MSN英文討論會… - 自學

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2006-04-12T01:50

Table of Contents

I have no idea if there is someone trying to organize it...
The Group is not actually working so far.


The working model of the group is
to double click the English Study Group member on your messenger
and find a topic for talking about.

Because we hardly can find an interesting topic to talk with....
and some poeple, me ..for example,
would not that likely to open a session with an unkown person..
...especially male ones..XD

The conclusion is,
THE MSN english group is not operating as your expect.

Maybe we need to set discussion topics for each week...
Then, we can really talk about something.

by the way,
we can keep the dr.eye, or the kimo dictionary page active,
and find the proper words all the time just if you need.


Tags: 自學

All Comments

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2006-04-12T17:55
by the way, my msn: [email protected]
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2006-04-13T21:59
you might already added me in your contact list.
if you have interest about how to make it work..
we can discuss about it... ^^ have a good day/night.


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2006-04-12T01:07
如題,一份台幣200跟你買 (EX:台大轉學考物理試題+詳解:200元) 可以在台北市面交 要郵寄請再來信詳談 請回信到我的信箱。謝謝! - ...

請問 biz

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2006-04-12T00:37
請問在大台北 中 在那一間的圖書館 有放 biz 雜誌 感謝 - ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2006-04-12T00:13
※ 引述《Dianlong (沒收功不能罵髒話)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《pigshead (Julia-1)》之銘言: : : 一直以來就好喜歡好喜歡英文 不過上大學就不斷退步... 現在開始想好好充實我的英文能力 我可以加入嗎 ameily601athotmail ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2006-04-11T23:26
※ 引述《chromosome (桃園畫家)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《Dianlong (沒收功不能罵髒話)》之銘言: : : 各位好 我也想加入~~ : : 能找我聊ㄧ聊嗎? : : : 可以也加我嗎 : 拜託拜託 : 謝謝~ : smileg ...


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2006-04-11T23:18
※ 引述《Dianlong (沒收功不能罵髒話)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《pigshead (Julia-1)》之銘言: : : 現在可以加入嗎? : : : : 拜託加入我囉,謝謝! : 各位好 我也想加入~~ : 能找我 ...