Longman的幾個問題 謝謝各位板友!! - 自學

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2007-09-25T23:25

Table of Contents


1. (Technological advancements) and the demand for (new services) have
created competition in (the next frontier): (the space.)
Ans: the space

2. After receiving (a hospital bill), the patient questioned (an error)
in (the charges) and received (the remimbursement) from the hospital.
Ans: the reimubursement


1. (Coming form private industry) into public education (and brought) with her
a business-minded way of (doing) things, the new superintendent of schools
realizes what a (challenging job) she has.
Ans: and brought


1. Our (advertising) (is targeted) toward youth, who (is easily) persuaded
to (spend money).
Ans: is easily

1. (The competitors should counter), we should (be fully prepared to remain) in
(this heated race) and to advise our lawyers (of our firm decision).
Ans: The competitors should counter


Incorrect : He said that he felt sick.
Correct: He said he gelt sick.
為什麼多加ㄧ個that 會錯呢 ?

謝謝大家 大家 英文加油

Tags: 自學

All Comments

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2007-09-28T21:20


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2007-09-25T16:51
350分很容易...建議你直接買官方的那本來唸就好 我唸那本第一個月後去考 就有400分了... 不過得先看你是聽力弱還是單字弱.. 如果是單字弱 11/25就要考了 我看神仙也救不了你了 你只好自求多福猜猜看嚕~ 加油!! ※ 引述《lilyans2002 ()》之銘言: : 因學校要求~多益分 ...


James avatar
By James
at 2007-09-25T16:48
※ 引述《utada27 (utada)》之銘言: : 大家好,不好意思,想問一下全民英檢的一些問題, : 我是打算報明年的二月的中級考試, : 可是我覺得自已的□說很差,一直沒有改善, : 不知道怎樣才能提升口說的能力, : 希望大家能分享一些方法, : 謝謝大家 我沒有要準備考試 但因為工作需要 所以 ...


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2007-09-25T16:00
正在讀借來的TOEIC 860分攻略本 裡面有寫到手錶不要戴電子錶 因為可能會影響考試而被要求不准帶入考場 atatand#34; 不過這本書是2005出的 想請問一下今年考過的網友 現在還是不可以戴電子錶嗎?謝謝 andlt;(_ _)andgt; 最近為了報名買書有點窮,不太想去多買一個指針手錶的說 O ...


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2007-09-25T15:38
大家好,不好意思,想問一下全民英檢的一些問題, 我是打算報明年的二月的中級考試, 可是我覺得自已的□說很差,一直沒有改善, 不知道怎樣才能提升口說的能力, 希望大家能分享一些方法, 謝謝大家 - ...

關於有聲書 - 英文單字書

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2007-09-25T15:13
請問一下各位 除了劉毅的單字書 10000 / 22000 還有沒有其他的單字書也是屬於and#34;有聲書and#34;的呢?? - ...