English conversation partner(Deadline:4/24 12pm) - 自學

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2006-04-24T01:32

Table of Contents

My name is Patch
I'm a MBA student in NCCU.
I'm looking for a team of 4 people to use Business Week
http://www.businessweek.com/search/06brows1.htm as conversation material
We could discuss the article 1-2 times a week. Each time is about 30-60 mins.

I hope we could pratice English through skype most of the time.
If time is possible, we could also meet on the weekend.(in Taipei)

My background:
I just came back from the Universtiy of Washington this January.
I studies there for a quarter as an exchange student.
I hope you could have some basic English conversation skills.
I'm going to work for a foreign company next month and my boss is a German.
I passed the GEPT high-intermediate level few years ago and
have toefl score 253

My proper chatting time is 10-12pm

If you are interested in, please send a mail to me, tell me your brief
introduction, msn, and skype account.

Tags: 自學

All Comments


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2006-04-23T22:02
我也好想加入阿!! 大家一起來把英文給學好吧!! 我的目標是多益金色證書 andamp; 希望未來能夠走英語教學方便的工作 MSN:c0706750athotmail.com : ※ 引述《tenry (tenry)》之銘言: : : 嗯 : : 不過這個讀書會有在運作嗎 : : 我這一個月多來一直敲別人 ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2006-04-22T21:00
我想徵個可以在msn用打字聊天 或是skype用mic聊的朋友 希望有意願的人能密我一下:P 因為我是上班族. 聊天時間可能不固定 可以接受的人再密我唄:) - ...


Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2006-04-22T14:45
我也想加入^^不知道來不來得及?! 我的MSN是littleray519atyahoo.com.tw 本身英文是大四生 有打算去澳洲進修 英文中等 請各位大大讓我加入 謝謝 ※ 引述《tenry (tenry)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《ingridwu (我愛kiki andamp; l ...

英語討論會 - 中和板橋

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2006-04-22T02:46
想要找人一起練習英文... 口說或閱讀都可以..... 希望5人以內... 時間: 一周2次, 晚上8:30後(從內湖回來比較晚), 1hr 地點: 中和或板橋的 速食店, 目前prefer 中和Jusco的21世紀(到晚上11點) 目的: 想考TOEIC, 但是閱讀方面要再加強 練習方式: 個人在家先看英 ...


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2006-04-21T23:53
如果要學好公司理財、財務管理等科目的話 請大家推薦ㄧ本或者數本相關書籍與作者 我想要去圖書館先借來自修看看,如果真的不錯 我會再配合原文版做更深入的學習! 希望大大們能夠給我ㄧ些意見。感激不盡 - ...