I have some questions to bring up ! - 自學

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2008-07-08T22:26

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※ 引述《emulate (我愛ptt)》之銘言:
: I have a few questions to bring up concerning the usage of words in the
: dialogues in the movie "Kill Bill"
: question 1 :
: I got your ass ! Wrap it up ! Come on !
: What does the sentence mean ?
: question 2 :
: I ain't seen in a long time .
: I wonder what the word "ain't" is abbreviated from .
: question 3 :
: Be that as it may , I know I don't deserve your mercy or your forgiveness .
: I know the sentence above is made up of adverb clause and main clause , but
: I don't know the grammar of the adverb clause . Can anyone know it and explain
: it to me ?
I try it with my poor and scarce knowledge of grammer to explain :)

1.Be that :an imperative sentence

2.as it may:adverb clause

3.I know I don't deserve your mercy or your forgiveness:main clause

How to know which sentence is adverse clause?

You can find a conjuction in the front of a snetence,which is the one you want

to know^^

If my explanation is wrong or unclear,plaese tell me on the board. Thanks a lot
: question 4 :
: I know he didn't qualify that shit , so you can just kiss my motherfucking ass.
: I know every single word above precisely , yet I completely don't know what
: the sentence expresses . Can anyone understand it ?
: The questions raised above are what confused me when I was seeing the movie
: "Kill Bill ". Hope someone can answer them to me , and I truly appreciate it.

Tags: 自學

All Comments


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2008-07-08T14:14
※ 引述《joe0217 (joe0217)》之銘言: : 我現在是大一要生大二 : 感覺自從高中指考完後除了課本上原文書的專有名詞外 : 幾乎不會再主動去碰英文 : 所以感覺自己程度越來越差(現在大概退化到高1~高2程度了吧) : 想趁這麼暑假好好充實自己一下 : 畢竟英文也是很重要的 : 於是我媽叫我去補 ...


Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2008-07-08T12:40
您好 一直對塔羅頗有興趣 不知何處可學 或有網友懂這方面可以教學呢 感謝 ▁ - ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2008-07-08T01:44
我現在是大一要生大二 感覺自從高中指考完後除了課本上原文書的專有名詞外 幾乎不會再主動去碰英文 所以感覺自己程度越來越差(現在大概退化到高1~高2程度了吧) 想趁這麼暑假好好充實自己一下 畢竟英文也是很重要的 於是我媽叫我去補科見的暑期密集會話班 但是我太不想去補因為有點貴.... 所以想看看 ...


Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2008-07-08T01:17
不好意思,小弟有一點小問題可以請教大家嗎? 我之前在某國外網站購物,收到一封信。 我對於裡面有一句話,不是很了解, 簡單的顯示一下,下面的內容: Here are the items that are on order: ...(略) Sub Total = $70.84 Frt = $24.69 ...


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2008-07-07T21:31
因為暑假蠻閒的 想說學點英文 然後前幾天在空英他們的網頁我發現到一個學習英文的網站! 看起來還蠻不錯的 不知道有沒有人看過?? 而且它收費蠻便宜的 至少不用花很多錢去補英文 我就申請加入會員了 它裡面的影音功能就類似卡拉OK那樣的畫面出來一樣而且也可以往回撥送這樣 我用了幾天真的覺 ...