County magistrate paints bright future for Yilan - 宜蘭

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2009-10-26T10:46

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針對近年來宜蘭經濟建設的發展 觀光產業的蓬勃以及綠能產業的前進等




民宿業者部分 待外籍人士編輯完成後也會放上來與各位分享

未來 縣府也會持續地朝國際化 學術化的方向

讓宜蘭縣的行銷不只在縣內 國內 更朝全世界邁進

也請各位提供意見 讓我們宜蘭的每一項特色都能在國際上發光發熱

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‧Publication Date:10/23/2009
‧Source: Taiwan Today
‧By Chiayi Ho

In 2006, work on the Hsuehshan Tunnel—an expressway linking Taipei and Yilan
counties—was completed, signifying the dawn of a new era. According to Yilan
County Magistrate Lu Guohwa, the 16-year wait to put this piece of strategic
infrastructure in place was well worth it. Not only does the tunnel serve as
a transport corridor between his county and the capital, but it has helped lay
the foundation for Yilan’s long-term economic success.

“The government has made great strides in fulfilling infrastructure promises
made to the geographically disadvantaged people of Yilan County,” Lu said in
an exclusive interview with “Taiwan Today” Oct. 17. “The opening of the
tunnel ensures that locals can access social and economic opportunities,
while allowing goods to move from their point of origin to destination quickly
and inexpensively.”

With the end of his term as county magistrate approaching, the 53-year-old
regional leader reflected on his administration’s efforts to embrace the
opportunities presented by the tunnel and changing economic landscape.

“When it comes to constructing a better county for the residents of Yilan,
my team has utilized a pragmatic and fresh approach,” he said.
“This has delivered real gains in employment, environmental sustainability,
diversified culture, health care and social justice.”

But Lu’s take on Yilan’s economic performance is not just the words of an
optimistic public official eyeing re-election. According to the latest data
released by the Cabinet-level Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and
Statistics, Yilan’s 461,500 residents enjoyed an unemployment rate of 5.5
percent for the first half of this year—the lowest in Taiwan and under the
national average of 5.73 percent.

“Developing multiple industries and creating job opportunities remained a
firm priority throughout my four-year administration,” Lu said.
“To achieve this goal, we have sought to facilitate convenient transportation,
improve the investment environment and create business incentives. These have
all been decisive factors in stopping the flight of jobs and creating new

Having long despaired at Yilan’s sluggish economic growth, one of the first
initiatives Lu unveiled after unseating two-term Democratic Progressive Party
incumbent Liu Shou-cheng in 2005, was a series of measures aimed at boosting
the local tourism, information technology and photovoltaic industries.

Renowned for its stunning mountain and coastal vistas, hot spring resorts and
a wide selection of high quality fresh produce, Yilan’s tourism potential is
without peer in Taiwan. As the county’s leading industry and major source of
revenue, tourism has received strong support from Lu’s administration in terms
of coordinated progressive policymaking.

“Given the quality service provided by five-star hotels, we have sought to
promote their establishment in an effort to upgrade the local service industry
and attract more international tourists.”

According to the local government’s Department of Tourism and Business,
eight five-star hotel construction projects totaling NT$17.9 billion
(US$551.44 million) are underway in Yilan. Upon completion, 1,600 hotel rooms
will be added to the region and nearly 2,000 job opportunities created.

Lu explained that a “tourism factory” plan, designed to help local businesses
upgrade their operations through cooperation with the county government,
related business associations, and academia, has played a crucial role in
developing the tourism industry. This has seen local organizations such as
Lotung Farmers’ Association and King Car Whisky Distillery transformed into
thriving tourism-orientated firms.

For the county magistrate, the creation of a low-pollution economy featuring
a high value-added products industry is the optimal outcome of his policies.
“This has seen the creation of multiple job opportunities, brought
improvements in the quality of the local workforce, and most importantly,
dispelled the myth of Yilan not being capable of sustaining a viable
information technology industry.”

“Considering the promising future prospects of low-carbon industries, along
with our commitment to protecting the environment, choosing to foster a
photovoltaic industry has been a solid decision,” Lu said. “In targeting
green industry projects, we will do whatever it takes to make the PV sector
shine brightly in this county.”

Year to date, total PV sector investment in Lung-Te Industrial Park—the
county’s premier IT manufacturing zone—reached NT$55.3 billion. This was
split mainly between Sunrise Global Solar Energy Co. Ltd., Taiwan
Semiconductor Co. Ltd., Unitech Co. Ltd., and other related PV-makers,
according to the local government’s Industrial Development and Investment
Promotion Committee.

