despite ... even - 英檢

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2011-12-19T00:32

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Despite the undoubted difficulties in the short run, even a messy democracy
could eventually be a rich prize—and not just for Egyptians.


FROM fear of autocracy through euphoria to fear of chaos: over the past ten
days, Egypt has been through an intense emotional arc. The protests that
started with a few thousand people on January 25th escalated to a thrilling
climax on February 1st, when hundreds of thousands assembled in Cairo’s
Tahrir Square to demand the removal of Hosni Mubarak, and then deteriorated
into violence as the president’s supporters attacked demonstrators.

But despite the ugly scenes mid-week, the developments in Egypt should be
welcomed. A downtrodden region is getting a taste of freedom. In the space of
a few miraculous weeks, one Middle Eastern autocrat has fallen, and another,
who has kept the Arabs’ mightiest country under his thumb for 30 years, is
tottering. The 350m-strong Arab world is abuzz with expectation; its ageing
autocrats are suddenly looking shaky. These inspiring events recall the
universal truth that no people can be held in bondage for ever.

For some in the West, which has tended to put stability above democracy in
its dealings with the Middle East, these developments are disturbing. Now
that the protests have sucked the life out of Mr Mubarak’s regime, they
argue, the vacuum will be filled not by democrats but by chaos and strife or
by the Muslim Brothers, the anti-Western, anti-Israeli opposition. They
conclude that America should redouble its efforts to secure a lengthy “
managed transition” by shoring up either Mr Mubarak or someone like him.

The Rosetta revolution

That would be wrong. The popular rejection of Mr Mubarak offers the Middle
East’s best chance for reform in decades. If the West cannot back Egypt’s
people in their quest to determine their own destiny, then its arguments for
democracy and human rights elsewhere in the world stand for nothing. Change
brings risks—how could it not after so long?—but fewer than the grim
stagnation that is the alternative.

Revolutions do not have to be like those in France in 1789, Russia in 1917 or
Iran in 1979. The protests sweeping the Middle East have more in common with
the popular colour revolutions that changed the world map in the late 20th
century: peaceful (until the government’s thugs turned up), popular (no
Robespierre or Trotsky running things behind the scenes), and secular (Islam
has hardly reared its head). Driven by the power of its citizens, Egypt’s
upheaval could lead to a transformation as benign as those in eastern Europe.

Pessimists point out that Egypt has neither the institutions nor the
political leadership to ensure a smooth transition. But if it did, the people
would not have taken to the streets. No perfectly formed democracy is about
to emerge from the detritus of Mr Mubarak’s regime. Disorder seems likely to
reign for some time. But Egypt, though poor, has a sophisticated elite, a
well-educated middle class and strong sense of national pride. These are good
grounds for believing that Egyptians can pull order out of this chaos.

Fear of the Muslim Brotherhood is anyway overdone. It is true that the
Brothers produced Ayman al-Zawahiri, now Osama bin Laden’s number two and
chief ideologue; the writings of Sayyid Qutb, the Brothers’ leading thinker
in the 1950s and 1960s, are certainly intolerant and hostile to the West. Any
new Egyptian government, especially if it included the Brothers, would
probably be harder on Israel and easier on Hamas, the Islamist offshoot that
runs the Gaza Strip between Egypt and Israel, the very existence of which it
in theory rejects.

Yet the Brothers are a varied bunch, and more flexible than they were. Though
some argue for rescinding Egypt’s peace treaty of 1979 with Israel, they
probably would not risk another war. Nor would they obviously win elections.
They are respected for their piety, discipline and resilience, but estimates
of their popularity hover around 20% and have been falling. If they did
better than that, perhaps even winning power at the ballot box, some fear
they might never let go. But Islamists participate in elections in countries
such as Turkey, Malaysia and Indonesia where democracy has taken hold.

If democracy is to flourish in Egypt, the Brothers must be allowed to compete
for power; and the lesson of the past few weeks is that the alternative to
democracy is a dead end. For several years now, unable to renew its
institutions or find jobs for its youth, Egypt has been becoming more
repressive. To leave 85m people to live under dictatorship—burdened by a
corrupt and brutal police force, the suppression of the opposition, and the
torture of political prisoners—would not just be morally wrong; it would
also light the fuse for the next uprising. Some would wish to install a new
strongman and wait for him to create the conditions for a secular democracy.
But autocrats rarely plan for their own removal, as the sad state of the
Middle East shows.

Barack and Mubarak

Despite the undoubted difficulties in the short run, even a messy democracy
could eventually be a rich prize—and not just for Egyptians. A democratic
Egypt could once again be a beacon to the region. It could help answer the
conundrum of how to incorporate Islam in Arab democracies. And, though Israel
is understandably fearful of the threats on its borders, an Egyptian
government that speaks for the people might one day contribute more to a
settlement with the Palestinians than an authoritarian’s “cold peace” ever

The West can help win this prize. Its pursuit of stability above democracy
has damaged its image, but it can make amends now. America in particular
still has influence with Egypt’s political, business and military elite. If
it uses that, it could help speed the transition from autocracy through chaos
to a new order and improve its standing in the region.

Egypt’s upheaval may make Westerners nervous, but when Egyptians demand
freedom and self-determination, they are affirming values that the West lives
by. There is no guarantee that Egypt’s revolution will turn out for the
best. The only certainty is that autocracy leads to upheaval, and the best
guarantor of stability is democracy.

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2011-12-21T04:40
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2011-12-25T04:03

三戰96分 適合中程度的人準備

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2011-12-18T22:20
三戰96 沒補習準備心得 適合中間程度的人 以往看到板上十篇心得文有九篇是破百 加上自己身邊的親朋好友每個都破百考完回來 當下誤以為真的這麼好考 結果才發現不是這麼一回事 建議大家準備上要嚴謹 要認真一點 不然花錢多考錢包會很難過 R L S W Total DEC ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2011-12-18T20:41
想請問大家今天考試的成績發放會因為聖誕節delay嗎 (下面補一點聽力) ※ 引述《LeedaJen (jen)》之銘言: : 聽力實在是大悲咒了 噢不是太悲劇了 : 知道大家寫得如何T_____T : 閱讀分別是 : 第一篇有點忘 是講中古時代歐洲的humanism : 以及如何對抗反對者像律師哲學家 ...


Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2011-12-18T20:30
聽力實在是大悲咒了 噢不是太悲劇了 知道大家寫得如何T_____T 閱讀分別是 第一篇有點忘 是講中古時代歐洲的humanism 以及如何對抗反對者像律師哲學家等(有題) 第二篇是鳥類habitat selection 寫得快樂許多 第三篇是撒哈拉沙漠的生活方式 聽力 我暈死了 尤其是月球那篇le ...


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2011-12-18T19:43
我之前幾堂因為遲到,第三堂財開始上面授課, 有些部分沒錄音,也沒聽到老師說啥, 今天老師說,它有推薦的字典, 想請問去上課的同學,是哪一本? and 第三堂或第四堂的老師說的 讀字彙的方法是怎樣? 因為上課遲到,我只聽到後半段, 好像說要查字典... 是看到生字就查嘛? 另外,想請問有沒有人有錄第一堂和第二堂 ...


Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2011-12-18T18:22
我對你的立意感到肯定 但這樣的結論我也有一點看法 但是我想表達的是 這件事情的因和果 今天版上的確可以有免費講座文 也不止一間補習班有 po 出這樣的文章 為何 SK2 的 po 文需要這樣被回文對嗆? 如果課程有質疑 那 SK2 團隊虛心接受 如果以一個身 ...