能心想事成 ※
推 tab193:TAB193 MINQ CHUAN UNIVERSITY給我90分! 10/07 12:05
推 lightmeup:lightmeup 中興大學 給我100分~!!!!!!! 10/07 12:49
推 bigbear2007:bigbear2007 Merica 給我100分~!!!!!!! 10/07 12:53
推 byway:byway 銘傳大學 給我100分 orz 10/07 13:08
推 erintseng:元智大學 讓我考出實力!!我也要100分!!! 10/07 13:16
推 zigeun:zigeun 廣科 我也要100分~!!! 10/07 13:23
推 vanillashake:vanillashake 台北美加 目標100!! 10/07 13:34
推 smoochy:smoochy 嶺東 給我105分!!! 10/07 13:52
推 nanger:nanger 迴音谷 給我95分! 10/07 15:50
推 glenna9305:glenna9305 台中亞聖 讓我衝越高越好啊>"< 10/07 16:52
推 KenXXX:KenXXX 台中資策會 給我100分!!! 10/07 17:09
推 fab5rocks:qoo300 台中資策會 100+++++++++++++++++++++++ 10/07 18:00
推 freezein:freezein 廣科國際 給我100分!!! 10/07 18:11
推 tab193:+油~ 10/07 18:17
推 doggyfighter:doggyfighter Merica 給我三位數~ 10/07 19:07
推 stanly:stanley 台北趨勢 給我100分!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10/07 20:33
推 flutemily:flutemily 台北美加 給我越高越好!!!!!! 10/07 20:58
推 Mcbee:Mcbee 廣科國際 我要100!! 10/07 21:43
推 coachboss:coachboss 台北美加 給我100(當然越高越好)~ 10/07 22:17
推 tab193:有機經包嗎? 10/07 22:17
推 faye3w:KIMCHI 馬偕護專 我要109!!!!!!!! 10/07 22:26
推 chunning:chunning 台北美加 105是一定要的啦!!!!! 10/07 22:35
推 ogerea:ogerea 台中資策會 給我100分!!!!!!! 10/07 23:34
推 egg001:egg001 台中中興大學 給我110分!!!!!!! 10/07 23:36
推 skltku:skltku 台中亞聖 給我100分!!! 10/07 23:50
推 fayepp05:fayepp05 台北趨勢 給我100阿阿阿阿阿阿阿 10/08 01:01
推 bbfish713:bbfish713 台中資策會 給我100分!!!!! 10/08 01:04
推 chriskaisen:chriskaisen 台北美加 給我85分!!!!!! 10/08 01:57
推 eeturtur:eeturtur 台北美加 給我100分!!! 10/08 02:57
推 mmlb:mmlb 花蓮大漢工專 給我90分 10/08 09:57
推 tabee1:tabee1 台中資策會 給我100分 10/08 11:57
推 bitai:BITAI 台中資策會 給我90分就好 10/08 14:39
推 wei1031:wei1031 中興大學 給我100分! 10/08 15:08
推 hobbyman:hobbyman 台北時代 給我100!!!!!!!! 10/08 18:35
推 floraaaaaa:floraaaaaa 台中亞聖 給我110!!!!!!! 10/09 00:10
推 bluestripes:bluestripes 給我三位數吧!! 10/09 13:56
推 personhuang:personhuang 馬偕護專 給我三位數 10/09 19:40
推 wangder:wangder 台中中興大學 給我110分!!!!!! 10/10 00:20
推 cookieben:cookieben 馬偕護專 我要100+! 10/11 18:51
推 Big0:各位 加油啊!! 10/11 22:50
※ 編輯: max2 來自: (10/13 17:09) 推 coachboss:coachboss 台北美加 給我100! 10/13 17:14
推 vanillashake:vanillashake 台北Merica 給我100!! 10/13 17:26
推 kuenwei:kuenwei STN12997A 社團法人就業能力教育協會 給我100+!! 10/13 17:51
推 ielin:ielin 逢甲地球村 給我85分~!!! 10/13 18:53
推 genius17:genius17 高雄寰宇 喊個80分會不會太沒志氣~_~ 10/13 21:02
推 pinkswing:pinkswing 台中亞聖 給我95分!! 10/13 21:24
推 philchao:philchao 台北美加 給我90分啦~~ 10/13 22:07
推 katie1217:katie1217 台北美加 給我一百分吧!! 10/13 22:18
推 pipmpipm:pipmpipm 台南echo 給我97!!!!!! 10/16 22:48
推 chie4v4:chie4v4 桃園元智 給我100+ !!! 10/22 10:55
推 sugawa:sugawa 台中資策會 給我90分~!!! 10/23 14:10
All Comments