In addition to its rosy economic outlook, the county also consistently tops
livability surveys. This is attributed in part to a variety of programs
covering beautification, heritage management and service enhancements.

Last month, Yilan was rated “the best county to live in” by voters
participating in an online survey conducted by Yahoo Taiwan Inc. Moreover,
the region is recognized as having one of Taiwan’s most effective local
government-run cancer prevention schemes, according to the results of a
recent survey released by local publication, “Common Health Magazine.”

Lu believes that such accomplishments are a credit to his administration’s
painstaking efforts to create new industries for Yilan and offering residents
a “better home for life.” “But my work is not yet finished,” he said.
“There is still much to be done.” (JSM)

Write to Chiayi Ho at [email protected]


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Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2009-10-29T04:03
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2009-10-31T21:19
Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2009-11-03T14:35
縣長真神 ... 十幾年沒住宜蘭剛還會收您的簡訊 ..科科
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2009-11-06T07:51
縣長可以translation一下嗎?!= =
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2009-11-09T01:08
五樓快推 不然別人以為你看不懂XD
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2009-11-11T18:24
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2009-11-14T11:40
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2009-11-17T04:57
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2009-11-19T22:13
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2009-11-22T15:29
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2009-11-25T08:46
換用英語寫作文了 還是跑攤比較實在 畢竟才是大人的優點呀
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2009-11-28T02:02
他提的政策都沒配套的 = =
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2009-11-30T19:18
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2009-12-03T12:34
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2009-12-06T05:51
推縣長 看不得別人好的綠青就省省力吧
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2009-12-08T23:07
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2009-12-11T16:23
有時間快點整理部落格(你的官網)和白皮書好嗎? 一點願景都
George avatar
By George
at 2009-12-14T09:40


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2009-10-24T00:22
這樣的標題或許聳動,但是卻一點也不為過。我們或許不得不承認的,早年的宜蘭縣,或 許建立了所謂的宜蘭精神,以環保、清新、無汙染所發展出的宜蘭精神。但在這些年台灣 的發展下,這樣的宜蘭精神也成為宜蘭縣面臨生死存亡、危急之秋的最大關鍵。 以早年的桃園縣為例,再劉前縣長、呂前縣長的經營下,正逢台灣欣欣向榮蓬勃發展的 ...


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2009-10-23T22:25
※ 引述《bonus23 (櫻桃小丸子)》之銘言: : 最近看到宜蘭多處淹水嚴重 : 是否應該多造圳溝排解? : 不然每次看到這種新聞 實在很痛苦 : 尤其近來天氣變化可怕 動不動就下大雨 : 而且還下不停 : 真是讓人捏一把冷汗!! 其實宜蘭的溝圳非常發達, 只是現在都淤積了 清代沒有南北向 ...


Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2009-10-23T10:41
大家好 我是呂國華 盧碧颱風動向難測 但給咱們宜蘭帶來了滂沱大雨 各地又開始有了淹水的現象 請各位出門時務必小心留意 也請家人朋友們注意安全 如果有發現淹水事宜 尤其山區偏遠之處 需要府方立即處理的 請各位馬上通知我們 除了既定聯絡方式之外 03-9252886 也可以聯繫我們 或寄站 ...


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2009-10-22T09:30
無双樂團在10.24日首次在宜蘭演出,並將與日本鬼太鼓座、台北極鼓擊合演『無双』 古城七十藝術節 日期:98年10月24日 時間:20:55~22:00, 探索古城 九芎盛會 (國際藝術演繹) 地點:宜蘭運動公園 地址:宜蘭縣宜蘭市中山路一段755號 電話:03-933-4034 古城七十藝術節活動地點 ...

葛瑪蘭客運週五下午五點從板橋到羅東的 …

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2009-10-22T01:11
因為之前是個標準的宜蘭人在台北上班,每星期搭車往返台北宜蘭 說一下看對大家有沒有用,蠻多人常問的首都跟葛瑪蘭的搭車好了! 很簡單的三個搭車情況 一、如果你都已經計畫好你的行程了,就搭葛瑪蘭吧   葛瑪蘭可以事先劃位(一個月內都可以劃)。行車時間…你就不用擔心了 再怎麼久,也差不多兩個小時左右,反 ...