CAS信上提到的語言能力 - 留學

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2012-05-19T23:15

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哈囉大家~ 昨天拿到了CAS number,雖然很興奮但也有些小疑惑耶><

在pre-sessional裡面他寫了You have been assessed as meeting the academic
requirements for this programme of study on the basis of your IELTS score of
7. 但我雅思只有6.5耶!!!該怎辦!!???

另外在我的master programme中也寫到English Language Proficiency: UCL has
assessed the English language proficiency as at or above B2 level in all four
components of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
in line with the requirements of the UK Border Agency.請問B2標準,以我的條件
ielts 6.5是否合格呢??


In order to complete your visa application form you will need to quote the
information provided below together with your Confirmation of Acceptance for
Studies (CAS) number.

The details UCL have supplied to the UK Border Agency in order to generate
your CAS number are:

Programme title: 8 week Pre-sessional English Language Course
Method of study: Full-time/Minimum 20 hours per week
Start date: 16 July 2012
Anticipated end date: 07 September 2012
Cost of tuition: £3000.00
ATAS: An ATAS clearance check is not needed for this programme of study.
You have been assessed as meeting the academic requirements for this
programme of study on the basis of your IELTS score of 7. This Pre-sessional
course will normally lead to a further programme of study at UCL.

Programme title: MSc Geographic Information Science
Academic Level: Taught Masters Degree
Method of Study: Full-time
Start date: 24 September 2012
Anticipated end date: 23 September 2013
Cost of tuition: £20000.00
ATAS: An ATAS clearance check is not needed for this programme of study.
You have been assessed as meeting the academic requirements for the programme
of study on the basis of your Bachelor degree from National Chengchi
University, Taiwan.
English Language Proficiency: UCL has assessed the English language
proficiency as at or above B2 level in all four components of the CEFR
(Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) in line with the
requirements of the UK Border Agency.
UCL confirms that this programme of study represents academic progression.
Sponsor Note: The tuition fees for the pre-sessional course have been paid in

Tags: 留學

All Comments

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2012-05-24T15:17
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2012-05-28T17:57
好快就收到了~~~~~~ 我還沒收到~~~~~~
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2012-05-31T16:00
繳完費用就會很快收到喔:)) 等禮拜一學校回我信囉><
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2012-06-05T10:48
學校回我信囉 是助理手誤打錯了 也幫我更正成6.5了
各項文件果然都要精讀 不然到現場才發現錯誤就麻煩了
祝大家也順利申請各項文件 :d


Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2012-05-19T22:09
我是愛大的學生 有flat在市中心(EH1) en-suite double-bed room 可以接受短租到7/6 需要的同學可以聯繫我喔 - ...


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2012-05-19T20:24
※ 引述《SanaKurata (莎南)》之銘言: : 大家好, : 我今年要去Sheffield念MScManagement, : 預計七月底去念六週的presession。 : 目前代辦是推薦我presession時住opal 3,因為就在對面~ : 但之後念MSc...我正在猶豫要選擇opal 3 還是 ...


Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2012-05-19T15:25
真的很感謝當初回應這篇文章鼓勵我: 還來得及趕快申請的人! 我上週五5/11才送出申請 昨天5/12就收到university of york 的 cond. offer! (MSc in Environmental Mang.) (太快了吧! 不到一週耶! 是學校很缺錢嗎? 大家有遇過類似情形嗎?) 不過 ...


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2012-05-19T14:35
去年剛從蘇格蘭回來,看到這篇,回饋貢獻一下版友 若是要飛北歐,同時可考慮下面的便宜航空公司(沒有到廉價,但相對便宜) 1.挪威人航空 挪威人航空也是便宜航空的一種,但是票價會根據你訂的早晚而有價差 之前我們旅遊從德國Hamburg搭德鐵到Copenhagen ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2012-05-19T12:18
大家好, 我今年要去Sheffield念MScManagement, 預計七月底去念六週的presession。 目前代辦是推薦我presession時住opal 3,因為就在對面~ 但之後念MSc...我正在猶豫要選擇opal 3 還是opal 2, 聽說兩棟都蠻新的(?) o3或許可以省去一次搬家麻煩, ...