Queen Mary申請住宿結果? - 留學

By Lucy
at 2011-04-22T12:44
at 2011-04-22T12:44
Table of Contents
Offers of housing are usually made at the following times:
。Returning students from July onwards (期限是4/30)
。1st year Undergraduate and Postgraduate applicants from July onwards
。1st Semester Associate (Study Abroad) and International Foundation
applicants from August onwards (期限是7/31)
。2nd Semester Associate (Study Abroad) and International Foundation
applicants from November onwards
。Mid academic session applicants will be handled by this Office on an
individual basis
Housing Services will be unable to give you information on your housing
application status prior to these dates. However you will be able to monitor
the progress of your application online by accessing your web accommodation
※ 引述《theone0118 ()》之銘言:
: 大家好~
: 我是這一屆Queen Mary Marketing的學生
: 想問一下學校申請的住宿結果什麼時後會出來呢?
: 通知信上好像沒寫日期 我找不到@@
: (如果有寫就算我眼殘了,但還是請告訴我)
: 謝謝!!
Offers of housing are usually made at the following times:
。Returning students from July onwards (期限是4/30)
。1st year Undergraduate and Postgraduate applicants from July onwards
。1st Semester Associate (Study Abroad) and International Foundation
applicants from August onwards (期限是7/31)
。2nd Semester Associate (Study Abroad) and International Foundation
applicants from November onwards
。Mid academic session applicants will be handled by this Office on an
individual basis
Housing Services will be unable to give you information on your housing
application status prior to these dates. However you will be able to monitor
the progress of your application online by accessing your web accommodation
※ 引述《theone0118 ()》之銘言:
: 大家好~
: 我是這一屆Queen Mary Marketing的學生
: 想問一下學校申請的住宿結果什麼時後會出來呢?
: 通知信上好像沒寫日期 我找不到@@
: (如果有寫就算我眼殘了,但還是請告訴我)
: 謝謝!!
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