ETS官方網站台灣考場分類 - 英檢

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2018-08-29T21:34

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※ 引述《yoyoyoII ()》之銘言:
: 感謝J 大分享,這事件真的可能會影響申請者的權益,
: 小弟不才,請教完老師後,也寫了一封信寄給ETS ,
: 信也寄到ETS 總部和發言人的兩個信箱,歡迎大家複製信件內容一起寄,
: 雖然希望不大,但該發聲就該發聲!
: 收件者:
: [email protected]
: [email protected]
: 主旨:
: Regarding the change from "Taiwan" to "Taiwan, China" on the ETS website
: 內文:
: To whom it may regard at ETS:
: We are more than 5,000 students who plan to/are taking TOEFL this
: year. A few days ago, we noticed that on the ETS website, “Taiwan
: ” has been changed to “Taiwan, China” in both the nationality
: column upon registering for a test and in the address section. We
: find this change really disappointing and firmly believe that this
: is against the values ETS strives to protect. Therefore, we, the
: test-takers from Taiwan, strongly urge ETS to change the
: nationality back to “Taiwan” only, or to “Taiwan, R.O.C” as
: that is what is shown on our passport.
: While we appreciate the effort ETS has spent on improving testing,
: teaching and learning, we think it is essential that the nonprofit
: ETS fights back on threats or temptations to alter the pre-
: existing “Taiwan” nationality, for the action steers away from
: ETS’ mission to “advance quality and equity in education for all
: people worldwide”. We the Taiwanese test-takers firmly believe
: that with “Taiwan, China” shown on our transcript, ETS not only
: denies the diverse student background it acknowledges and
: respects, but deprives the Taiwanese students of the chance to be
: seen as different from the Chinese students by universities and
: graduate schools we wish to apply for. Born and raised in Taiwan,
: we find our life stories very different from the Chinese
: applicants and consider it essential to emphasize the diversity we
: can bring to the foreign institutions we are applying for, and
: thus, we strongly urge ETS to change our nationality back to “
: Taiwan” only.
: For the past years, most of the Taiwanese test-takers prefer TOEFL
: to IETLS. However, the sudden change of “Taiwan” to “Taiwan,
: China” seems to us antithetical to the values that ETS as a
: nonprofit should protect and also steers away from what form the
: cornerstones of both U.S. and Taiwan’s democracy. This change
: then has to deal with the full force of the Taiwanese test-takers
: and perhaps even the foreign institutions we wish to apply for.
: More than 5,000 of the Taiwanese test-takers this year and in the
: years to come might change our minds to take IELTS instead, as
: IELTS still lists “Taiwan” as a nation on its website and on its
: transcript. We have also started writing to schools we wish to
: apply for, complaining about this change and asking the admission
: committees to value IETLS scores more. To avoid this action
: turning into a movement, once again, we suggest ETS to change “
: Taiwan, China” back to “Taiwan” only.
: All in all, we don’t see ETS’ concerns and action being
: legitimate in this case, and we not only urge ETS to put “Taiwan
: ” back on its website, but ask for an explanation to why this
: action has been taken. We strongly feel that only by listing “
: Taiwan” as a nation on the ETS website, can ETS live up to its
: mission to “advance quality and equity in education for all
: people worldwide”, and can it win continuous support from the
: Taiwanese test-takers as well as the schools from around the
: world.
: 建議大家點下方的網頁版連結,以方便複製,
: 寄出後應該會收到ETSinfo 寄來的48 hr 內回覆通知,大家一起捍衛權益吧!

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2018-09-03T00:40
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2018-09-07T16:37
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2018-09-11T18:16
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2018-09-13T06:11
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2018-09-14T04:00
我先前寄信也是收到這種爛回覆,真的很氣! 求後續....


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2018-08-29T18:38
原PO無帳號,此篇為代PO 原文連結: 歡迎同學加入送佛計畫臉書社團唷~~~ ------------------------------我是分隔線---------------------------- ...


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2018-08-29T13:51
標題:一戰103感謝送佛讓我達標出國交換 送佛心得: 考場:STN12587A- Chun Shin Ltd 背景:政大社會大四/大二裸考多益825/沒準備過托福準備時間:二月底至六月中 考試日期:25 Jun 2016 分數結果:總分103/ R27/ L27/ S24/ W25 考試前我對英文的使用只有 ...


Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2018-08-29T12:40
---------高雄--------- 1.『獨立寫作滿分衝刺: 三分鐘構思策略 』免費講座 龔智隆【Jeff老師】 . 美國賓州印第安那大學美語學院/American Language Institute 托福講師 . 萬用構思素材,讓你下筆時文思泉湧 . 如何定義主題,寫作時不再偏題 . 寫作常 ...

代po 托福三戰破百101 感謝Cathy彭湘平

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2018-08-28T23:13
嗨~大家好,我是Cathy彭湘平(FB開喜婆同學會),iBT托福滿分120紀錄保持人。 目前在「經典美語」開班,也有一對一、一對多家教班和自組班,歡迎私訊FB詢問。 八月份考試在週日結束,這週開始國高中開學,緊接著大學也要開學忙碌了。 暑假正式結束,許多同學經過一兩個月的努力也終於要在九月上場迎戰托福了! ...

9/2 SK2 托福雙30分口說+寫作公開課

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2018-08-28T22:06
感謝同學的支持,SK2 TOEFL 九月班也陸續滿班, 如果你晚了一步,不妨先來聽聽我們顧問主講的「免費公開課」! 如果同學打算今年申請,TOEFL 應該盡快搞定, 九月、十月就應該取得理想的TOEFL 分數, 十月以後,才能把時間留給更重要的申請文件! SK2 衝 ...