NUS博士全獎招生(已有英美offer者適用) - 留學

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2020-07-02T22:54

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[獎學金機會] (歡迎幫忙轉發)

President’s Graduate Fellowships:

考慮到目前全球新冠病毒的疫情,許多申請上美國或英國名校的學生可能會重新考慮去其他國家就學,目前新加坡國立大學(National University of Singapore)有提供校長獎學金(President’s Graduate Fellowships)機會給有拿到美國或英國名校錄取通知但考慮改變計畫來新加坡國立大學就讀博士班的學生,申請者需要擁有美國或英國名校的錄取通知書(目前這個獎學金計畫沒有明確定義名校友涵蓋哪些學校,應該會以case-by-case的方式評斷),獎學金的涵蓋範圍如下:

1. 學費
2. 每個月的生活津貼: 新幣3500 per month (新加坡公民), 3200 per month (新加坡永久居留權) , 3000 per month (國際學生)
3. 旅遊津貼
4. 國際學生還會另外有前來新加坡的補助津貼


如果有興趣,可以找Dr. Alexander Lin擔任博士班指導老師,他目前任職新加坡國立大學的環境與設計學院(School of Design and Environment)的建設系(Department of Building),研究內容包含建築物3D打印(3D-printing)、建築材料、建築結構、以及先進營造技術相關的項目,具體的博士班研究題目有彈性,可以與Dr. Lin再討論,具體題目可以偏材料、結構、特殊功能性建築構件或是工程管理。

上述獎學金機會名額有限,直到名額被合格的申請者填滿截止,如果有興趣,請盡快聯繫Dr. Alexander Lin,他的E-mail如下:

[email protected]

[Fellowship opportunities for PhD student in NUS] (Please feel free to share this advertisement with your friends)

President’s Graduate Fellowships:

Considering the COVID-19 pandemic, some new graduate students heading to top universities in US and UK may be reconsidering their decisions. National University of Singapore (NUS) has opportunities for President’s Graduate Fellowships for students who received offer of admission from top universities in US and UK, but reconsider to come to NUS to study for PhD degree. Applicants for this fellowship opportunity need to have an offer letter from a top university in US and UK. The fellowship will cover the
following items:

1. Tuition in NUS
2. Monthly stipend: SGD 3500 per month (Singapore Citizen), SGD 3200 per month (Singapore Permanent Resident) , SGD 3000 per month (International student)
3. Travel allowance
4. Settling allowance for international students

Furthermore, the student can also be allowed to spend one year at top universities overseas under that faculty member’s co-supervision with funding from NUS.

If interested, you may find Dr. Alexander Lin us your PhD supervisor under this fellowship scheme. His research team is in Department of Building under School of Design & Environment in NUS. His research interest includes construction 3D-printing, building materials, building structures, and topics relevant to advanced construction technologies. He is flexible with research topic for the PhD student to be supervise by him and you may find him to further discuss the topic. The possible research direction
includes materials, structures, building components with special functions and engineering management.

There is limited amount of above fellowship opportunities available on a first-come, first-served basis. Therefore, please contact Dr Alexander Lin as soon as possible if you are interested to it. His e-mail address is as follows:
[email protected]

Tags: 留學

All Comments

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2020-07-05T06:16
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2020-07-09T18:25
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2020-07-13T15:04
好積極喔 這個大動作搶人
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2020-07-14T10:41
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2020-07-17T05:35
去新加坡也沒好到哪裡去吧XD 目前歐洲也都趨緩了
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2020-07-18T06:31
新加坡薪水大概歐洲兩倍吧 樓上傻傻的
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2020-07-19T10:42
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2020-07-20T02:49
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2020-07-22T05:33
錢先拿到 後面什麼都很好辦
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2020-07-23T12:32
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2020-07-24T03:16
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2020-07-28T20:57
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2020-08-01T15:08
但考慮到稅的問題 薪資屌打歐洲大陸


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2020-07-02T19:07
這只是個例子,且裡面可能參雜的因為疫情而改變的事情,但還是希望能給各位參考 [Admission] UIUC MCS(4/1) UCI MSCS(4/4) USC MSCS(general) (4/10) USC MSCS(computer n ...

2020雅思口說訓練X落點輔導 公開講座

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2020-07-02T17:35
不管是去澳洲留學,還是加拿大、紐西蘭...留學, 雅思證照都是最令人煩惱的必考證照 因為雅思證照決定了你是否可以出國留學 為了幫助有心準備遊留學,但卻不知道該如何準備雅思考試的朋友們, 特別舉辦了本場專題講座, 讓你一次了解, ─什麼是雅思? ─雅思考試的優勢? —雅思口說怎麼準備 ─如何正確準備雅思? ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2020-07-02T13:04
【#TWGPS|109年教育部鼓勵出國留遊學線上宣導說明會 ✈ 】 專家帶路!宅出國際觀——#公費留學申請撇步大公開! 今年我們將舉辦三場說明會,以 #線上直播 的形式,邀請學成歸國的學子分享留學經驗 :#公費留學考試、#學海計畫系列、#留學獎學金,讓你在家宅出國際觀! 除了講者陣容華麗以外,這次提供的獎品也 ...


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2020-07-02T12:05
小弟現在大二 看了學分,可以在大三拼完, 目前都有達成 學校提前畢業的成績門檻, 想請問, 大家會提早畢業嗎? 大四那年 去當兵跟考托福 GRE等等 不知道大家的意見如何? 是利大於弊嗎? 謝謝大家! - ...

留美問題—是否該因當前 visa 政策影響出

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2020-07-02T05:48
分享一點想法, 本身是5月畢業的Class of 2020 Masterand#39;s degree,3月拿到EAD,6月開始正職工作, H1B簽證僅是暫停海外申請H1B的申請,對大部分人影響不是真的很大, 未來很難講,所以僅就 #疫情之下要不要來念書? 回答 先講我個人的結論:投入成本和效益不見得 ...