ECE PhD Positions at Virginia Tech - 留學

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2021-10-04T13:04

Table of Contents

Dr. Lingjia Liu's lab in Wireless@Virginia Tech is recruiting PhD students
in Signal Processing/Machine Learning/Optimization for Beyond 5G Wireless

Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of
Engineering, Virginia Tech, USA.

Required Qualifications:
1. A M.S. degree on signal processing/machine learning/communications/
networking or related fields.
2. Passionate about the research challenges in Beyond 5G and 6G wireless
3. Good understanding in stochastic process, communication systems, MIMO
and/or radar.
4. Sufficient programming skills in Python, and C/C++.
5. System building experience (e.g., USRP, etc) is a plus.

Highly motivated candidates are encouraged to apply. Application
inquiries should be sent by email to Dr. Lingjia Liu ([email protected])
1. A research statement indicating the candidate's research interests,
achievements, plans, and how these fit with the above position
requirements and our ongoing research.
2. Detailed curriculum vitae that includes a full list of publications and
GPA of graduate studies.
3. Contact of two or three referees.

More information about PhD positions can be found in:
For more information about research interests:

Tags: 留學

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2022 Fall 中低GPA 轉CS求建議

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2021-10-04T11:24
各位前輩好 想要請教前輩對於選校的看法 我自己預估自己的區間是在30~50 如果有錯誤還麻煩前輩們糾正 以下是個人背景 Background - BA. NTU Econ - Overall GPA: 3.59/4.3(3.53/4.0) - T: 104(R27 L29 S22 W26) - G: ...

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By John
at 2021-10-03T21:33
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Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2021-10-03T14:18
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