J2TOEFL 12/6連續命中真題+回憶 - 英檢

David avatar
By David
at 2014-12-07T00:45

Table of Contents

賀!!J2TOEFL 12/6兩套一共命中四題真題
A套命中T12 Lecture 1 Physics -- von Karman vortex street
T28 Conversation 1: 女學生想念classics 又對Greek Mythology 有興趣.
最後決定 interdisciplinary.
T25 Lecture 2 Theater History class--TheGlobe Theater
T18 Lecture 2 FMRI


第一篇是 Bioluminescence 討論海洋生物發光的機制和用途, 舉squid為
例, 說明它在海底發光是為了甚麼
第二篇是 Continental Drift 但是和機經不完全一樣, 理論大同小異, 但
是內容稍有改寫. 機經幫助很多!
第三篇是 Bird Colony 講鳥類群居的 advantages and disadvantages. 內
文講到好幾種鳥的名字, 後面失憶。

C1 *命中T28 Conversation 1 女學生想念 classics 又對 Greek
Mythology 有興趣. 最後決定念interdisciplinary

L1 *命中T12 Lecture 1 Physics -- von Karman vortex street

L2 是Architecture. The professor talks about a building in
Colorado which isnet-zero. 運用各種科技來產生 energy (special
window and underground boards to absorb and release heat)

C2 女學生到學校coffee shop. 希望它延長營業時間, 讓學生有個晚上讀書

L3 EuropeanHistory. Europeans 引進喝咖啡的過程以及後續效應

L4 Biology 這篇好難. 有關 how spider web collects moisture in the
air and turns it into water droplets.

口說 (*命中五題小範圍!)
*1-1 Volunteer work in hospital . Choose one activity: reading to
patient, talk to patient, socialize with friends and relatives of
the patient.

*2-12 Some companies allow employees to wear casual clothes, some
requires them to wear formal dress. Which do you prefer?

*3-6 Letter suggests to increase break time between classes. Man

4 Sensitizing . The example is a marine creature learns from
experience from being attacked by crab. Next time the creature
will run faster from the crab.

*5-4 Man is going to hike with friends but got ill. First option
is to cancel. Second option is to wear warmer clothes and bring

*6-7 Associative play and cooperative play. Explain the two plays
tell us about a child's social development.

Three solution to eliminate invasive plants called cheatgrass. 1.
grazing 2. control fire 3. introducing fungal parasite.

Agree/disagree: Being creative, rather than planning carefully,
more often result in the best solution to a problem


1. locomotiom 主要講不同動物移動的能量耗用,有人走路、空中飛行動
耗能由大至小依序是人走路> 空中飛> 水裡游. 空中飛要克服drag 跟lift
production. 水裡游的多半都流線型可以減少阻力,不需要support
weight, 但是鴨子在surface游的能量耗用就比水下的大。
2. 關於水藻 seaweed 先講有很多不同種類,大多在熱帶及副熱帶地區,多
生長在海底。然後提到outer and inner continent shelf, 然後說海藻顏
3. Lizard 分兩種 sit-to-wait 跟 active兩種

C1 (暫缺)
L1 *命中T25 Lecture 2 Theater History class --The Globe Theater
L2 *命中T18 Lecture 2 FMRI
C2 (暫缺)
L3 講blue monkey,觀察母monkey的行為
L4 (暫缺)

1. 比較兩個你去過的城市的不同
2. 應不應該教primary school student play computer
3. campus lawn 需要set up another day to clean up
4. masking
5. 朋友打破了是有的lamp, 買一個一樣的或是回家拿一個類似的。
6. 兩種不讓人bored讓人better的loading. Vertical and horizontal
HL: 同一及別的人,從sale TV到sale computers這個department
VL: 換一個more hard and challenging的

J2等級 Q2文章給了三個證據證明 巴比倫garden存在 教授一一反駁

獨立 讓學生對subject感興趣的最好方法是讓他們知道實踐的好處

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Tags: 英檢

All Comments


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2014-12-06T22:17
以下是小妹最近一個多月往返北中南考托福的考場心得, 還有一個是在台中迴音谷考GRE的也一併比較 [評議] (以下順序是台南崑山/台北馬偕/台中站前地球村) 1. 考場代碼: 2. 考場名稱:台南崑山/台北馬偕護校/台中站前地球村 3. 考場交通:不熟,自行開車/捷運關渡站 ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2014-12-06T19:26
大家好 小魯想請問板上的各位有沒有推薦的單字書呢,我想找的是寫英文解釋的... 想提升自己能力再考一次,謝謝各位大大! - ...


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2014-12-06T16:23
如題。 今天寫閱讀時最後一題summary只寫了兩個選項時間就到了,來不及按next和ok 回來爬文後發現之前有人分享,如果讓電腦自動收卷的話,有可能會有漏封包的情況。那 一整篇都不會被紀錄。 請問是這樣的嗎?有人有相關情況可以分享一下嗎?謝謝! -- Sent from my Android - ...

二戰 107 感謝SK2的幫忙!!

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2014-12-06T00:13
代PO [課程] SK2 三週精華衝刺班、J2托福機經班 [考試日期及成績] 一戰 Sep. 14 100 R 28/L 29/S 20 FFF/W 23 GF 二戰 Oct. 26 107 R 28/L 30/S 23 FFF/W 26 GF [準備教材] TPO、SK2講義、J2機經 今 ...

一戰106 送佛心得

William avatar
By William
at 2014-12-05T04:37
考試時間 2014/10/18 考場地點 台南遠東科技大學 各科成績 一戰 R:28 L:25 S:24(FGF) W:29(GG) Total:106 英文背景 NTUEE / GRE V151 / 學測15級 準備時間 一個多月 準備教材 TPO、送佛講義和助 ...