Graham Harwood@Goldsmiths 3月來台演講 - 留學

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2013-03-12T13:17

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想申請 Goldsmiths 的 MA Interactive Media, critical theory and practice 和
MA/MSc in Creating Social Media 的朋友們,Goldsmiths 文化研究中心的老師
Graham Harwood 受中研院數位典藏國際研討會之邀即將來台,歡迎有興趣申請

3/15(五)9:30-10:30 台北中研院人社中心第二會議室
專題演講 " Digital Archives, Utopias and the Machines that make them Hum"
提供給 中研院李小姐([email protected])為您安排免費入場事宜。

另外,Harwood與他的工作伙伴Matsuko Yokokoji和新媒體藝術家鄭淑麗,
本週三人也將在台北、台南、高雄展開三場座談會上介紹他們參與 2013 年
柏林跨媒體藝術節(transmediale 13)的作品,一起討論當代藝術理論與實踐


3月15日(五),下午14:00~17:00 台北當代藝術中心,台灣
3月18日(一),下午16:00~18:00 國立台南藝術大學,台灣
3月19日(二),上午10:00~12:00 高雄市立美術館,台灣
3月21日(四),晚上19:00~21:00 Atsuko Barouh藝術空間,東京,日本


Goldsmiths 文化中心及相關課程介紹:
Digital Culture at the Centre for Cultural Studies.

Digital Culture is a place of fundamental change. Understanding,
shaping and leading that change are graduates from two Masters
programmes at the Digital Culture Unit. The problems of computing are
increasingly those of the social and those of meaning, interpretation,
cultural expression, organization that have been core to the humanities
over the last two millennia. At the same time, computing is now central
to the activity of thought and communication and both computing and
humanities find themselves reconstituted, so that one cannot exist
without the other.

The Digital Culture Unit at the Centre for Culture Studies at
Goldsmiths, University of London brings together researchers who have a
special interest and expertise in digital culture in the broadest sense.
We make software, texts, installations and investigations and edit
journals, make books, art and collaborate with others to take part in
and understand the changes computing is making to all forms of life.
Drawing closely on this research we run two Masters and a PhD programme.

MA Interactive Media, critical theory and practice.

The MA Interactive Media offers students the opportunity to equally
develop theory and practice-based research on the information systems
embedded in the technical, cultural, aesthetic, and political structures
of society and how we interact with them.

Building on the Centre for Cultural Studies research excellence in
software studies, media philosophy and digital arts practices, students
will learn to employ advanced research and practice-based methodologies
to enhance and develop their own skills.

Student research and experiments focus on new and historical modes of
interaction to develop a critical understanding of technical objects in
the way they are implicated in who we are today.

The programme will help students prepare for or develop a critical
career in the cultural, creative, educational, or computational sectors.

Central to the MA is the Centre for Cultural Studies FLOSS (Free Libre
Open Source Software) Media Lab. This is a social hub as well as a place
to study. Students from around the world with different backgrounds and
research interests in software development, design, philosophy, art,
activism, media theory, curating, or programming, share, exchange and
refine skills and specialized knowledge, developing individual and group
projects. As well as attending lectures and seminars, students crucially
spend at least 9 hours a week in the Lab with close supervision in this
technically and critically challenging environment.

The MA is jointly convened by the leading theorist Luciana Parisi
(author of Contagious Architecture. Computation, Aesthetics and Space,
MIT Press), who
teaches Critical Theory and International artist and Lab Director Graham
Harwood (""" who teaches
practice based enquiry. They are joined by theorist Matthew Fuller
(editor of Software Studies, co-author of Evil Media, MIT Press) who
teaches Software Studies; with special
input from Bernard Stiegler (author of Technics and Time) who teaches
Media Philosophy

MA/MSc in Creating Social Media

This unique theory and practice programme combines computing and
cultural studies to provide students with the practical and critical
skills to shape the future impact of social media. You will analyse
existing ideas, approaches and tools and plan, develop, hack and
implement ground-breaking interventions.

The MA/MSc is a collaborative theory/practice programme across the
Department of Computing and the Centre for Cultural Studies. Based on
emerging examples, students explore the technological and intellectual
questions coming to prominence with social media and social computing.

Social media, at its most interesting, develops new forms of connecting,
relating, sharing and competing. Effective and innovative social media
creation, therefore, involves theoretical and practical knowledge of
both software development and social processes. Students learn how to
hack social media, how to conduct digital research, how software tools
enable different forms of social practice, and how social media projects
can be successfully launched.

The capabilities that students develop are helping to transform media,
government, social campaigns, NGOs, companies and startups. Hackdays,
open innovation and the power of networks are becoming core to the
future of many organisations and this programme equips graduates to
accelerate the impact of social media in their chosen field.

Teaching staff include the course convenor Dan McQuillan (co-founder of
Social Innovation Camp) and theorist Matthew
Fuller (editor of Software Studies, co-author of Evil Media, MIT Press), who are joined
for specific sessions by leading developers, practitioners and thinkers.

Contact Centre Manager, Lisa Rabanal [email protected]

Tags: 留學

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FSU 台灣同學會的連絡方式

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2013-03-12T12:47
Hello 各位同學你們好, 在這裡更新一下FSU 台灣學生會的連絡方式 與會副會長連絡請至 Email: 新生可到facebook認識大家 Facebook: 爬文資訊請 ...

今年有人要到U of Oregon讀MA或PHD?

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2013-03-12T12:27
Dear all, 今年任何人要去念UO的graduate program嗎? 我將從U of Hawaii at Manoa轉到UO繼續念博士,如果有研究生也是今年新生 ,我們可以聯絡一下,打個招呼,以及看看能否一起租屋。 KC - ...


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2013-03-12T11:51
原PO想申請語言學校。   是這樣的,元PO上週末拿著大學全學年成績單去台北YMCA詢問時數問題,大一大二修 過第二外語日文,櫃檯人員算了算說,好像有滿150hrs,但是當下又不確定是否大學成績 單是否能夠算數(有點不專業囧),說會幫我問,請問有人是用大學成績單申請的嗎。   不過我想再問一下,YMCA說 ...

USNEWS 2014 Grad School Ranking

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2013-03-12T11:14
好像只有Social Sciences andamp; Humanities 除了犯罪學還是2009 經濟、社會、心理、政治、英文、歷史都更新至2013 - ...

出國後 脫離台灣的生活習慣

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2013-03-12T10:23
想和大家討論討論 大家離開台灣出國後 有哪些事情發覺自己越來越脫離台灣的生活或習慣? 以我來說 剛開始出國時還會常常想念家鄉的美食 到最近回台灣時 突然覺得台灣的美食其實沒有那麼好吃 反而漸漸欣賞起美式的中國菜 另一個例子是 我在美國工作了一陣子之後 每每聽到台灣的朋友聊到在台灣申請工作 ...