International Student Fair in London 19June 2010 - 留學

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2010-05-26T20:53

Table of Contents

Hello guys,

For some reasons, I can't type chinese in PTT bbs etc(though I can read)..
I have tried to solve this matter for a while but
Anyway, there is an education fair in London that might be of interest to you.

English link:

I also posted the same information to Hello UK, you may find it useful.
plz see the link:


Each year, thousands of international students flock to the UK enticed by the huge variety of courses on offer at universities, colleges of higher education and further education institutions nationwide.

Finding the best university or college and deciding on the right course for you can be a bit daunting.

Don急 worry - help is at hand!

The next International Student Fair takes place in Covent Garden, London on Saturday 19 June 2010.

Universities and colleges from all over the UK will be on hand to answer your questions on the British Higher Education system and give you invaluable advice on the many courses on offer.

Representatives from the UK Border Agency (including Visa Services) will be there. They will give general information on the visa process and the tiers of the new points-based system.

UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) will be hosting a seminar on the UCAS application process. This session will describe how applicants apply to full-time undergraduate courses in the UK and the resources available to help them make the best choices. It will also touch on the other application services that UCAS operates 阠CUKAS, GTTR and UKPASS.

If you are considering becoming a student in the UK then don急 let this opportunity pass you by!


Pick up your free Hotcourses magazine and British Council guides to UK education.


Tags: 留學

All Comments


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2010-05-26T18:36
我八月九號起要去Sheffield念四週的pre,也是訂Opal 3~(老早就訂好了~) 我訂的是Standard Ensuite,一週80英磅, 但我記得這個的已經滿了...其他的比較貴一點 附個網址你可以上去看看 記得點Summer Accommo ...


George avatar
By George
at 2010-05-26T17:51
由於我提前返回台灣的緣故 六月份我的FLAT會空出來 有人願意短期承租嗎?價格可以再談 地點就在牛津SAID商學院旁邊 距離市中心火車站 公車站均只有五分鐘走路的距離 -- 人家說一週上課一次是幸福的..... 不幸的是....我比一次 ...


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2010-05-26T17:49
請問一下~今年有版友要去Sheffield念pre的課程嗎? 我是報名6/28開課~~~因為決定有倉促.. 所以機票和住宿都還沒搞定~~ 有人可以推薦一下要住哪裡嗎? 我的代辦推薦了一個宿舍opal 3 但不知道這間宿舍跟學校的宿舍那一個比較好? 有沒有已經在念的版友, ...


Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2010-05-26T14:27
我是今年leicester的新生 最近在訂機票 代辦一直和我說不要訂下午或晚上到英國的票 一來是會怕有點危險 到了機場還要轉車到leicester 二來我到學校的時候會拿不到宿舍的鑰匙 但是我目前找到比較便宜的機票都是晚上五、六點 (大概兩萬五左右) 早上的票都是要在轉機的機場過夜票價也比較貴 ...


Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2010-05-26T12:28
過一陣子要訂機票 考量來回票比較便宜 但是我是今年八月中出去 預計明年十月出回來 剛剛上雄獅旅遊查了一下,機票效期好像最多一年耶 不知道有沒有人買來回票呢? 是跟哪間航空公司買的? - ...