Meteorite Impact and Dinosaur Extinc … - 英檢

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2010-09-19T03:44

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※ 引述《happynesssyc (SYCGOD)》之銘言:
: Paragraph 7: "Earth is a target in a cosmic shooting gallery, subject to
: random violent events that were unsuspected a few decades ago". In 1991 the
: United States Congress asked NASA to investigate the hazard posed today by
: large impacts on Earth. The group conducting the study concluded from a
: detailed analysis that impacts from meteorites can indeed be hazardous.
: Although there is always some risk that a large impact could occur, careful
: study shows that this risk is quite small.
: 11. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information
: in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the
: meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
: ○Until recently, nobody realized that Earth is exposed to unpredictable
: violent impacts from space.
: ○In the last few decades, the risk of a random violent impact from space has
: increased.
: ○Since most violent events on Earth occur randomly, nobody can predict when
: or where they will happen.
: ○A few decades ago, Earth became the target of random violent events
: originating in outer space.
: 翻譯
: 幾十年前,地球是宇宙射擊場的一個靶子,容易受到未知的隨機暴力事件的攻擊。1991年
: 美國國會要求美國國家航空航天局調查大型撞擊對地球造成的危害。指揮這項研究的團隊
: 通過詳細的分析得出這樣一個結論︰隕石撞擊確實是危險的。盡管大型撞擊發生的風險依
: 然存在,但是謹慎的研究這門也認為這種風險的出現幾率非常小
: 這是黃金閱讀中的一篇
: 答案給1
: 實在看不出為什麼...



1)Until recently, nobody realized that Earth is exposed to unpredictable
violent impacts from space.

推 fishtom:that 是events的關代 所以這個event以前是不知道的
→ fishtom:原文意思是幾十年前 大家不知道地球是target

2)In the last few decades, the risk of a random violent impact from space has

3)Since most violent events on Earth occur randomly, nobody can predict when
or where they will happen.
我先翻選項: 因為大部分暴力事件是隨機的,所以沒人能預測它何時何地會發生
原文: 前半句沒錯,但後半句根本沒提到。
這種托福常考-it can be ture, but it is not mentioned

4)A few decades ago, Earth became the target of random violent events
originating in outer space.
原文:同1) 那是個現象,只是直到最近幾十年才被人注意到

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2010-09-20T22:14
個人解讀"Subject to.."為數十年前無人覺得這個隨機劇烈的
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2010-09-25T19:29
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2010-09-26T22:30
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2010-09-28T05:57
謝謝你詳盡的解說 終於懂了


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2010-09-19T02:35
現在是沒有了嗎? 我在他們網站上最新消息, 只看到彭的聽說班,沒看到口說小班? 請問什麼時候會有啊? 還是有其他推薦的口說補習班呢? 謝謝! - ...


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2010-09-18T22:35
最近一期的寰宇托福衝刺班已經結束好一陣子了 之前江樸老師說會寄聽力的錄音檔給我們 可是不知道是不是我的e-mail的問題 我只有寰宇寄的收到黃金閱讀 那些音訊檔都完全沒收到 寫信給江樸老師,他也說我的信箱很怪 他叫我直接去台南寰宇索取檔案 但我可能不會再回台南了(現在在台北念書) 不知道有 ...


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2010-09-18T21:09
昨天剛好有事不能去 想請問一下老師有出作業嗎? 謝謝各位 - ...


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2010-09-18T20:32
※ 引述《blueseadream (藍海)》之銘言: : 這是二戰,跟一戰時比起來有唸真有差 : 心得是,機經真的是雙面刃 : 閱讀第一題我已經忘了orz.. : 第二題是考Second Palace : 第三題是考恐龍滅絕相關的 : 聽力剛翻了太傻確定是090221的考題 : 聽力加試是大王花 : spe ...

Meteorite Impact and Dinosaur Extinction

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2010-09-18T17:24
Paragraph 7: and#34;Earth is a target in a cosmic shooting gallery, subject to random violent events that were unsuspected a few decades agoand#34;. In 199 ...