ME PhD position available at MSU - 留學

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2018-10-08T09:20

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PhD position in dynamics and vibrations at Michigan State University

The Dynamics and Energy Harvesting Laboratory in the Department of
Mechanical Engineering at Michigan State University (MSU) has an
opening at the level of PhD, starting Spring or Fall 2019. The
research conducted in the laboratory concentrates on applying
fundamental knowledge of nonlinear dynamics and vibrations to
develop intelligent systems that can perform self-powered
structural health, vibration monitoring and control, and generate
electricity via creative means of energy harvesting. Applications
include electricity-regenerative vehicle suspensions, sensors-
embedded intelligent tires, and self-powered, active vibration
controllers. The research involves multidisciplinary and
fundamental studies on rotor dynamics, and stochastic and
nonlinear dynamics, and electromechanical systems (electromagnetic
and piezoelectric). More details can be found at the laboratory's
homepage at
The successful candidate will be funded via Graduate Research
Assistantship (GRA). Candidates must have an earned BS or MS
degree in Mechanical Engineering or a closely related field such
as engineering mechanics. A solid background of dynamics and
vibrations is required, and knowledge of nonlinear and stochastic
dynamics, electromechanical systems, solid mechanics, and control
is preferred but not required. Please send your CV, academic
transcripts, GRE/TOEFL scores, and other supporting documents as
one PDF attachment to Dr. Wei-Che Tai at [email protected]. A list
of related publications is welcome but not required. The subject
line must start with "Ph.D. Application". Review will start
immediately and continue until the position is filled.

Tags: 留學

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紐澤西 台灣駕照翻譯

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2018-10-08T07:45
大家好 小弟我昨天去MVC(在Bayonne,NJ) 6點文件驗證過了,照片拍了錢($10)也繳了 結果到了第三關因為台灣的駕照沒有英文翻譯本所以連筆試都不讓我考就被請回了 辦理人員說明他們不看國際駕照 所以我拿出來時連看都不看 在此向各位已成功換照的前輩們請教 翻譯去紐約的經文處辦理就行了嗎? 不曉得MVC ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2018-10-07T23:44
安安各位版友,帥哥學長,美女學姐大家好,小弟是本日初到大阪地區準備就讀語言學校的老萌新,想請教各位有經驗的大大們,如果要添購一些基本裝備例如:二手電鍋,吹風機,熱水壺,腳踏車....等等,請問要去哪裡選購呢?小弟住在鶴橋站這裡,今天逛週圍除了泡菜還是泡菜....還在差點被困在泡菜市場走不回宿舍.... -- ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2018-10-07T22:02
地點:難波及大國町(交通費可相談) 時薪:1000/hr (每個月20號以後領現金,不扣稅) 工作時間:11:00-17:00之間(平均一間1-2小時左右) 應徵條件: *須持有合法簽證(打工度假簽、留學簽等),簽證效期6個月以上 *日語程度不拘(有基本溝通能力者佳) *希望是仔細、愛乾淨、負責任的人 *時 ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2018-10-07T17:28
大家好 明年三月想報名春季班 因為學校外住宿的保證金實在太高,希望有宿舍為主,但朋友實在大推首爾大,實在很難 選擇。 (如果有其他首爾的學校學費較便宜又有宿舍的歡迎推薦哦:) 問題如下: 首爾大宿舍是抽籤的 有網友說春季是新的一季比較好中籤?也有聽說是先報名先中籤?有報名一期語學堂的人 順利中籤的 ...

(有funding)SUNY Buffalo BME PhD 招生

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2018-10-07T10:40
嗨,大家好~ (此PhD招生會有funding,RA或是TA其中一種) 剛好去年我在申請學校時跟我面試的Buffalo BME老師最近又寫信給我 說她最近今年預計要收學生,問我還有沒有興趣到她實驗室念PhD 但我今年一月已經開始在UWM念PhD了,就幫她po一下招生資訊~ 因為去年Skype面試覺得老師 ...