English Gathering on 1/30 - 林口

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2010-01-27T01:52

Table of Contents

Since we didn't really hold the gathering last week. It would be okay if we

use the same article we were supposed to read last week.

Hence, here's the URL of the article.

Top 10 Useless College Degrees &Classes.


Here's the questions of the article


Maybe we would also share some experience about traveling, in case we have

enough time.

New memebers are always most welcomed. You may directly come to join us or

mail me to the mailbox here and give us a short introduction of yourself. Cell

phone numbers and names are required. You may pick a pseudonym instead.

For memebers, please read the article first and if possible, print it and

bring it to the gathering. Surely we would play few games after discussion.

Hope we all enjoy a great time.

Time of the gathering:

Jan 30th, 2010 at 19:30

Place of the gathering:

文化門市 Wen Hua
服務地址: 台北縣林口鄉文化二路一段551號(家樂福隔壁)
服務電話: (02)2602-5026
營業時間: (一~日)07:30~23:00

該店地址的GOOGLE MAP地圖:

Tags: 林口

All Comments


William avatar
By William
at 2010-01-26T23:54
在msn上看到我朋友的皮夾掉了... 是深咖啡色的男用皮夾 掉在統聯客運門口 他說揀到歸還會請吃飯 拜託撿到的還他,現金拿走就算 他只要證件 他姓叢,還蠻特別的姓 可能是他在當兵,所以證件很重要???? 麻煩有撿到的請站內信通知,拜託大家了~~~~~ - ...


Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2010-01-26T17:38
※ [本文轉錄自 BuyTogether 看板] 作者: Shinesty (Shinesty) 看板: BuyTogether 標題: [綜合] SOLONE眼線膠筆-林口長庚 時間: Tue Jan 26 13:10:23 2010 (1)購買物品介紹、網址: 美妝版很紅的SOLONE眼線膠筆 ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2010-01-26T16:43
玉山銀行‧王建民第一代公仔‧全新 http://goods.ruten.com.tw/item/show?11090625951515 售 $600 (超便宜的啦) 【物品說明】 玉山銀行推出的王建民一代公仔,全新的,謝謝。 【運送說明】 1. and#34;郵寄and#34; 運送。 。 2. ...

FORTE 舒活防護乳液‧涵水活力爽膚液‧男士專用

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2010-01-26T16:38
FORTE 舒活防護乳液‧涵水活力爽膚液‧男士專用 http://goods.ruten.com.tw/item/show?21001180638448 售 $1200 【物品說明】 FORTE and#34;舒活防護乳液and#34; 跟 and#34;涵水活力爽膚液and#34; 各一瓶‧這是 F ...


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2010-01-26T15:52
http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php?i=wendy2282001andamp;b=21andamp;f=1511348213andamp;p=13 ↑就是像這種的!! 不知道大家都怎麼處理他~~ 丟塑膠回收嗎? 請知道的板友與我說~ 感恩 -- ...