Integrated Writing 終極模板 - 英檢

By Freda
at 2013-04-03T13:11
at 2013-04-03T13:11
Table of Contents
★★ Alexander Wang 老師經驗分享 ★★
(於美國賓夕法尼亞大學, 美國哥倫比亞大學研究TOEFL和GRE考題;
師於 ETS 榮譽顧問 Dr. James Purpura 和 Dr. Yuko Butler下)
Integrated writing 要拿滿分的重要關鍵 (而非尷尬的中上分)
(1)第一段要很簡短地提出summary (i.e. 在那三個方面閱讀和寫作不同)
(2) 在簡單複述閱讀的論點時 要paraphrase 用自己的話說 "不要照抄"
例 : In refuting the ideas presented in the reading passage,
the professor's (speaker's) arguments can be broadly
categorized / classified into three strands, [including A, B, and C.]
(3) 妥善運用用凸顯對比的structures來寫了
Standing in stark contrast (to A) is…
On the other hand,
By contrast, … On the contrary,…
N. be in stark contrast to…
There is a distinct contrast between A and B. Specifically,…
There exists a marked contrast between A and B.
Quite differently,
In comparison with A, B…
In opposition to…
Opposite / Contrary to ~ is…
S1+V1 whereas S2+V2
While A indicates that..., B argues...
例: In stark contrast to what was delineated in the reading passage,
the professor challenged (the validity of) the statement that....
Conversely, s/he contended that...
★★ 在Reported speech裡可用的動詞有那些?
(詞彙的多樣性很重要 因為作文的批改是由兩個human raters跟一個
computer rater所共完成的 後者看的是 句法單字的多樣性, 第三人稱s,
強度低: state, remark (口說), decribe/delineate, explain/account for (解釋)
demonstrate/show/disclose/reveal/uncover (顯示; 揭露)
強度中: hold/maintain (持有某種見解), note (提到指出),
indicate/suggest/point out (指出)
強度高: argue/contend, assert, claim, postulate/posit (斷定),
speculate/hypothesize (都是假說 但是後者比前者更有證據)
All Comments

By Belly
at 2013-04-03T17:13
at 2013-04-03T17:13

By Susan
at 2013-04-06T23:08
at 2013-04-06T23:08

By Hardy
at 2013-04-07T16:17
at 2013-04-07T16:17

By Tristan Cohan
at 2013-04-07T22:20
at 2013-04-07T22:20

By Jake
at 2013-04-08T08:23
at 2013-04-08T08:23

By Ursula
at 2013-04-09T01:22
at 2013-04-09T01:22

By Ivy
at 2013-04-09T23:48
at 2013-04-09T23:48
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