Pin TOEFL解析閱讀混淆選項 (附詳解) - 英檢

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2021-08-16T16:04

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Pin TOEFL解析閱讀混淆選項 (附細解題詳解)




Cleisthenes' principal contribution to the creation of democracy at Athens was to complete the long process of weakening family and clan structures, especially among the aristocrats, and to set in their place locality-based corporations called demes, which became the point of entry for all civic and most religious life in Athens. Out of the demes were created 10 artificial tribes of roughly equal population. From the demes, by either election or selection, came 500 members of a new council, 6,000 jurors
for the courts, 10 generals, and hundreds of commissioners. The assembly was sovereign in all matters but in practice delegated its power to subordinate bodies such as the council, which prepared the agenda for the meetings of the assembly; and the courts, which took care of most judicial matters. Various committees acted as an executive branch, implementing policies of the assembly and supervising, for instance, the food and water supplies and public buildings. This wide-scale participation by the
citizenry in the government distinguished the democratic form of the Athenian polis from other, less liberal forms.

According to paragraph 4, one role of the new council was to

A. determine what issues came before the assembly
B. prepare the agenda for the courts
C. carry out the assembly’s policies
D. oversee the distribution of food and water

1. From the demes, by either election or selection, came 500 members of a new council, 6,000 jurors for the courts, 10 generals, and hundreds of commissioners.
2. The assembly was sovereign in all matters but in practice delegated its power to subordinate bodies such as the council, which prepared the agenda for the meetings of the assembly, and the courts, which took care of most judicial matters.

題目問council的角色,從第一個定位出的句子無法得知,於是採用第二句,此時部分考生看到council, which prepared the agenda for the meetings of the assembly, and the courts,以為assembly與courts平行,再加上看到prepared the agenda for導致選擇B選項而錯失分。

為避免落入該陷阱,應該把整句(定位第2句)速讀一次,會發現courts是與council平行作為 "下放權力" 的第二例子;正確答案是A,其將prepared the agenda for the meetings of the assembly重述為determine what issues came=prepare agenda。

從這題可知 TOEFL 的細節題常有混淆選項,最重要的莫過於如何讀題快又審慎,若想得知其中訣竅,歡迎到Pin TOEFL教室與顧問聊聊!

E-mail聯絡諮詢:[email protected]



Tags: 英檢

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Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2021-08-16T08:43
不知道發在這邊適不適合 本人目前擔任國外業務,英文大概多益900 一般討論交期的那種商用對話是沒什麼問題,如果用通訊軟體聊天也沒什麼大問題,但是 口說就是卡卡的 鑑於疫情前常常有老外會來拜訪公司,我們也會當伴遊帶他們去玩,如果之後老外來拜訪 ,我目前的英文程度不足以討論所有的話題。也就沒辦法拉近關係 目 ...


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2021-08-15T19:48
各位前輩們好 我預計在12月底、1月初二戰雅思 給自己的底標總分7分,單科不低於6.5,但當然考愈高分愈好 由於不太知道該怎麼做才能有效進步,所以拜託各位前輩們給予建議 希望還是自修為主,如果二戰還是沒考到目標再考慮補習 (考試費公司有補助,但補習費沒有,所以XD) 一戰是在6月初考的,BC電腦考學術 ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2021-08-15T10:40
嗨~大家好!我是Cathy開喜Peng婆/彭湘平。唯一土生土長iBT托福滿分120的英文老師。 留學英文教學16年。「彭湘平英文」堅持四人成班~十人進班就滿班。托福全台高分比例 最高!學生背景多元,強底弱底我們都能幫助拿高分! 我們的FB: ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2021-08-14T09:30
各位戰友和前輩們好 先上目前戰力: 學測13級,北部某老牌私立,多益780,大二升大三科技部計畫幾乎都用英文論文 純閱讀、聽力都沒問題,口說大概就是閒聊等級,但文法極差。 差到高中等級的文法都會錯,以前也不想面對這件事,所以就靠語感蒙混過去了。 但TOEFL的價格和難度可不是鬧著玩的... 所以想請教市面 ...

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Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2021-08-13T11:40
※ [本文轉錄自 Language 看板 #1X5UXEib ] Cambly主站:年6折 (折扣碼:flame ) Camblykids兒童站:年6折 (折扣碼:cuddle) 時間:即日起至8/15 晚23:59 以下連結註冊送免費15分鐘試聽 ...