Common Errors辨正測驗(出自Longman) - 英檢

By Caitlin
at 2010-04-27T16:38
at 2010-04-27T16:38
Table of Contents
The New York Times、Fortune、經濟人、Forbes等雜誌,但在練習寫作要下筆時還
如果反應不錯的話以後會繼續分享的 ^^
又,因為例句都出自於字典,應該是不太可能有錯,有錯的話就是我手誤( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏
Error Correction Test
[1] I was about leaving when the telephone rang.
[2] I went to her house at four o'clock but she was absent.
[3] These people accept to take risks in order to succeed.
[4] Where I come from, we are not accustomed to see so many things in the
[5] A newspaper can be afforded by most people.
[6] I want to get my coat back because I can't afford the money for a new one.
[7] The inspector asked to see his ticket, as I had done a few minutes ago.
[8] All of us didn't want to go to bed.
[9] It is not allowed to talk in the library.
[10] The man was covered in blood but the woman was allright.
[11] I hope you are feeling alright now.
[12] We decided to make alternative arrangements in case the hotel was fully
[13] He put the knives altogether in the middle of the table.
[14] The amount of accidents is steadily increasing.
[15] Large amounts of money is required.
[16] I'm writing in reply to your letter that I've received two days ago.
Cloze Test
[1] The sales manager was absent _____ the meeting.
[2] People think he resigned _____ his own accord.
[3] _____ the afternoon we have two hours of classes.
[4] There's a meeting _____ Thursday afternoon.
?? Test
[1] Add "also" to this sentence: We would like to be given more fresh food.
那個…我很想說打得很辛苦,所以推文太少的話我就不公佈答案 XD
All Comments

By Kama
at 2010-05-01T04:40
at 2010-05-01T04:40

By Edward Lewis
at 2010-05-02T16:33
at 2010-05-02T16:33

By Bethany
at 2010-05-06T19:53
at 2010-05-06T19:53

By Carol
at 2010-05-10T12:09
at 2010-05-10T12:09

By Selena
at 2010-05-13T19:26
at 2010-05-13T19:26

By Elizabeth
at 2010-05-14T09:00
at 2010-05-14T09:00

By Todd Johnson
at 2010-05-15T22:11
at 2010-05-15T22:11

By Isabella
at 2010-05-17T00:37
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