OG文法問題 - 自學

By Jack
at 2007-08-24T21:17
at 2007-08-24T21:17
Table of Contents
※ 引述《crystaless (小何)》之銘言:
: 1. Battery-operated reading lamps___very well right now.
: A.sale B.sold C. are selling C. were sold
: 為什麼答案是C?題不是被動嗎?
right now 是現在進行的時間 只有c符合
被動用法是 be sold "to" 這裡沒有to
所以要用主動用法 主詞為欲售物
: 句子改錯?
: 2. The years I A.(spent) working with the children's home B.(was) the
: most C.(rewarding) of D.my life.
: 答案為什麼是B.was?C.rewarding為什麼沒有錯?
: rewarding是形容詞,後面怎能加of...整句話覺得很多地方都怪怪的
The years (I spent working with the children's home)
are the most rewarding of my life.
很明顯主詞是複數 又為事實陳述 故was應該改成are
rewarding是形容詞沒錯 但是the+adj. 可以當作名詞使用!
比如 the poor (窮人) the rich (富人)
: 3. benefit可以數嗎?要用much 還是many?
看語意 根據macmillan 英文辭典
當可數 並且必須加s 是在當可以數它的項目的利潤 或是保險費
1 [count usually plural] extra money or other advantages
that you get in addition to your salary from your employer
as part of your job:
The benefits include medical insurance and a company car.
1a. money or help that an insurance company gives to you
3 [count] an event organized in order to make money
for a person or a CHARITY:
a benefit concert/performance
4 [count or uncount] BRITISH payment for people who are sick
or unemployed:
housing/sickness/disability benefit
當集合名詞 多用單數 但可以寫複數也不算錯
2 [count or uncount] an advantage you get from a situation:
The new sports facility will bring lasting benefit to the community.
查閱朗文,麥克米蘭的學習辭典和merriam-webster 和american heritage
及random house,webster's new world 的college dictionary
沒有人用many much用法 應該是用be of great benefit=>有極大利潤
: 4. A.(Effective) immediately, Craig Wu B.(will be) the new branch
: C.(manaement of) the Mottsboro D.(division).
: 答案是C,我知道C錯在哪裡..可是A這樣文法放在句首總覺得怪怪的
我也覺得A和C都錯 C是錯在當管理人時 是集合名詞
: 5.A.(Perhaps) Mr.Rhenquist is not B.(quite) as well qualified for
: the position C.(as) Mr.Robbins D.(does).
: 答案是D..可是為什麼?
這裡用的是 is
所以does不需要用到 does=>X
: 6. Revitalization of the transportation system A.(would) be a
: major B.(victor) for Glenville, which is showing signs of recovering
: C.(following) years of D.(economic) decline.
: 這題我選C,但是答案是 B..為什麼是B?
following 是接下來的意思 形容詞用法
victor=>victory victor是勝利者 victory才是勝利
: 我的問題有點多..希望各位高手可以幫我解答一下..非常感謝
記憶中的國度 微風搖曳的百年強權夢
惆悵中的人民 細雨飄逸的萬年文明史
: 1. Battery-operated reading lamps___very well right now.
: A.sale B.sold C. are selling C. were sold
: 為什麼答案是C?題不是被動嗎?
right now 是現在進行的時間 只有c符合
被動用法是 be sold "to" 這裡沒有to
所以要用主動用法 主詞為欲售物
: 句子改錯?
: 2. The years I A.(spent) working with the children's home B.(was) the
: most C.(rewarding) of D.my life.
: 答案為什麼是B.was?C.rewarding為什麼沒有錯?
: rewarding是形容詞,後面怎能加of...整句話覺得很多地方都怪怪的
The years (I spent working with the children's home)
are the most rewarding of my life.
很明顯主詞是複數 又為事實陳述 故was應該改成are
rewarding是形容詞沒錯 但是the+adj. 可以當作名詞使用!
比如 the poor (窮人) the rich (富人)
: 3. benefit可以數嗎?要用much 還是many?
看語意 根據macmillan 英文辭典
當可數 並且必須加s 是在當可以數它的項目的利潤 或是保險費
1 [count usually plural] extra money or other advantages
that you get in addition to your salary from your employer
as part of your job:
The benefits include medical insurance and a company car.
1a. money or help that an insurance company gives to you
3 [count] an event organized in order to make money
for a person or a CHARITY:
a benefit concert/performance
4 [count or uncount] BRITISH payment for people who are sick
or unemployed:
housing/sickness/disability benefit
當集合名詞 多用單數 但可以寫複數也不算錯
2 [count or uncount] an advantage you get from a situation:
The new sports facility will bring lasting benefit to the community.
查閱朗文,麥克米蘭的學習辭典和merriam-webster 和american heritage
及random house,webster's new world 的college dictionary
沒有人用many much用法 應該是用be of great benefit=>有極大利潤
: 4. A.(Effective) immediately, Craig Wu B.(will be) the new branch
: C.(manaement of) the Mottsboro D.(division).
: 答案是C,我知道C錯在哪裡..可是A這樣文法放在句首總覺得怪怪的
我也覺得A和C都錯 C是錯在當管理人時 是集合名詞
: 5.A.(Perhaps) Mr.Rhenquist is not B.(quite) as well qualified for
: the position C.(as) Mr.Robbins D.(does).
: 答案是D..可是為什麼?
這裡用的是 is
所以does不需要用到 does=>X
: 6. Revitalization of the transportation system A.(would) be a
: major B.(victor) for Glenville, which is showing signs of recovering
: C.(following) years of D.(economic) decline.
: 這題我選C,但是答案是 B..為什麼是B?
following 是接下來的意思 形容詞用法
victor=>victory victor是勝利者 victory才是勝利
: 我的問題有點多..希望各位高手可以幫我解答一下..非常感謝
記憶中的國度 微風搖曳的百年強權夢
惆悵中的人民 細雨飄逸的萬年文明史
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