Longman的幾個問題 謝謝各位板友!! - 自學

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2007-09-27T00:57

Table of Contents

※ 引述《baobao821 (fight with Toeic)》之銘言:
: P133
: 1. (Technological advancements) and the demand for (new services) have
: created competition in (the next frontier): (the space.)
: Ans: the space
: 2. After receiving (a hospital bill), the patient questioned (an error)
: in (the charges) and received (the remimbursement) from the hospital.
: Ans: the reimubursement
: P137
: 1. (Coming form private industry) into public education (and brought) with her
: a business-minded way of (doing) things, the new superintendent of schools
: realizes what a (challenging job) she has.
: Ans: and brought
and bringing才對,因為
the new superintendent of schools是bring with something
而不是 被帶來
: P144
: 1. Our (advertising) (is targeted) toward youth, who (is easily) persuaded
: to (spend money).
: Ans: is easily
所以應該是 are easily
: P146
: 1. (The competitors should counter), we should (be fully prepared to remain) in
: (this heated race) and to advise our lawyers (of our firm decision).
: Ans: The competitors should counter
不過兩個獨立子句竟然沒有連接詞 @@
: P147
: Incorrect : He said that he felt sick.
: Correct: He said he gelt sick.
: 為什麼多加ㄧ個that 會錯呢 ?
: 謝謝大家 大家 英文加油
最常見的例子: It is said that ...... 據說.....

Tags: 自學

All Comments

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2007-10-01T20:50
謝謝 感恩 ^____^

有人想團抱多益11/26的考試嗎? 需30人ꄠ…

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2007-09-26T22:59
從推文和我收到的信來看 應該是可以湊團報 他們有個團報專線 我明天打電話去問問規定和需要的資料再跟大家說囉!!! 謝謝 ※ 引述《yunns (..)》之銘言: : 我要考11/26的多益 : 台北場的,湊30人團報的話打九折 : 原價1400變1260 也是有差滴! : 可以幫我多多宣傳囉!! : ...


Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2007-09-26T22:29
toeic official guideand#34;挑錯題and#34; p.127第147題 When you send a fax from this machine remember to enter the area code A ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2007-09-26T15:48
請問考TOEIC有沒寫完或是不會的,應該要把他猜完嗎?? - ...


Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2007-09-26T14:38
我上次考了700分,目標是750分。 問題如下: 就是我上次考試前做了4回習題,這次要重做還是看錯的地方就好了呢? 我不知如何複習,請鄉民給意見。不然我好緊張~ - ...


Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2007-09-26T14:08
我知道有些外商要求滿高的 通常大約要多少分才有機會去面試呢? - ...