MSN英文討論會 - 自學

By Isabella
at 2006-09-17T23:10
at 2006-09-17T23:10
Table of Contents
※ 引述《fall85321 (尋找一片藍天)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《iwillfly (我討厭一個人啦!)》之銘言:
: : MSN:[email protected]
: : 我也要參加想提升語文能力^^
: I am a univercity student.
: I am in the fourth year.
: Except, I want to improve my English,I want to
: know the other people.
: Please let me join you.
: We can connect by letters or talk in MSN.
: MSN: [email protected]
: Thank you.
this is my msn:[email protected]
I hope I can improve my English, too.
If you want to practice your English and know some other people
or you are interested in English, you can join me
then we can talk in English together.
Thank you very much and nice to meet you~
: ※ 引述《iwillfly (我討厭一個人啦!)》之銘言:
: : MSN:[email protected]
: : 我也要參加想提升語文能力^^
: I am a univercity student.
: I am in the fourth year.
: Except, I want to improve my English,I want to
: know the other people.
: Please let me join you.
: We can connect by letters or talk in MSN.
: MSN: [email protected]
: Thank you.
this is my msn:[email protected]
I hope I can improve my English, too.
If you want to practice your English and know some other people
or you are interested in English, you can join me
then we can talk in English together.
Thank you very much and nice to meet you~
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