Integrated Writing Task這樣寫可以嗎? - 英檢

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2015-06-21T21:28

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今天做了TPO 25的Integrated Writing Task,探討古代陶罐是否被當成電池使用
1. 說明兩方論點不同
2. 文章第一段的論點,和講者的反駁點
3. 文章第二段的論點,和講者的反駁點
4. 文章第三段的論點,和講者的反駁點
5. 摘要講者的三個重點,並摘要講者的結論

特別是1. 連OG 5分範文也沒有提出文章的論點,重點著重在寫出講者的論點
2. 不見得有最後一段摘要




The passage said that clay jars containing copper cylinders surrounding by
iron rods were not likely to be used as electric batteries. However, the
lecturer argues against the passage and provided standpoints that the clay
jars could have been use as batteries.

To begin with, the passage pointed out that the clay jars could not be used
as batteries because there were no evidences of conductors. And since
batteries would likely to be connected with conductors, the absence of
conductors argued against the theory that the clay jar was used as batteries.
However, the lecture pointed out that these clay jars were discovered by
villagers, which are lay person and not professional archaeologist.
Therefore, the conductors could have been missed or overlooked as
uninteresting objects.

Secondly, the passage said that the cylinder was similar to cylinders found
in the ruins of Seleucia. In Seleucia, the copper cylinders were used for
holding sacred text scrolls. Since the cylinders share similar appearance,
the recently discovered cylinders were also likely to be used to hold text
scrolls rather than used to generate electricity. On the other hand, the
lecturer argued that although the cylinders discovered in these two places
are similar, it cannot be used to prove anything. It was also be possible
that the cylinder was used initially to hold text scrolls as used in
Seleucia, but later adapted to a new role of generating electricity.

Finally, the passage concluded that there was no known usage of electricity
at ancient time. Therefore, a battery would be useless to ancient people. The
lecturer stated that there were many possible usages of electricity even in
the ancient time. She said that electricity could deliver mild shock or
tingling sensation, which can be inferred to signs of magical powers or
invisible powers. The electricity could also be used for healing process and
to relieve pains and aches, much like the ways we do in modern time.
Therefore, there were possible usages of electricity in the ancient world.

In conclusion, the lecturer said that the conductors could be missed during
archaeological discovery process, and that the similarity of cylinders did
not mean that the cylinders could only be used to hold text scrolls. She
finished her argument that there were possible usages of electricity in the
ancient world. Based on the above reasons, the lecturer said that it was
possible that the clay jar was used as battery in ancient times.

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2015-06-26T14:36
文章1句 lecture3句 每段4句就很夠了
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2015-06-30T08:36
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2015-07-01T00:26
可以不用 conclusion, 畢竟只要 200~300 字
James avatar
By James
at 2015-07-01T10:53
章在), 但聽力的部份就寫比較多, 講怎麼反駁
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2015-07-03T16:01
1稍微提到文章在用聽力的反駁 這段在考聽力 還有文法
而已 2不用結論
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2015-07-07T19:56
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2015-07-09T07:18
大部份同意樓上們講的 每段開頭先講文章論點1-2句
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2015-07-09T12:11
剩下盡量多寫講者的部分 愈仔細愈好 因為這同時也是測試
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2015-07-13T22:59
你聽力+整合寫作的能力 我覺得你第三個論點的量就很夠
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2015-07-15T07:01
整體讀起來還是會有些文法不順的地方 另外雖然200-300字
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2015-07-19T21:43
官方說法說夠 但建議寫道350-400字可更高分
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2015-07-23T09:26
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2015-07-27T11:00
不太卻定評分標準是怎樣XD 可能也跟句子順不順有關
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2015-07-28T22:55
我之前是 integrated 225~250 字左右, independent 38x字
W28 (GG)
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2015-08-01T07:27


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2015-06-21T16:57
考試時間 2015/6/13 考場地點 士林地球村 各科成績 裸考一戰 R:29 L:30 S:20 W:24 Total:103 考生身分  112醫學系 實習醫師 英文背景 無生活在外語環境經驗 英文學測15級分 指考91分 準備時間 6小時 準備教材 ...


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2015-06-21T09:55
想請問各位托福的口說和寫作的評分表準啊. 小弟在6/13的口說只拿到了19分 可是作官方TPO幾次都有26分以上啊 考試當天也都考得很順啊... 寫作更是另一個悲劇了 TPO誤我一生啊 - ...


John avatar
By John
at 2015-06-20T15:53
考試時間 2015/6/13 考場地點 板橋地球村 各科成績 一戰 R:29 L:30 S:28 W:29 Total:116 考生身分  Gap Year中 英文背景 無 準備時間 8天 準備教材 youtube NOTEFULL, magoosh -準備背景 ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2015-06-20T08:07
今早收到信了,果然聽力超爛哈哈!!! 再考一次惹... -- Sent from my Android - ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2015-06-19T23:25
美國法學院申請最著名的特色就是頂尖學校大部份都是先到先審 即使是統一發錄取通知的幾間知名學校, 也都聲明先到先審的原則 因此, 每年都有部分美國頂尖法學院最早在前一年的十月就已經發錄取通知的情形 因為這樣先到先審的制度, TOEFL分數認證的時間就成為是否能提早送出申請的關鍵了 在準備好所有文件的同時 ...