Fw: (線上) 英國大學退休教授 提供英文SOP與論文修改服務 - 留學

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2020-12-06T18:31

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※ [本文轉錄自 IELTS 看板 #1VpB2SnZ ]

作者: chilou (studying in UK ) 看板: IELTS
標題: (線上) 英籍大學退休教授 SOP與論文修改服務
時間: Sun Dec 6 18:21:05 2020




3.學歷:PhD and MA (ECON), University of Manchester,

之前是senior lecturer 副教授退休,

網站為 https://utopias.org.uk/


About Dr Gary Daniels

Dr Gary Daniels is fortunate to have enjoyed a long career of teaching and writing in UK universities and owned a successful IELTS business in Asia.

His academic background is first class. As well as teaching, it spans professional writing, editing, and researching.

He holds a MA (Econ) and a PhD from the University of Manchester, UK. He wrote extensively for academic journals and practitioner reports throughout his career and edited a critically acclaimed book for Routledge, one of the world's leading academic publishers.

A Message from Dr Gary Daniels About His Service

Do you need your personal statement or admissions essay turned into a compelling and professional piece of writing?

Look no further!

It is probably true to say that your college application is the most important of your life. So, you will need a person with an established track record of proven excellence in the field of higher education on your side to prepare a flawless personal statement or admission essay. I am that person.

I specialise in editing, strengthening, and polishing academic text. You can take advantage of my knowledge and experience of guiding and inspiring students to achieve their study goals and realise their future career ambitions.

My service is a very straightforward one. Simply send me a rough draft that contains the fundamental components of a personal statement/admissions essay, and I will handle the rest. In doing this, I will use the raw material you have provided to conduct a detailed sentence-by-sentence edit. My redraft will ensure that your writing reads well and expresses the ideas that you want it to.

My writing will reflect the excellent combination of skills and experience you can offer. You have travelled a long way and accomplished so much already, so I will ensure that the narrative we produce together highlights these achievements and portrays your strengths. I will also make sure it is logically structured, appropriately toned, relevant, consistent, and directly addresses the essay question/task. When we are done, your essay/statement will be the best possible version of itself. It will be
elegant, concise, and tidy, with all grammatical and stylistic matters fully attended to. I will furnish you with expert feedback and offer professional advice that will also prove useful in your future studies and career.

Having recently retired, I have the time, energy, and dedication to collaborate with you to transform your draft into an exceptional piece of writing.

Dr Gary Daniels, Utopias English

His services start at 1500TWD (£38).

You can find out more about Dr Gary Daniels, Utopias English at https://utopias.org.uk/

Sent from JPTT on my Samsung SM-N960F.

Tags: 留學

All Comments

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2020-12-06T21:54

申請MS CS 實習主管推薦信擬稿

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2020-12-05T15:56
請問擬稿的內容需要帶入工作上的細節嗎 還是說簡單提到就可以了,也不需要很多技術層面的東西? 再請問MS的推薦信最好至少要500字嗎? 感謝願意回答的各位 - ...


Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2020-12-05T15:24
請問版上有目前住在韓國仁川/蔚山/天安市等地區的版友嗎? 有急事想詢問,麻煩您站內信給我,謝謝大家! - ...


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2020-12-05T13:41
※ 引述《vocafay (GOODCAT)》之銘言: : 我目前是在日本工作多年的小魯蛇 : 工作主要是遊戲日中翻譯,因為今年肺炎影響到升遷,也顧慮到未來的發展, : 加上原本就有想轉職成工程師的念頭,自己也比較偏好技術可以逐年成長的工作類型。 : 最近經過許多考慮後萌生了想進專門學校半工半讀的念頭。 : ...


Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2020-12-05T12:24
【#TWGPS|教育部 109 年鼓勵出國留遊學宣導說明會 #北場】 北部的學子請注意,留遊學宣導說明會北部場就在今天! 除了介紹 7 項留學補助機會,更邀請工程&生醫科技領域的學人,分享自己如何申請獎 學金、出國留學的種種歷程! 對醫學有興趣的學子們,可別錯過專家帶你開拓視野的好機會~ 【活動資訊】 時 ...

NYU Tandon今年比較積極?

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2020-12-05T00:27
大家好 前幾天看到一畝有人NYU Tandon MSCS 2021Fall Program 11/09提交 11/26就錄取了 感覺效率真得高 今天很意外收到NYU Tandon的廣告信 可以自選program後tuition fee waiver 還蠻意外 因為之前接到的廣告信 不是奇怪學校就是奇怪pro ...