By Puput
at 2008-10-15T00:06
at 2008-10-15T00:06

By Michael
at 2008-10-19T19:28
at 2008-10-19T19:28

By Erin
at 2008-10-20T09:37
at 2008-10-20T09:37

By Ina
at 2008-10-21T13:34
at 2008-10-21T13:34

By Xanthe
at 2008-10-24T17:35
at 2008-10-24T17:35

By Donna
at 2008-10-28T05:01
at 2008-10-28T05:01

By Ina
at 2008-10-31T02:41
at 2008-10-31T02:41

By Kelly
at 2008-11-04T13:53
at 2008-11-04T13:53

By Hamiltion
at 2008-11-07T18:14
at 2008-11-07T18:14

By Ivy
at 2008-11-11T21:32
at 2008-11-11T21:32

By Faithe
at 2008-11-12T11:07
at 2008-11-12T11:07

By Jack
at 2008-11-16T08:46
at 2008-11-16T08:46

By Thomas
at 2008-11-21T06:50
at 2008-11-21T06:50

By Selena
at 2008-11-24T00:47
at 2008-11-24T00:47

By Liam
at 2008-11-26T05:48
at 2008-11-26T05:48

By Catherine
at 2008-11-26T07:24
at 2008-11-26T07:24

By Dorothy
at 2008-11-27T01:21
at 2008-11-27T01:21

By Robert
at 2008-11-27T03:27
at 2008-11-27T03:27

By Valerie
at 2008-11-30T13:38
at 2008-11-30T13:38

By Xanthe
at 2008-12-03T23:23
at 2008-12-03T23:23

By Jacob
at 2008-12-06T03:01
at 2008-12-06T03:01

By Gary
at 2008-12-06T09:20
at 2008-12-06T09:20

By Caroline
at 2008-12-10T09:45
at 2008-12-10T09:45

By Belly
at 2008-12-14T20:17
at 2008-12-14T20:17

By Jacob
at 2008-12-15T19:37
at 2008-12-15T19:37

By Delia
at 2008-12-19T19:08
at 2008-12-19T19:08

By Isla
at 2008-12-21T17:22
at 2008-12-21T17:22

By Cara
at 2008-12-24T20:00
at 2008-12-24T20:00

By Oliver
at 2008-12-25T21:40
at 2008-12-25T21:40

By Mia
at 2008-12-28T22:40
at 2008-12-28T22:40

By Catherine
at 2009-01-02T14:24
at 2009-01-02T14:24

By Bennie
at 2009-01-05T11:23
at 2009-01-05T11:23

By Ingrid
at 2009-01-08T21:36
at 2009-01-08T21:36

By Hazel
at 2009-01-12T21:05
at 2009-01-12T21:05

By Zenobia
at 2009-01-13T05:43
at 2009-01-13T05:43

By Hedda
at 2009-01-16T11:29
at 2009-01-16T11:29

By Sierra Rose
at 2009-01-17T03:50
at 2009-01-17T03:50

By Olive
at 2009-01-18T07:42
at 2009-01-18T07:42

By Andy
at 2009-01-20T16:21
at 2009-01-20T16:21

By Erin
at 2009-01-24T08:52
at 2009-01-24T08:52

By Oscar
at 2009-01-25T07:23
at 2009-01-25T07:23

By Bennie
at 2009-01-26T16:26
at 2009-01-26T16:26

By Lydia
at 2009-01-28T21:54
at 2009-01-28T21:54

By David
at 2009-02-01T17:57
at 2009-02-01T17:57

By Mason
at 2009-02-05T06:42
at 2009-02-05T06:42

By Emma
at 2009-02-08T00:31
at 2009-02-08T00:31

By Brianna
at 2009-02-12T18:22
at 2009-02-12T18:22

By Aaliyah
at 2009-02-16T13:10
at 2009-02-16T13:10

By Gilbert
at 2009-02-21T01:26
at 2009-02-21T01:26

By Charlie
at 2009-02-23T19:39
at 2009-02-23T19:39

By Todd Johnson
at 2009-02-27T04:37
at 2009-02-27T04:37
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