Orientation and Navigation (TPO11) 第八題~不會 - 英檢

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2010-08-16T22:53

Table of Contents


So, in another set of experiments, Kramer put identical food boxes around the

cage, with food in only one of the boxes. The boxes were stationary,

and the one containing food was always at the same point ofthe compass.

However, its position with respect to the surroundings could

be changed by revolving either the inner cage containing the birds or

the outer walls, which served as the background. As long as the birds

could see the Sun, no matter how their surroundings were altered, they

went directly to thecorrect food box. Whether the box appeared in front of

the right wall or the left wall, they showed no signs of confusion.

On overcast days, however, the birds were disoriented and had trouble

locating their food box.

8. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 4 about Kramer's
reason for filling one food box and leaving the rest empty?

(1)He believed the birds would eat food from only one box.

(2)He wanted to see whether the Sun alone controlled the birds' ability to
navigate toward the box with food.

(3)He thought that if all the boxes contained food, this would distract the
birds from following their migratory route.

(4)He needed to test whether the birds preferred having the food at any
particular point of the compass.

邏輯很差 推不出來啊啊啊

好痛苦~ 到底要怎樣完全作對infer呢?





Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2010-08-19T05:14
我的版本答案是2呀? 56篇的黃金閱讀版本
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2010-08-23T18:43
@@ 我的是1耶
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2010-08-26T11:38
OG上有說 如果你的四個選項和主旨無關 你可以先刪掉
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2010-08-28T14:15
我平常也是刪掉主旨這方法 可是這題我第一個刪掉就是1
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2010-08-31T19:23
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2010-09-03T17:16
你是不是對錯題...? 這堤應該是第七題
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2010-09-05T14:15
沒有啊 第七題是這個耶~!7. According to paragraph 5,
how did the birds fly when the real Sun was visible
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2010-09-09T19:14
Una avatar
By Una
at 2010-09-14T15:14
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2010-09-18T14:05
我看到文勇黃金閱讀 這題是第七題沒錯= =
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2010-09-22T14:20
可是我下載到PDF檔的黃金閱讀 這兩題被對調了= =
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2010-09-27T10:47
PDF擋是不是錯誤很多? chinese pottery 那篇也很怪


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2010-08-16T22:44
可以寄給我嗎??? 21313aatyahoo.com.tw 太感謝你了~~~~!!!!!! - ...


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2010-08-16T20:13
※ [本文轉錄自 studyabroad 看板 #1CQIimCJ ] 作者: echoecho (echo) 看板: studyabroad 標題: [情報] 2010行銷管理碩士全台說明會 時間: Mon Aug 16 20:12:30 2010 ╔═ ...

TPO4 deer populations of the puget sound

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2010-08-16T17:16
Nearly any kind of plant of the forest understory can be part of a deerand#39;s diet. Where the forest inhibits the growth of grass and other meadow plants ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2010-08-16T14:06
[評議] 1. 考場代碼: STN13230A 2. 考場名稱: 忠孝地球村 3. 考場交通: 忠孝敦化站7號出口旁 4. 隔音效果: 人跟人有隔板,但就想像一下一間約10坪的房間擠了20幾個考生 有隔板也沒用... 5 ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2010-08-16T14:06
想請問有補過哈佛的同學 我之前是報名16周的保證班 在去年七月初報名開始上課的 到10月上完 當初是說 如果考試沒有考到100分一年內可以再上一次 想請問這樣的話一年的期限是從七月算起還是十月算起? 謝謝 - ...