Manchester MBA interview 口試題目 - 留學

By Daniel
at 2011-04-16T18:15
at 2011-04-16T18:15
Table of Contents
我在3/8完成線上申請(Stage 5),3/14收到Interview Invitation,
要與Dr. Heather Spiro進行face-to-face interview at Taipei (君悅飯店),
日期原本是訂在4/6,但因為日本發生地震,Dr. Spiro行程有改,所以延後到4/10,
面程過程約32 mins,加上Q&A 10 mins
1.What have you been doing since leaving from your previous work?
(全職考生很可能會遇到的Career Gap問題)
2.What were your main responsibilities at your latest job?
3.What were the main challenges to you in the international teamwork setting?
4.If I were in a team with you, what would I learn from you?
5.In your professional work, how did you delegate your work to your team
6.When you manage a team, you give the work to the people who can do it,
but how do you train the other people to develop those skills as well?
7.As a team leader/manager, what do you think is your main strength
and the two areas you would like to improve?
8.Do you think people like working with you? Why?
9.You already have an MBA, why you want another one?
(在國內讀了MS in MIS,當時學校給的學位是MBA)
10.What is your job hunting strategy after your MBA?
11.What do you think will be the most significant challenge you will face
once you start an MBA?
Dr. Spiro問的題目都是圍繞在Essays的內容、個人過去的Teamwork and Leadership
experiences、Career Progression,第一題跟第九題我在Application Form裡
已做了說明,不過還是被問到了,anyway,可以看的出來Dr. Spiro有事先仔細研究
申請者的Application Package
All Comments

By Mia
at 2011-04-18T10:51
at 2011-04-18T10:51
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