Kenji Kawaguchi@NUS 深度學習領域博士生 - 留學

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2021-07-29T11:49

Table of Contents

Professor Kenji Kawaguchi (NUS Presidential Young Professor) is looking for
incoming NUS PhD students who are interested in Deep Learning (both theory
and practice) to join his lab in the Department of Computer Science (CS) in
the School of Computing (SoC) at the National University of Singapore (NUS).

About PI of the lab
Name: Kenji Kawaguchi
Education: MIT / Harvard University
Position: Presidential Young Professor, starting Fall 2021
Research interests in our lab at NUS: Deep Learning and Machine Learning -
both theory and practice

PhD program scholarships
Current students at NUS: If you are interested in working with me (with or
without joining my lab), please contact me at kawaguch at
Prospective students: If you are interested in joining our lab, please apply
directly to the Department of Computer Science at NUS. If you have questions
about joining our lab, please email to kawaguch at

We have six fully-funded positions for PhD students. The school
will provide fully-paid scholarships with monthly stipend and full tuition
fee subsidy for the six PhD students under my supervision. The monthly
stipend rate will be determined by the school and are subject to change. The
current monthly stipend rate ranges from S$2,000 to S$3,000 per month.

For more information, please visit:

Please feel free to share.

Tags: 留學

All Comments

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2021-08-02T10:57

0822 荷蘭留學線上講座,歡迎參加!

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2021-07-27T12:39
0822「只要有夢,從零開始也可以 - 一起讓留學『荷』情合理」預錄影片講座, 歡迎8/6前事先提問! 到荷蘭旅遊可遊覽徐徐轉動的荷蘭風車、欣賞繽紛絢麗的鬱金香花海,參觀各式主題文化 的博物館,更可乘船四處悠閒觀光。荷蘭除了是個適合旅遊的國度外,當地英語程度普及 、有著國際化且文化包容的環境、當地居留及 ...

德州農工 徵求室友一人

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2021-07-26T22:37
大家好,我是在Texas Aandamp;M University 就讀的研究生, 在此徵求一名 女生 室友租2B2B apartment. 租屋處就在學校旁,騎車5分鐘,附近有公車站、HEB,房租約400/month, 包含水費/瓦斯/cable及網路,電費另計。八月中可以入住。 簡單自我介紹: - 作 ...


Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2021-07-26T22:29
※ 引述《alaga (alaga)》之銘言: : 目前幫小孩規劃日後到美國留學 : 有兩個選擇 : 1. 高中畢業後申請去念大學 : 2. 等大學畢業後再出國念研究所 : 原本是傾向2)主要考量花費差了不少 : 但是也擔心等研究所再出國,是不是申請到好學校的難度相對更高 : 麻煩有相關經驗的版友能幫忙分享跟 ...


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2021-07-26T18:02
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Milan Bocconi 徵室友or找房

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2021-07-26T17:49
[代po] Hello:) 我是今年申請上Bocconi碩士班的女同學,目前會先在台灣上線上課。 因為疫情的關係,預計是11月初到米蘭。 想在版上找看看有沒有可以一起找住宿的女同學,大學或是碩班都可。 可以從九月開始承租並支付租金,或是有沒有人有比較推薦的Bocconi附近住宿選擇,目 前預算最多是660 ...